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格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-11-28 14:48:22
时间:2022-11-28 14:48:22     小编:zdfb



shunan bamboo sea is located in the back of liantian mountain betweenchangning and jiang'an counties under the jurisdiction of yibin city, 60kilometers away from the urban area of yibin city. it is a scenic spot withbamboo scenery as its main feature and cultural relics. the scenic area coversan area of 120 square kilometers, with dense bamboo forests and blue waves. itwas listed as a key scenic spot in sichuan province in 1986, approved as anational key scenic spot by the state council in 1988, and selected as one ofthe "top 40 national tourist attractions" by the national tourism administrationin 1991. in the past 10 years, the development and construction of bamboo sea insouthern sichuan has made great progress, and its popularity at home and abroadis getting higher and higher. it has become one of the key tourist routeslaunched by the state and the province, and is listed as one of the fourpriority tourist attractions in sichuan province.

shunan bamboo sea is also known as wanlingqing. wanling describes thevastness of the countryside, and qingqing is a huge bamboo forest. it is saidthat when huang tingjian, a poet of the northern song dynasty, was demoted torongzhou (today's yibin), he came here to visit the ancient times. facing theboundless bamboo sea, he repeatedly exclaimed: "magnificent, bamboo waves arethousands of miles, emei sister ears!" the villagers toasted and asked for aninscription. huang pushed open the wine bowl and said: "beauty makes me drunk."he wrote three giant words "wanlingqing" on the wall with a bamboo gh the handwriting has been weathered, the name of wanlingqing is stillused today.

how did the bamboo sea form? there are many opinions. it is said that inancient times, nu wa refined five colors to make up the sky, and piled up theremaining red stones here to become a red mountain. later, the fairy yao qingwas demoted to earth by the jade emperor for violating the rules of heaven. whenshe came here, it was a pity to see a piece of red earth, and she created a vastexpanse of bamboo. another legend is that when zhuge liang returned from hissouth expedition to the imperial court, the mountains were exposed, the red sunwas burning, the mountain roads were smoldering, the horses of the shu army weremelted, 200000 horses fell down, the soldiers retreated in confusion, and thehorsewhip abandoned in the ravines grew into a bamboo forest. today, there aremany horseshoe shaped rivers in neixi river of zhuhai, because the ditch is thestone road of that year, which is the trace left by horses. these legends,however, are myths invented by people, reflecting people's praise for themarvelous beauty of the bamboo sea. in fact, the origin of the bamboo sea shouldbe due to its geographical location, soil and climate conditions. do you know?although the mountains here are undulating, the altitude is only 400-1180meters, the annual average temperature is 15.5 degrees celsius, the frost freeperiod is 345 days, the annual rainfall is 1250 mm, and the air humidity isabout 85%. the fertile soil and warm and humid climate are very suitable for thegrowth of bamboo. together with the hard cultivation and care of the workingpeople of all ages, the vast ocean of bamboo today has been created andpreserved. therefore, it should be said that the bamboo sea in southern sichuanis not only the gift of nature, but also the result of generations of labor ofthe people in the bamboo township. in a word: the bamboo sea is the product ofthe combination of heaven and man.

the scenery of bamboo sea is different in four seasons. in spring, newshoots are blooming, flowers are blooming and birds are singing. in midsummer,hsinchu is green and the forest breeze is cool. in autumn, the bamboo trees arebeautiful and the red leaves are charming. in winter, the peaks are covered withsilver and the emeralds are covered with gauze. on a sunny day, thousands ofhectares of bamboo waves screen the golden color, which makes peopleintoxicated; fog, bamboo cage smoke, scenery blurred, such as people's dreamfairyland. in a word, whenever you expand the wings of imagination, you willenjoy the endless fun in the vast bamboo sea.

now, we drive from yibin across jinshajiang bridge, out of chentangguan,through changning county, to the clear qingjiang river. the beautiful qingjiangriver is the peripheral scenic spot of the bamboo sea, like a jade beltconnecting the towns and villages of changning, jiang'an, xingwen and clear river water, the bamboo forest along the bank, the rich fields, andsome cottages and families are dotted. if you go down by boat or bamboo rafts,you will really feel like "people are painting".

now we have reached the west gate of the bamboo sea in southern word "bamboo sea" carved on the stone outside is written by general zhangaiping. ximen is a stele square built with bamboo. its ingenious designhighlights that it is the world of bamboo. one kilometer after passing thememorial archway, it suddenly opened up and the bridge arrived.

bridge is the location of changning wanling town government and bamboo seamanagement, and also the accommodation, entertainment and shopping heart ofsouthern sichuan bamboo sea west scenic spot. in the town, there are classicaland elegant two-star hotels, zhuhai hotel, modern shunan hotel, and ingeniousand unique farmhouse.

please follow me into the scenic area! moxi river valley

from the bridge river upstream, across the longtan, a stone bridge pavedwith whole stones, 5 meters long, 1 meters wide, 0.75 meters thick. it can beseen that the people of zhuxiang have studied mechanics for a long time. thisbridge used to be two slabs, but now one of them is broken in the ditch. it'ssaid that the qing army was defeated by shi dakai, the wing king of the taipingheavenly kingdom, who led the army and chased them to this point. he wanted tocut off the bridge to stop the pursuit. the stone slab was too thick and heburned it with tung oil and sulfur. a stone slab on the right had just burst,and the taiping army had chased it. the qing army fled. shi dakai's team put outthe fire, saved the lower half of the stone bridge, and repaired the brokenbridge with stones. the bamboo farmers were grateful and called it the wing kingbridge.

beside yiwang bridge is the "changning bamboo sea museum" established in1986 with the approval of the provincial government. it mainly displays bambooresources, bamboo culture development, and bamboo handicrafts. now more than 800pieces of material materials have been collected, which are rich in content andhave a long experience. please come in and visit (the museum has a specialexplanation).

when you cross the bridge and walk left, a stream is as black as ink, whichis moxi river. it's said that the reason for the blackness of the stream is thathuang tingjian wrote "wanlingqing" and fell into the stream, blackening thelandscape of the stream, the orchids on both sides of the stream, and even theanimals in the stream. as a matter of fact, holding up the stream is clear andtransparent, which is black? it turns out that the river bed is covered withdark green moss, and the bamboo groves on both sides of the river and the dimsky create this spectacle. several bamboo bridges and stone bridges on thestream are simple and unadorned, which make the stream more profound. on thefirst mile is jiudiequan, about one meter in each stack. it cascades down fromthe top of the mountain and is half hidden in the bamboo forest. it is verycharming. due to the high water and rock, it spreads into a piece of misty rain,covering the mountain wall. because the stone on the wall is like a dragon head,people call this scene "misty rain dragon palace". there is a cave on the rightside of the cliff called "monkey cave". originally, the water curtain was hungat the entrance of the cave, which is also a scene. a poet once praised it as"when was the cave gate excavated? changes of the gaoling river in the deepvalley.". only the curtain of water can't flow away, so far it is often hung bythe side of cuiyan. "it's a pity now?" he often said.

on the right side of moximen is the bamboo sea cableway, with a totallength of more than 2700 meters. you can take the cableway to reach the guanhaitower, jade corridor and other scenic spots in the bamboo sea heart scenic g at the bamboo sea from the cableway, you can have a broader vision, astronger landscape and a more interesting feeling.

cross yiwang bridge to the right, pass through cizhu forest, and walk alongmianzhu stream. in front of the stream, there are dense bamboo forests, darklight, forest wind blowing, cool feeling, stream rocks mixed, some covered withmoss, some covered with tinglan, some with trees. occasionally, you can seewaterfowls jumping on the stream, which makes you feel far away from the worldof mortals. this is the valley of forgetting worries. speaking of the valley offorgetting worries, there is another beautiful story. it is said that there werefamilies with the surnames of zeng and du living outside the bamboo sea, and thetwo families had feud for generations because of the dispute over the boundariesof the mountains and forests. later, there was a son named zeng nan in the zengfamily and a woman named du juan in the du family. zeng nan was smart and cleverwhen he was young, and du juan was clever and handy. they loved each other forgenerations, which was opposed by their families. they were strictly guardedunder house arrest and forced by sticks. however, they were determined and didnot give in. on a stormy night, a tiger with white forehead roared into zeng'shouse, scared off the servants, broke the prison door, and carried zeng man overthe wall. on the same night, the du family also found that the cuckoo, who wasunder house arrest in xiulou, suddenly disappeared. it is said that their lovemoved yaoqing fairy and sent messengers to take them to the bamboo sea. manyyears later, it was found that a tall evergreen tree grew in this valley, and adelicate bush with clusters of pink flowers was associated with it. it was saidthat it was the embodiment of the two of them. so the tree is called zhennan,and this kind of flower tree is called rhododendron. in this valley, there areoften green birds singing songs to praise this pair of lovers who are alwayswith us. it sounds like "forget your worries, forget your worries, and you'llget married.". according to the story, the name of the valley was originallycalled by birds.

tiansheng bridge is the main scenic spot of forget worry valley. it's amasterpiece of water conservancy. the stream comes out of the boulder and rushesstraight down to make a natural arch hole, just like a bridge. look at the4-meter-high, 5-meter-wide and 6-meter-long boulder beside the bridge. it cuts a60 cm wide stone crack like a knife and an axe. it is covered with vines, but arow of yuzhu like nanzhu rushes out from the crack. it seems that the bamboochisels a cliff and stabs into the sky, so it is called "the stone breaks thesky". ah, what thunder! please look up. there are three peaks in this area. awaterfall falls from the clouds, splashing water mist on the spot and headingfor the mouth of the valley. the concave rock cavity in the waterfall is coveredby water curtain, which is a bit mysterious. guanyun pavilion jade corridorguanhai building

three kilometers up the bridge road, the cloud pavilion rises above thehills. it is said that in the first year of tongzhi reign of the qing dynasty,yiwang shikai defeated the qing soldiers at the foot of the mountain. tangyougeng, the commander of the qing soldiers, was seriously injured and couldn'tride a horse. he came here in a sedan chair. when he heard that the pursuerswere coming, he was so scared that he left his sedan chair and ran away. thestone on the road is the sedan chair of that year. the cloud pavilion stands onthe rocks. the distant mountains are faint and the wind is cool. the terracedfields at the foot of the mountain are like a bright mirror after autumn and agreen blanket after summer. it is a peaceful mountain scenery. if it's cloudy,it's another scene. but when you see the clouds rolling in the gully, thedistant mountains and close-up scenery become like nothing, and you seem to betransformed into the clouds.

from guanyun pavilion, the terrain is gradually gentle, and the bambooforest is even more gloomy and deep. here, green bamboos come to the road,blocking the sky and the sun. people walk on the red sand road, just likewalking into the jade tunnel with green and red. but they feel the wind blowingin the forest, the bamboo waves are rustling, and their body and mind are is the famous jade corridor. it's sunny today. please look at the sunshine,passing through the cracks between the branches and leaves, and sifting out alittle bit of golden light. at this time, the corridor is bright and colorful,and it has become a beautiful gallery. if you walk slowly at home, you will havea deeper understanding of the four words "relaxed and happy".


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