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时间:2023-04-04 12:34:03     小编:zdfb



1)the ability to help students plan for future

2)the ability to recognize which student needs help and offer that help

3)the ability to encourage students to learn on their own outside of the classroom


secondary education can be one of the most formative experiences in a person’s life. what qualities make a good high school teacher? people might go for abilities like helping with future planning or encouraging academic autonomy. i, however, believe that the most important factor is the ability to recognize students in need and the willingness to lend a hand.

the first beneficiary is underachievers. more often than not, students who fall behind suffer from a low self-esteem. it is especially true for teenagers who find it a disgrace to lose face in front of their peers. in this case, they would stay under the radar and try to bury their problems in the dark. nobody would even notice, not to mention offering any help. however, a teacher with a perceptive mind can discover the problem before it gets worse, so that the troubled kid could get proper help. let’s say a boy whose parents are going through a nasty spanorce may show up late at school or miss the deadline for science projects. if the teacher can spot his recent anomaly and reaches out to him, the boy might open up and confide to the teacher. this is the first step on the road to recovery and an attentive teacher makes all the difference.

moreover, this valuable quality would rub off on students as well. instead of lecturing them about helping others, teachers set a better example by practicing what they preach. seeing the teacher shows compassion and kindness to a kid from disadvantaged background, children are more likely to follow suit and learn to empathize. in contrast, if the teacher is always aloof, school bullies will then pick on the troubled kid. it is because when teachers don’t even bother to care, kids would pick up a wrong message that being indifferent is the best policy. what would them turn into when reaching adulthood? self-centered. or even worse, mean and bitter. so it takes a sharp mind to spot trouble and a warm heart to get children out of.

sure, it is not to say other qualities are trivial. future career planning offers students some insight into job prospects and college majors. and students would better adjust to college life if they are trained to learn on their own outside of the classroom. but i wouldn’t say such qualities assume more power than an empathetic heart. why? high schoolers aged 15 to 18 have very vague ideas about their interests and aspiration. that’s why people even take a gap year to figure it out. so why bother planning in such early stage of life while so much remains uncovered and unexplored? as for the ability to encourage learning autonomy, let’s face it, children have been doing this all the time! since the advent of internet, children have been drawn to a variety of search engines and websites, which stimulate self-governed learning in a way no teacher can possibly compare to. but the ability to relate to troubled students and lead them out of the woods is in high demand and cannot be replaced.

to sum up, to benefit high school students to a greater extent, the teachers have to be able to recognize what’s going wrong and what can be done to make it right. other characters can be good to have, but also fine to live without.


it is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. do you agree ordisagree? use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.


with the development of the transportation system and some residence institution, the world isgetting smaller and smaller, and people are not restricted in only one area. in addition to theconvenient condition, because there are different places with different cultures, living standards,education environment and other disparity, they are inclined to transfer from one place to theother. is it better to move around than stay in one place? i believe there are no uniform answers,but in my opinion, i do agree with the claim that to move around is better than to stay in oneplace.

most people’s growth comes with the transfers in their life. as for me, when i was young i lived ina small county. because the school in there was not suitable to me, i transferred from my littlecounty to a city to get a better education. as soon as i got to the city, i was amazed that the worldhere was so different here as my hometown .if i still lived in my hometown, it was impossible forme to make the wildest guess at what the real world looked like. the first transfer has made me toimagine my own life and spur on me to go further. with the confidence, i went into a universitywhich i would never think of it before. the university is located in a different city so that i haveto come into another world. compared with my living city, the one is more complicated in whichthere are different people, more convenient transportation, more competitive environment. i loveall of this very much. communicating with different students and teachers, i have learned muchfrom them which will benefit me throughout my life and my lifestyle. now i am in a graduateschool also so beautiful that i will never regret my selection of leaving my hometown because thetransfer has given me a splendid life.

also, like we students, there are many adults transferring their work place in order to grasp betteropportunities. no matter in industry, in agriculture or in service, workers have rights to choosetheir work companies which leads them to work from place to place and then they accumulateprecious experience and skills to get priorities to others.

people not only transfer in their own country, but also go abroad to get education, work or livethrough the rest of their life in appropriate countries. we can see that many students including mewant to go to the foreign countries to study further and forge ourselves, and that many parentssend their little sons or daughters to foreign countries to study. after all, spanerse circumstancesgive persons new experience and broaden their narrow sight, even help them get morecomprehensive understanding of the world, the society and our life itself.

however, some people may say that if people move around, they will pay for much such asmoney, time and energy. it is right to say that it takes one person some time to get used to his orher new environment, new personal relationship which indeed influences the growth of children,the efficiency of our work and the stability of our society and family. and i have to admit thatpeople should make considerate plans before changing their places and may not transfer aimlesslyand frequently. but i think sometimes it is just all the friction that has made the world wealthierand more beautiful. therefore, i still think it is better to travel around than to live in one place.


some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. other people saythat computers have made life more complex and stressful. what is your opinion? use specificreasons and examples to support your answer.


some universities require students to choose a variety of subjects; others only require students tospecialize in one subject. i deem the first one as the premier choice. among countless factors,there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.

the main reason for my propensity that students should take classes in many subjects is that theycan make full use of the abundant resources that a university has to offer. a university has plentyof educational and research resources. it is a very good idea to make full use of these valuableassets while studying in the university. the best way to achieve this is to take a variety of subjectsas much as possible. through learning these courses, a student can get access to knowledge andresources in different areas. on the contrary, if a student only specializes in one subject, he willnot have a chance to get access to other resources offered by the university.

another reason can be seen by every person is that by choosing many subjects students can broaden their knowledge and make a solid foundation for their future concentrated study.

whatever the student will concentrate on in his senior years in college, it is necessary that hechoose a wide range of subjects to build the knowledge foundation. take the field of businessmanagement for example, the student has to acquire knowledge in writing, accounting, economicsand human resource management before he can successfully start his major concentration argument i support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because studentscan be more adaptable in their future career if they choose a variety of subjects during theiruniversity study. it is obvious that the development of modern society requires people with inter-disciplinary and comprehensive knowledge. if a student chooses a variety of subjects in hisuniversity study, and gained a breath and width of knowledge, he will be more adaptable to therequirement of the society, and be able to easily adjust to many kinds of jobs. this will benefit hisfuture career.

in a word, taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that studentsshould take classes in many subjects in a university.


do you agree or disagree with the following statement? universities should give the same amount of money to their students sports activities as they give to their university libraries. use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


in my point of view,sports activities are as important as ,if not more important than,good it is wise for universities to give the same amount of money to their students sportsactivities as they give their university are numerous clear reasons and i wouldexplore some important ones here.

first,good health is the prerequiste for future are not only the place forstudents to expand their minds, but also a place for student to build their good health isvery essential for study and future our university,there are several middle-agedteachers and researchers suffer from diseases,some even died when they were atill at the acme oftheir academic is a great loss for their families and our university.

second,through sports activities,student can benefit both physically and who hasplayed in a football game knows that the cooperation and competition are important for are two basic traits for those who want to succeed,and student who can combinethem harmoniously have better chance of success in the future.

third,investment in sports activities can save money in the long china, all of studentsmedical expenses are patronized by government anf this is a heavy the students healthimporved,a lot of money can be saved every these money,universities can build moreclassrooms,laboratories and libraries.

of course, good libraries are also important for good library with its large collectionof books is the pride and symbol of a prominent libraries and sports activities areindispenable for unicersity,so it is wise for unicversities give the same amount of money to theirstudent activities as they give to their libraries.


when i was 17, i read a quote that went something like: "if you live each day as if it was your last, someday youll most certainly be right." it made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, i have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "if today were the last day of my life, would i want to do what i am about to do today?" and whenever the answer has been "no" for too many days in a row, i know i need to change something.

我十七岁时, 我读到了一段引述,大致如下:“如果你把每一天都当作生命中最后一天去生活,那么有一天,你会非常确定你是正确的。”这句话给我留下了深刻的印象。从那时开始,过了33年,我在每天早晨都会对着镜子问自己:“如果今天是我生命中的最后一天, 你会不会完成你今天将要做的事情呢?”当连续很多天答案都是“否”的时候, 我就知道自己需要改变一些事情了。

remembering that ill be dead soon is the most important tool ive ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. remembering that you are going to die is the best way i know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. you are already naked. there is no reason not to follow your heart.

“记住我即将死去”是我一生中遇到的最重要箴言,它帮我做出了生命中重要的选择。因为几乎所有的事情, 包括所有外部的期待,所有的荣耀,所有的尴尬或失败,这些在死亡面前都会消失。留下的只有真正重要的。你有时候会思考你将会失去某些东西,“记住你即将死去”是我知道的避免陷入这个思考迷局的最好方法。你已经赤身裸体了, 你没有理由不去追随本心。

about a year ago i was diagnosed with cancer. i had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. i didnt even know what a pancreas was. the doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that i should expect to live no longer than three to six months. my doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctors code for prepare to die. it means to try to tell your kids everything you thought youd have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. it means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. it means to say your goodbyes.

大概一年前, 我被诊断得了癌症。我在早晨七点半做了一个扫描, 清楚地显示在我的胰腺长了一个肿瘤。我当时甚至都不知道胰腺是什么。医生告诉我那很可能是一种无法治愈的癌症, 我还有三到六个月的时间。我的医生建议我回家, 然后整理好我的一切, 那就是医生们“准备死亡”的代号。意味着你要把未来十年对你小孩说的话在几个月里面说完.;那意味着把每件事情都搞定, 让你的家人会尽可能轻松的生活;那意味着你要说“再见了”。

ilived with that diagnosis all day. later that evening i had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. i was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. i had the surgery and im fine now.

那张诊断书伴随了我一整天。那天晚上我作了一个活切片检查,医生将一个内窥镜从我的喉咙伸进去,通过我的胃, 然后进入我的肠子, 用一根针在我的胰腺上的肿瘤上取了几个细胞。我当时服了镇定剂,不过我的妻子在那里, 她后来告诉我,当医生在显微镜下观察这些细胞的时候他们开始尖叫, 因为这些细胞最后竟然是一种非常罕见的可以用手术治愈的胰腺癌症。我做了这个手术, 现在我痊愈了。

this was the closest ive been to facing death, and i hope its the closest i get for a few more decades. having lived through it, i can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

那是我最接近死亡的时候, 我希望这也是以后的几十年最接近的一次。死亡对我来说,曾经只是一个有用但是纯粹是知识上的概念,经历过这次的生死考验, 我现在可以更肯定一点地对你们说,

no one wants to die. even people who want to go to heaven dont want to die to get there. and yet death is the destination we all share. no one has ever escaped it. and that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. it is lifes change agent. it clears out the old to make way for the new. right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

没有人愿意死, 即使人们想上天堂, 人们也不会为了去那里而死。但是死亡是我们每个人共同的终点。从来没有人能够逃脱它。也应该如此。 因为死亡就是生命中最最好的发明。它是生命变更的媒介。它将旧的清除以便给新的让路。你们现在是新的, 但是从现在开始不久以后, 你们将会逐渐的变成旧的然后被清除。我很抱歉这很戏剧性, 但是这十分的真实。

your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. dont be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other peoples thinking. dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. they somehow already know what you truly want to become. everything else is secondary.


when i was young, there was an amazing publication called the whole earth catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. it was created by a fellow named stewart brand not far from here in menlo park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. this was in the late 1960s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. it was sort of like google in paperback form, 35 years before google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notion。

当我还年轻的时候,有一个非常令人震惊的出版物,就是“完整地球目录”,是我们那一代人的宝典之一。这是由stewart brand创建的,他就待在离这里不远的menlo 公园中。他用他诗人般的触感给这个期刊带来了生命。那是在60年代后期,还没有个人电脑和桌面印刷系统,所以完全时靠打字机、剪刀和拍立得相机做出来的。有点像是google诞生35年前的google的平装版,它充满了理想主义,洋溢着灵巧的工具和伟大的见解。

stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words: "stay hungry. stay foolish." it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you.

stewart 和他团队做出了几期的《完整地球目录》,然后这本杂志就终结了,他们推出了最后一期。那是再20世纪70年代中期,我当时像你们这么大。在他们最后一期的封底,是一张早晨乡间公路的照片,就是那种有点冒险精神的人在搭便车的时候会看到的那样。在图下面是这句话:"求知若渴,虚怀若谷"。这是他们停止广播时的告别语。求知若渴,虚怀若谷。我也总是希望自己也能做到这些。现在,你们要毕业了,开始新的生活,我也对你们衷心期待。

stay hungry. stay foolish.


thank you all very much.






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do you agree or disagree with the following statement? the best way to travel is in a group ledby a tour guide. use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


there are a lot of views whether the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. differentpeople has different viewpoint. in my opinion, a group led by a tour guide is the best way totravel. the argument for this view goes as follows:

in the first place, there are many advantages when people travel in a group. first, people will notfeel boring in a long trip. people can talk, laugh and make joking like a big family. second, thegroup will help you a lot when you have any emergency. the people in the group could help youfigure out the awkward situation that will be unimaginable when you travel alone. third, with thegroup discount, such as the discount for airplane ticket, the hotel, and the admission ticket,travelers can save a lot of money when they use the group discount.

in the second place, there are many advantages too when people travel led by a tour guide. thetour guide will arrange all the details about the trip in advance. the traveler need not worry aboutwhere to find the hotel, where to rent the car, and how to find the direction. it will make the trip a little bit easy. another advantage is that led by a tour guide will save much time than travelingalone. with the professional knowledge, tour guide will make the smartest schedule. i wouldnever forget that one of my friend, a city tour guide in the shanghai, china, said that she can leadtraveler to visit the whole city by one day which people should spend two or three days to finishit.

in conclusion, there are many advantages when people travels in a group led by a tour guide, suchas save money, save time, do not feel boring, and is easy to take care of. therefore, i stronglyagree that the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.


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