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雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版(11篇)

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雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版(11篇)
时间:2023-04-04 14:00:55     小编:zdfb


雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇一



   mass transit n. 公共交通

   commuter n. 通勤者

   have an edge over sb. 比某人有优势

   comfort n.[u] 舒适度

   tolerate vt. 忍受

   cramped adj. 〔因空间不够而〕受限制的,拥挤的

   carriage n.[c] (火车的)车厢


  considering the slower traffic flow, some schemes should be prioritised. of all the measures, the best one is to provide the public with more options of transport that are accessible, comfortable, punctual and affordable. to this end, the government can better the public transit, such as opening more metro lines, optimising the schedule of buses and undergrounds, and upgrading the facilities of the stations and carriages. additionally, more shared bicycles can be offered to motivate commuters who travel within a short distance, and to guarantee the safety of cyclists, roads should be redesigned with bicycle lanes added. given more convenient alternatives, citizens are more likely to desert the current travelling mode, thus alleviating the tension of heavy traffic.



   punctual adj. 准时的

   better vt. 完善

   optimise vt. 优化

   upgrade vt. 升级

   desert vt. 放弃


  to recapitulate, since possible factors and feasible remedies have been enumerated, the issue of traffic congestion can hopefully be addressed with the aforementioned policies implemented.



   recapitulate v. 总结




雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇二

major cities worldwide are experiencing rapid growth which can cause many problems. this essay will discuss the problems specific to young people living in cities undergoing exponential growth, and suggest some solutions.


rapid growth 迅猛增长

exponential growth 按指数增长

while a growing city creates a booming job market, young people are adversely affected by their lack of experience in the employment sector and the perception that youth equates to immaturity and incompetence. furthermore, for many youth the ability to successfully gain employment is hindered by the sheer number of applicants seeking work. moreover, a rapidly growing city also tends to incur a higher cost of living. even for those able to successfully find work, their income is likely to be much lower than those with work experience. their salaries may be insufficient in meeting the costs of living, and this kind of borderline poverty can exacerbate other symptoms of overpopulation, such as depression and stress.


to alleviate such problems, governments can work with employers to enable them to hire younger staff. this can be done through incentives such as subsidies for these employers, and apprenticeships, where young people can learn and earn while on the job. not only does this mean young people gain experience, making them more employable in the future, their employers also benefit from the fresh perspectives and natural affinity for tech that younger people bring. in turn, this creates further job opportunities for young people, where they are able to work in higher-paying jobs, thus alleviating financial burdens.


benefit from 从…中获益

it is important that governments recognise the problems young people face in growing cities, and equally, the value young people can bring to their cities. by creating opportunities and meaningful employment for young people, they, their employers, and society at large all benefit.


bring to



雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇三


behind children’s upbringing usually lie sundry factors, of which, from my perspective, the external impacts rather than parental ones make a larger difference.


upbringing n. 教养,培养

concession + refutation

as an inseparable part in children’s life, the family does play a crucial role in their growth. this is mainly because children, especially when they are at an early age, are usually accompanied by their parents, whose personal examples and didactic manners will impact kids’ conduct. in other words, such is the instinct that young kids are inclined to imitate what their parents do, which naturally follows that children, to some extent, seem to be the miniatures to mirror what kinds of people their parents are.// however, does the family have the greatest influence? the answer may be “no”. such impacts decay as children grow older, since they are less likely to be parasitic on the family as they used to be.


didactic adj. 爱说教的

miniature n. 缩影

mirror vt. 反映,反射

decay vi. (力量、影响等)衰退,减少

be parasitic on 寄生于


as a matter of fact, information derived from the outside world matters more. <总分展开> for starters, compared with parents, who themselves may not be well-educated, authoritative teachers tend to exert more influences on children’s nurturing, whether academically or morally. to illustrate, in class, knowledgeable teachers assume their inescapable responsibilities by imparting certain knowledge and skills into children’s mind; after class, it is teachers that figure out and correct students’ disciplinary problems when observing how children interact with their classmates.// besides, with the cutting-edge technologies progressing, children are bombarded with mountains of information through digital gadgets on hand, which gradually facilitates them to foster their own values, with guardians who are often wrapped up in their work being less influential.

解析:细化外界因素,对比论证家长的影响如何减少:1.学校教育:老师无论在学术上还是道德上,都对孩子有影响,且相比较自己没有受过良好教育的家长更具权威性;2. 科技发展,孩子的信息渠道增多,而家长忙于工作,无法一直严格监管。

be wrapped up in sth. 把全部精力放在某事上(以至于没有时间关心其他事)


in light of the above, it is crystal-clear that the impacts from the family are overshadowed when set against those from outside the home.


雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇四

describe a shop that just opened in your hometown

you should say:

where the shop is

when it opened

what it sells

and how you feel about the shop



talking about the shop that just opened, the first thing came to me is a select shop opened last month in my hometown. it is located in the downtown business area where there are many fancy shopping malls and high-grade office buildings. plenty of people pass by it everyday. in the shop, there are many luxury goods from different famous brands like coach, calvin klein, michael kors etc, and there are also many goods with no names but good quality. there are many categories of goods like glasses, purses, bags and clothes, and all these goods are selected by the owner from different places. you can always find something you like there. so it is quite popular among white-collars who work in that area.

to me, this place is great. its decoration is quite delicate and exotic. it has large french windows and the shop is spanided into different exhibition parts. all goods are exhibited orderly on the shelf. besides, i like the owner of the shop. she is a chic young lady who has a good taste. she has traveled to many different places in the world and selected all the goods by herself. she likes to share her travel experiences and understanding of fashion with her customers. so she is like a friend to me.

雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇五

some people believe that university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future. others think they should focus on academic study only. 

discuss both views and give your own opinion.

: (agree with both in equal measure)

: work focus

: academic focus 

some people believe that = there are those that think

university education = universities

focus on = concentrateon

the skills of employment for the future = preparing students for the labor market

they = these institutions

only = exclusively

universities = post-secondary academic institutes

standard phrase for the “discuss and opinion” type of essay:

there are those that think

; whereas, others feel

in my opinion, i believe

in equal measure 同等的;同样的

words showing cohesion (c&c):

; whereas

standard ielts essay phrase:

one of the primary purposes of ... is to

this means

雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇六

  for one thing, good education does have its edges. to start with, it enables students to lay a firm theoretical foundation for academic development. when receiving formal schooling, students can not only polish their knowledge and sharpen their wits but also cultivate the vital ability to carry out empirical research, both of which are the bases of obtaining research findings. besides, good education also helps to build up sound personal qualities conducive to academic achievements. no one comes into fame overnight. without characters of resilience and diligence, students who fail to withstand the frustration brought by repeated failure are less likely to win the honourable titles with flying colours.// however, as those theories are so abstract and obscure, students with ordinary learnability may thus lag behind.



  polish vt. 打磨;润色

  empirical adj. 以科学实验[经验]为依据的

  research findings n. 科研成果

  conducive to adj. 对…有用的

  come into fame overnight 一夜成名

  resilience n.[u] 韧劲

  diligence n.[u] 勤勉

  with flying colours 成功地

  lag behind vi. 落后


  for another, inspanidual ability also matters a great deal. to illustrate, as such honorary titles are few and far between and thus hard to come by, the competition for the few positions available each year is extremely intensegiven the sea of applicants applying. therefore, those who have a facility for academics tend to have a flying start in the rat race, as it is easier for them to understand those obscure theories and sophisticated experiment steps. // however, it is a commonplace that some with a faculty for academics finally fail to stand out in academia owing to either the lack of formal schooling or the absence of character nurturing.



  few and far between adj. 少之又少

  come by v. 获得

  intense adj. 激烈的

  given prep. 考虑到

  facility n.[c] 天赋

  a flying start n. 好的开始

  obscure adj. 晦涩难懂的

  sophisticated adj. 精密的

  faculty n.[c] 天赋

  in a nutshell, well-educated people with scholastic aptitude have the most potential to achieve academic success.



  scholastic adj. 学术的

  aptitude n.[c] 天赋




雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇七

some people think technological development can reduce crime, while others think it actually encourages crime.

discuss both views and give your own opinion.




(让步)it must be conceded(承认)that in many ways technology aids in crime prevention and forensics(法医学;辩论术). security systems such as surveillance cameras and financial tracking databases discourage would-be criminals from breaking the law, as they are aware of the ease with which they may be tracked, caught, and prosecuted(起诉). also, new breakthroughs in dna testing and computer simulations have made it easier to reconstruct crime scenes and identify criminals. (转折)however, the issue with this argument is that not all criminals are dissuaded(劝阻) by the knowledge of these systems, and while they do increase the likelihood of catching people who have committed crimes, these technological improvements do not necessarily prevent the crimes themselves from occurring.



雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇八







雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇九

some people think the government should ban dangerous sports and some others think it is a freedom to choose the activities we want to. discuss both view and give your opinion. 有人认为政府应该限制危险性的运动,有人认为人人有权利选择自己喜爱的运动。讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。


{首段}:背景介绍 + 作家立场

such is human nature to explore the unknown. a trend is that numerous people are keen on embarking on challenging sports events such as mountain biking, rock climbing or scuba spaning , especially among those dynamic young adults. my stand is that we should pursue excitement and sense of refreshment in the dull routine daily life. after all, life without risk is no life at all.

【解析】:life without risk is no life at all 人生没有冒险就不能称其为人生。


granted, many virtues could be gained via undertaking those risky sports activities. primarily, the extreme adventures can be taken as an effective way to help players relieve their pressure and vent their negative emotions, for the occupied modern life often deprives one’s right of seeking relaxation. the popularity of bungee jumping accounts for risky sports’ significant function in terms of reducing stress. imaginably, one’s working efficiency could be highly enhanced after doing his or her favorite sports events. moreover, not only can the extreme adventures exert wholesome impacts , but it also could foster one’s skills, chasten one’s tenacity and forge one’s frustration toleration. some extreme adventures, such as rock climbing and surfing, requires high techniques or much stamina . ultimately, the extreme adventures could be developed into tempting tourism items, which could generate immense economic value.


extreme adventures can be taken as an effective way to help players relieve their pressure and vent their negative emotions. 极限运动是一种很好的方式去帮助运动者缓解压力,释放不良情绪。

2. it also could foster one’s skills, chasten one’s tenacity and forge one’s frustration toleration. 极限运动同意可以培养人的技能,磨练人的坚韧,铸造人的挫折忍受能力。


nonetheless, problems invariably ensue. one possible downside is that some perilous sports activities might become the roots of injuries and agonies. there exist high levels of injuries, which sometimes disables players and even ruins their lives. another adverse aspect is that some intense extreme sports are merely an excuse for violence. to illustrate, boxing involves excessive violence and bloody contents so that it adversely influences adolescent television viewers, namely, it might arouse their sadistic impulses.


1. some intense extreme sports are merely an excuse for violence. 一些极限运动也许会成为暴力的借口。

2. it might arouse their sadistic impulses. 极限运动也许会诱发一个人施虐的冲动。

{尾段}:再次亮明观点 + 提出建议

personally, i encourage the extreme adventures, for it symbolizes freedom, so it is citizens’ elementary right to opt for his or her favorite sports activities. attempts should be made to ensure risky sports events are thrilling, amusing and profit-making, however, to prevent accidents and injuries is highly recommended(328)


attempts should be made to ensure risky sports events are thrilling, amusing and profit-making. 我们应该做出努力去保证极限运动是刺激的、有趣的、盈利的。

雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇十







雅思解析pdf 雅思解析电子版篇十一

as a matter of fact, such practice can bring more benefits in various aspects, especially in economic growth. for one thing, as the newly-tapped energy can directly alleviate the energy shortage, which will to some extent guarantee a country’s industrialisation a promising prospect, both economic and technology development will be spurred, offering better prerequisites to resolving environment crisis by exploring new alternatives. in contrast, the lack of feasible approaches to energy scarcity will undoubtedly bring both economic growth and technology advancement to a standstill.// for another, the locals in remote areas can also be benefitted, as such a policy must provide them with more job opportunities, by which their life quality will be bettered.

反驳:(1)开发能源 → 满足能有需求 → 保证经济发展 → 有资金探索新能源替换,长远看,某种程度上弥补之前可能带来的环境破破坏;(2)偏远地区更多工作机会

alleviate vt. 缓解

spur vt. 刺激;促进

prerequisite n. 先决条件

bring sth. to a standstill静止(状态); 停顿,停滞

in the light of the above, the final verdict is quite crystal-clear. environment problems as such a trend may cause, the disadvantages of tapping untouched regions for energy pale into insignificance when set against the advantages.


verdict n. 意见;结论

pale into insignificance 使显得不那么重要;使相形见绌

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