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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-04-04 12:01:18
时间:2023-04-04 12:01:18     小编:zdfb



there has been criticism in the media of chinese young people for beingegocentric and lacking a sense of social responsibility. in my opinion however,this is not the case of my friends and i. while studying finance at ohio stateuniversity, i paid close attention to social issues in china. some people arebenefiting from the developing economy, while many others do not. in order tochange this situation, and redistribute social resources more reasonably,government support and policy reforms are required. i hope i can provide thechinese government with valuable consultation in the future so as to enable morepeople to benefit from this economic development.

my studies at ohio state university enabled me to acquire a deepunderstanding of economics, finance, and accounting. it also gave me anopportunity to learn about american financial systems and operations. theamerican subprime mortgage crisis which caused a financial tsunami brought aboutwhole new schools of thought regarding the global economy. i realized that thereis excessive government intervention in resource allocation, especially withregards to loan investment and loan projects. nowadays, american financialregulations are transforming from institutionally based and functional toobjectives-based. this is giving new ideas to other countries as to how theycould reform.

i did not start thinking about these issues in an offhanded manner. i havebeen in deep thought as to the financial systems used in chinese villages forseveral years. china uses separated financial supervision, which has createdmany problems including repeated supervision, high cost, and lack of aneffective coordination mechanism. farmers find it difficult to take out loanscreating a delay in economic development. if this situation is not improved,more than 60% of farmers will be unable to lift themselves out of poverty, andthere will be no social justice.

the differences i have observed between the chinese and american financialsystems has inspired me to learn more about china’s current situation. in 20xx,i was awarded the chance to take an internship in a commercial bank. i mainlyhelped my supervisor organize materials, but i also participated in interviewswith customers. one day for instance, all of the banks supervisors were too busyto receive a customer requiring consultation. fortunately, my experiencefollowing my supervisor around, combined with my academic knowledge of financialsystems, allowed me to confidently deal with the customer. i introduced thefinancial products available, and their characteristics. my supervisor laterclosed the deal, but was aware of my conduct which won me respect and morechances to work independently. whilst working at this bank, conversations withmy colleagues enabled me to understand in greater depth why china is facing alack of credit. people in poorer areas have less access to credit, which is whythere is less investment. i feel that i now understand one of the biggest causesof the gap between rich and poor.

i have also taken part in a number of charity initiatives. in the summer of20xx, i worked for “yixin web” as an intern, joining a project called “warmschool house”. in shaanxi province in china, gas poisoning caused a number ofchildren to lose their lives. later, their school removed its coal stove, butlacked the funds to install a new heating system. yixin web raised 50,570rmb andsent out electric heaters to four schools in the area. although the leaders fromyixin web warned me that the area was desperately poor, but i was still shockedon arrival. the hills were bare. a local teacher told me that the soil in thehills had to be improved in order to plant crops there, but a lack of funds hadleft large areas desolate. the government has set out poverty alleviationpolicies providing interest free loans, but there are still many main problems stem from the lack of a holistic financial system.

four-years of college life have helped me truly realize that finance shouldnot be used as a means for personal gain, but instead as a device to help liftpeople out of poverty. in the last 30 years china has developed rapidly, yet thegap between the rich and poor has widened. in order to improve this situation,the system needs to be reformed through policy analysis and the help of the basis of


















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dear x,

who am i? this is possibly the most ambiguous question, whereby a hiddendepth of meaning is drowned by a trivialized sense of simplicity. i could merelyreveal my name, but would that really portray who i was? “we become ourselvesthrough others” claims vygotsky, but are we all just conformists? are ourpersonalities just embedded in our genes? do we act the way we do because wewant to? is it free will which makes us who we are? debates such as nature and free will v. determinism fuel my desire to learn more about bothpsychology and philosophy.

my passion for philosophy was sparked when reading mitch albom’s “the fivepeople you meet in heaven”, which overrides logic and offers an alternative toreligious belief. the book itself left me highly motivated to pursuephilosophical inquiry in greater depth. through studying a level psychology ihave developed a particular interest in social psychology and the influencesocial pressures can have on behaviour whilst developing vital skills such asthe ability to critically analyse a study or theory.

aspects of each of my a level subjects have influenced my choice of mindedness is essential when studying a level politics. the subject itselfspurs endless abstract thought, especially when concerning issues such as curriculum has also enabled me to partake in structured debate with theability to articulate personal views being essential. in addition to oralcommunication, essay writing is also a key feature of the syllabus and my powersof expression are constantly evolving. my ability to analyse and develop mywriting skills has been accelerated through studying english at higher level, mycurrent concentration upon metaphysical poetry and the underlying message behindabstract imagery. studying as level history has enabled me to investigate thedifferent reactions to political, social, cultural, religious and economicsituations.

i have been a prefect since 20xx and act as a role model to youngerstudents as well as being an ambassador for the school. i am a learning championwithin the history department whereby i work with students who requireadditional tutoring in order to successfully pass their gcse’s. i have to bewell prepared and patient but find it rewarding when my tutee grasps theconcept. last summer i was involved in the organization, development andsupervision of a lower school fun day. being selected to lead a small group ofmy peers with the brief of organizing this year’s post 16 prom has helpeddevelop my confidence as it has involved visiting and selecting a venue,organizing catering, transport, publicity and the funding of the event.

currently i work for a well established retail store; working has taught meto be flexible and adaptable as well as emphasizing the importance of timemanagement when working under pressure. an enthusiastic, trustworthy andapproachable manner is vital in the workplace in order to maintain the alreadyhigh standards expected of the store. previously i was employed in directmarketing where i monitored the system operations and the dispatch of relevantpost and information. this role required me to work both in small teams andindependently as well as applying my ict skills in a real world situation.

i enjoy travelling and experiencing different cultures including theinspanidualist new york in comparison to the collectivist streets of havana. i ama gregarious person and enjoy spending time with close friends engagingparticularly in shopping trips and social gatherings. i also regularly attendthe gym in order to achieve realistic self set goals.

as an outgoing person i feel i would be able to contribute to and gain froma psychology and philosophy dual course which i see as both challenging and anexciting journey whilst helping me to understand people’s beliefs, behaviour andidentity. that’s “who i am”, who are you?
























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