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时间:2023-04-01 14:19:32     小编:admin



members, today we are going to visit gushan, a famous mountain with a longhistory and culture in fuzhou. it is said that there is a huge stone at the topof the peak, which looks like a drum. whenever there is wind and rain, it soundslike a drum. so gushan got its name. in the book "the story of moving a city"more than 1600 years ago, there was a saying that "the left banner and the rightdrum are unique in fujian".

the altitude of gushan is 1004 meters. the yongquan temple we visited islocated at an altitude of 650 meters on the hillside. yongquan temple, with ahistory of 1200 years, is one of the five largest jungles in fuzhou. yongquantemple is mainly composed of tianwang hall, daxiong hall and dharma hall. thereare "three railways" and "three treasures" in the temple. what are these "threerailways" and "three treasures"? during the tour, i will introduce them one byone. well, members of the group, we came to the mountain gate of gushan alongthis path. please look at the couplet on the stone column: "why clean the land,don't close the empty door". this is a famous couplet, meaning pun. please see,the mountain gate is built at the entrance of the hillside, and the mountainwind blows straight in, which can blow the fallen leaves and dust clean withoutmanual cleaning; in summer and autumn, typhoons are frequent, and the mountaingate is often blown down, so there is no more gate, leaving the empty gate. fromits moral point of view, pure land refers to the pure land of buddhism, which isspotless, so there is no need to clean it; empty land refers to buddhism, whichis free of belief, so there is no need to close it. this couplet is also atibetan head couplet, with the words "jing" and "kong" respectively. it iswritten in memory of the late abbot of yongquan temple, master jingkong.

ok, members, now let's go to luohanquan. members, now we see that thisspring pool is "luohan spring". it is said that during the construction of thetemple, a abbot monk dreamed that there was a spring here. the next day, themonks dug here, and sure enough, there was a clear spring. so in order to thankluohan for giving the spring, the monks called this spring luohan spring, andyongquan temple got its name.

ok, members, please turn around. now in front of us, we can see the plaqueof yongquan temple, which was written by emperor kangxi himself. the handwritingis simple and powerful.

members of the group, please do not enter the temple for the time being,because i want to introduce the towers on both sides of us. now, please guesswhat materials are used for this pair of small and exquisite towers in front ofus, and what role do the towers play in the temple?

ah! you said it was made of wood, you said it was made of stone, and yousaid it was made of iron. no one seems to have guessed right. this pair oftowers are made of clay. they have a history of more than 900 years. the one onthe left is called the "solemnly robbing thousand buddhas pagoda", whichrepresents the buddha of the past and the light burning buddha. the one on theright is called "xianjie thousand buddha pagoda", which represents the presentbuddha sakyamuni buddha. the color of the two towers is brown. they are fired inlayers with clay, stacked and glazed. the tower is about 7 meters high and hasnine octagonal stories. there are 1038 buddha statues on the wall of the earthenware firing tower we see today is very rare.

you can see that there are 72 tower bells, which are also made of er the wind blows, it will make a pleasant sound, which seems to send us ablessing of peace. lotus petals, lion dances and dwarfs are carved on the baseof the tower, and inscriptions are engraved to record the time when the towerwas built and the names of the craftsmen. the two pagodas were originallylocated in longrui courtyard in the southern suburb of fuzhou. they were movedto yongquan temple in 1972. now it is listed as a provincial cultural relicprotection unit. these two pavilions are the evidence for the study of songdynasty architecture. what role does the tower play in the temple?

in fact, the temple and the tower have a deep origin. tower, sanskrit zuduslope, originally meant tomb, dome. in ancient india, people called templespagoda temples. the temple is dominated by pagodas, in which people store therelics and scriptures of some eminent monks. the pagoda was regarded as anauspicious relic in the temple, and later evolved into a unique religiousbuilding. after buddhism was introduced into china, the chinese nation is goodat melting foreign culture and creating a culture rich in national material. asa symbol of buddhism, in the process of the sinicization of buddhism, the formof the pagoda has been spanersified, including high, short, fat, thin, round,square, iron and wood. the purpose of the pagoda has been expanded from onlystoring relics and symbolizing buddhism to merit, sustenance and commemoration,and even as a sign of maritime navigation, as well as special buildings relatedto geomantic omen. the pottery pagoda we see today is also a pagoda worthy ofyour appreciation. this pair of song dynasty pottery pagodas is one of the"three treasures" of yongquan temple that we visit today. here we give you 15minutes to take photos. in 15 minutes, we will visit the "three railways" andthe other two treasures of the "three treasures" of the temple. thank you


hello, friends! welcome to the beautiful "rongcheng" fuzhou. i'm __ tourguide of __ travel agency.

there is an old saying in fuzhou that "left banner and right drum are thebest in fujian". today, we will visit gushan, one of the best in fujian. gushan,located in the southeast of fuzhou, is a famous cultural mountain with a longhistory in our province and one of the top ten scenic spots in the province. itis said that there is a huge stone at the top of the peak, which is like a er there is wind and rain, the rain will make a sound like a drum, so itis called gushan. do you remember the drum rock we saw yesterday on gulangyuisland in xiamen? it was also named after the "thumping" drum sound of the wavesbeating on the rocks. zhu xi, a famous neo confucianist of the southern songdynasty, left a literary story of "the wind of heaven and the waves of the sea"in gushan, and lin zexu also left a masterpiece of "the sea is boundless, thesky is the shore, the mountain is the top, i am the peak". since the songdynasty, there have been more than 480 cliff inscriptions left on the mountainby the literati of all dynasties. there are all kinds of fonts, which are like anatural treasure house of stone calligraphy. it is known as the "forest ofsoutheast steles".

my friends, now let's enter this magnificent hall of calligraphy art tohave a good look! look! the four words "deep in the spiritual source" at theentrance of the cave are written by yuan xian, a monk living in the mountains inthe qing dynasty. the surface meaning indicates the place name, while the innermeaning tells later generations that the inscriptions in this area are theemotional expression of the predecessors' hearts and the exhibition of theelegant cultural palace.

down the steep stone steps, you can see that the surrounding mountains arevery different and the scenery is quiet. it seems that you have arrived at afairyland and a paradise. do you feel relaxed and happy when you take a deepbreath?

the most famous cliff inscription in lingyuan cave is the handwriting ofcai xiang, one of the four greatest calligraphers in song dynasty. look at this"forget to return stone", which is also the earliest stone inscription ingushan. cai xiang was born in xianyou, fujian province. he was a famousstatesman and calligrapher in the northern song dynasty. when he was themagistrate of fuzhou, he liked to visit gushan very much and often forgot toreturn. once, he wandered through the beautiful scenery in the mountains,forgetting the time. when he was urged repeatedly, he realized that it wasgetting late, so he wrote "forget to return stone". these three words havealready expressed his reluctant feelings. if any tourist forgets to returnlater, he can't find a stone to leave his calligraphy!

well, now we see three big characters engraved on this rock wall. who canrecite them? the child said it's too simple. it's a place to drink water. healso asked why there is no water. in fact, if the word doesn't recite water,why? let me tell you a little story: it's said that master yan, the founder ofyongquan temple in ancient times, recited scriptures here. he thought that thesound of the spring influenced the chanting stop the running water with a bigdrink. since then, the stream has been spanerted to the east, and the stream herehas dried up. therefore, these three words read "drinking water rock". ofcourse, it's just a folk legend. in fact, the terrain at this time is a rockfracture zone geologically. due to the crustal movement, a fracture surface isformed, and the surface water seeps down the fracture surface. of course, thereis no water, not one who can drink water back. is it better to have water or nowater here? a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contendhere. xu xizhi, a scholar of the song dynasty, expounded his point of view inhis stone carving poem. looking at this stone tablet, he wrote: "the mountainsare heavy, the mountains are complex, the lock is loose, only the sound of thespring is not enough. if i had been at my teacher's side in those years, i wouldnot have taught to drink water to cross other mountains." he thought that therewere so many mountains here that there was no water. if he had been there, hewould have advised the master not to change the way of the stream. yu dafu, amodern litterateur, once expressed great emotion here. he said, "it's strangethat he came from the source of his liveliness and never came back for athousand years." we are here today. i don't know if you all feel the r, in order to make up for this great regret, i don't know which ancientsage has a unique idea. the inscription "without water is also good" beside thestone really makes the tourists look back and smile, which means a lot.

lingyuan cave in gushan has a deep stone valley, which is a valley invalley landscape. in the spring of 1982, when master liu haisu was 87 years old,he visited lingyuan cave and wrote four big words: "better than tianzhu",praising the scenery and forest of steles here.

my friends, due to the limited time, there are still many scenic spots notseen. i hope you have a chance to come to gushan again, listen to the endlessstories, watch the endless beautiful scenery, and share a happy moment again!thank you.

fuzhou gushan tour guide 3:

when it comes to fuzhou, we have to mention gushan. as early as the easternjin dynasty, the saying of fengshui "zuogu in the right banner, two unique infujian" was spread among the people in fuzhou. this zuogu refers to gushan,which stands in the eastern suburb of fuzhou and on the north bank of minjiangriver, covering a total area of about 48 square kilometers. it is spanided intofive scenic areas: gushan, guling, yixi, moxi and fengchi baiyun cave. gushan isone of the top ten scenic spots in fujian province. it stands far away from theqishan mountain in fuzhou. it is full of mountains and green all the year are strange rocks everywhere on the mountain. there are caves on the main peak is more than 900 meters above sea level. it plays an importantrole in fuzhou's geomantic omen.

qinglong gushan benefits people's health

since ancient times, fuzhou people in the choice and organization of livingenvironment, there is a tradition of using closed space. in order to strengthenthe closeness, we often adopt the method of multiple closures. for example, thequadrangle house is a enclosed space; the multi entrance courtyard housestrengthens the level of closure, and the lifang uses walls to close manycourtyard houses (such as the structure of three lanes and seven alleys infuzhou). as a city, it's the same. from the central government office (or thepalace of the capital city) to the inner city, and then to the kuocheng, it'salso a multi enclosed space. in the periphery of the city, according to thegeomantic pattern, the main mountain is used as the barrier behind the basesite, and the mountain extends to the qinglong and baihu mountains, forming atrend of encircling the left and right shoulder arms. the left and right sidesof the mountain are green dragons and white tigers (for example, in fuzhou,jinji mountain is green dragon, dameng mountain is white tiger, and yushan andwushan hold the south gate to encircle the left and right shoulders and arms).in front of the base site, there is a mountain to block it. along with the leftand right veins, the front is also closed, and the gap of water flow is is also shuikou mountain to guard it, which forms the first closed there are shaozu mountain and zushan mountain behind the main mountain, andthe mountain protection on the side of qinglong and baihu mountain (for example,gushan mountain on the side of qinglong in fuzhou and qishan mountain on theside of baihu mountain). chaoshan outside the case mountain, which formed asecond closed circle. it can be said that fengshui pattern is a natural closedenvironment outside the closed man-made building environment.

from this, we can see that gushan is the qinglong mountain of fuzhou,guarding this rare treasure land of fuzhou, and blessing the state with goodweather and people's well-being.

gushan's "drum" is of great significance

gushan is the qinglong mountain in fuzhou. it has its own magic. it isnamed after its peak, which is like a huge drum stone. it is said that this drumwas specially left by the general of beating drum in the sky to suppress thedragon. every time there is a storm, the stone drum will have the sound ofturbulence, that is, the drum general beat the drum in the face of the invasionof the dragon king on the sea at the top of the drum mountain, calling on thethree armies to prepare for battle.

drum, in the book of changes for the earthquake, for the east. according tothe book of changes, zhenzheheng. shock, smile dumb. shocked a hundred li, notlost dagger. it means that the heavy thunder is sent to the direction, and thesound is heard from thousands of miles. it has the appearance of no danger, andit also has the meaning of change.

the book of changes "zhengua" symbolizes the drum sound of vibration: itcan be prosperous. when the thunder stirs up, all things in the world areafraid, but the gentleman can be calm and smile as usual. even if the thundershakes a hundred miles away, the gentleman can be calm, which means that the manis powerful and unyielding, so he can achieve great things. the stone drum atthe top of gushan mountain is also enlightening the people living in ne is responsible for the rise and fall of every man. whenever the countrychanges, we should go out and work for the country.

nine mountain pavilions have secrets

yongquan temple, located in gushan, is even more famous in the world. it isthe pride of fuzhou. it is known as "if you come to fuzhou, you must visitgushan".

yongquan temple is integrated with the natural landscape. the originalmountain springs and cliffs and rocks in the hillside are cleverly inlaid in the front and back of the temple, there are ancient trees. it can be saidthat "when you enter the mountain, you can't see the temple. when you enter thetemple, you can't see the mountain". it's just like the temple was created bypangu, and heaven landed here. this typical tang dynasty building, facing southfrom the north, is a group of three-level palaces, rising along the the high threshold, a burst of buddhism quiet elegant fragrance will people go into the hall and burn incense to pray and bless, which makespeople feel at ease.

yan, the founder of the temple, is even more legendary. because the templeis built on the swallow's nest cave in gushan, and the swallow's nest is theoffspring of the swallow, yongquan temple can live in the monks and the masses,and steam at the mouth. it is said that after yongquan temple was built, gushanincense became more and more popular. in order to make it convenient forpilgrims to go up the mountain, the monks decided to build a road up themountain. after 49 days of hard work, a winding stone mountain road has beenpaved from the foot of gushan to the gate of yongquan temple.

the founder shen yan was very happy to see this stone road. but after a fewdays, i couldn't be happy. because the monks of this stone road temple are sickand dead. the pilgrims are also afraid to go up the mountain when they hear thatthere is a plague in yongquan temple. for a time, the monks of yongquan templein gushan fled everywhere, with few pilgrims.

in order to find out the reason, shen yan went to the top of baiyun peak ingushan and looked at the stone road. from a distance, vaguely, he found that thewhole stone road was surrounded by a fierce air. he quickly and carefully toidentify one by one, this was so frightened that he almost lost control andcried out. the stone road from the foot of the mountain to the gate of yongquantemple is like a giant python winding up. the stone slabs on the mountain roadare like scales on the python. the snake's head is facing the gate of yongquantemple. it's opening its mouth and swallowing the swallows in the bird's stone road is clearly "snake fleeing the bird's nest"! it clearly showsthat the fengshui of yongquan temple is destroyed by this stone road.

fortunately, shenyan is worthy of being a great master. he returned toyongquan temple and gathered monks to build nine mountain pavilions on the newlybuilt stone road, from the foot of the mountain to the gate. the nine mountainpavilions in the middle of the stone road turned into "boa constrictor" are thefirst pavilion in fujian mountain, dongji pavilion, yangzhi pavilion (nowabandoned), waterfall viewing pavilion (also known as shimen pavilion), chengyunpavilion, banshan pavilion, tea pavilion, songguan pavilion and dressingpavilion. these nine mountain pavilions, like nine iron nails, are firmly nailedto the stone road turned by the python, cutting the "python" into sevensections, so that it can no longer make trouble. after that, a stone road wasbuilt from shuishuiyan and paved with stones to the gate. the road is wugonglingroad, meaning seven inches of centipede ding. snakes are afraid of centipedes,so this poisonous snake can't be revived. after the wugongling road was paved,the uphill road became accessible in all directions.

now the boa constrictor can't move. and the stone road that turned into aboa constrictor was forever frozen there and trampled by thousands of then, yongquan temple has become more and more famous, and has become afamous buddhist holy land in the south. in gushan, its cliff carvings are alsovery famous.


distinguished guests

hello everyone! welcome to fuzhou.

i'm __, the tour guide of china travel agency. next to me is ma shifu, whois experienced in driving. today and tomorrow, we are going to spend the trip infuzhou with you. i wish you have a good time, eat at ease and sleep at 's a great honor to accompany you to gushan, the most famous touristattraction in fuzhou, which is known as "fujian mountain first".

with an altitude of 969 meters and an area of 1890 hectares, gushan standsin the eastern suburb of rongcheng and on the north bank of minjiang is one of the top ten scenic spots in fujian province and also a nationalscenic spot. as early as more than 1000 years ago, it has been famous. langguopu, the shangshu of the western jin dynasty, praised "zuoqi (mountain) andyougu (mountain) as the two best in fujian" in the book of moving cities. it isnamed gushan because there is a huge stone like a drum at the top of themountain. whenever there is wind and rain, there will be a sound of are three ways to climb gushan mountain from the piedmont courtyard: oneis from the east side of the courtyard, which was built in 1954. the second isto build an aerial cableway (cable car) on the west side of the courtyard toreach the 18 scenic spots of gushan, which is more than 1000 meters long; thethird is to build an ancient stone step road between the highway and thecableway, which is 3 meters long. it is 5 km long and has 2145 steps. a pavilionis built every 500 meters or so for tourists to rest on the mountain. theancient road is zigzag and winding up. after passing through the sevenpavilions, you can enter the mountain gate to yongquan temple. with yongquantemple as the center, gushan scenic spot is spanided into four roads, east, west,north and south, with more than 160 sceneries.

color is more intense, and more people know and love it. therefore, gushancliff stone carvings can be seen everywhere, about 549. since the song dynasty,famous poets have chiseled various types of stone carvings in jueming, lingyuancave, baiyun cave, relic cave, 18 scenes of damo and the rocks beside theancient road. among them, more than 300 are carved near lingyuan cave, which isalso the place with the most cliff carvings. among them are the handwriting ofcai xiang, li gang, zhao ruyu and zhu xi, the great calligraphers of the songdynasty, and guo moruo, a modern man. the natural "forest of steles" of sealscript, li script, kai script, xing script and cao, which are gathered by thesefamous people, are really dazzling. gushan is also a rare calligraphy gallery inchina. it is like a natural treasure house of stone calligraphy, so it is called"southeast forest of steles".

there are four characters in front of the stone arch "deep in the spiritsource". after entering the stone gate, more than 60 steps down the cliff,lingyuan cave, where we are now, belongs to the valley in valley terrain ingeography. it has different mountains and strange rocks. there is a deep streambetween the two peaks, about 3 meters wide and more than two feet deep. it islike a stone cave, which is called lingyuan cave. in summer, it is a naturalair-conditioned room, very comfortable. for this reason, a famous person in thesong dynasty, who was greedy for the beautiful scenery here, forgot the time togo home and left behind the words "forget to return stone". who is this man?let's look ahead. the three big red characters "forget to return stone" in theforeword are mentioned by cai xiang, a great calligrapher of song dynasty. caixiang is a famous statesman and calligrapher in the northern song dynasty. hewas born in xianyou, fujian province. he was smart and studious when he wasyoung. he became a scholar when he was 18 years old. since then, he has enteredan official career. he is honest, upright and selfless. he has done a lot ofgood things for the people and won the support of the people. it can be seenfrom this picture that in 1045, cai xiang was appointed as zhizhou in fuzhou foronly one year. he came to gushan with guo shiji, su caiweng and shao e of the mountain beauty, forget time, so leave "forget stone" threewords. cai xiang is versatile, and his articles and calligraphy are very "tea record" and "litchi manual" are the earliest agricultural monographs inchina. however, cai xiang's greatest influence on later generations is hiscalligraphy, which has been highly appraised in the past dynasties. latergenerations call him, su dongpo, mi fu and huang tingjin the four greatestcalligraphers of the song dynasty. cai xiang is a versatile calligrapher,

as far as cai xiang's regular script is concerned, critics think that caixiang's regular script is deeply influenced by tang yan style. if you see yanzhenqing's regular script in his later period, it is not difficult to find thattheir regular script is quite close, both of them are strong, majestic, squareand full. on the basis of absorbing the characteristics of strong and majesticface and square and full body, cai xiang wrote his words with great strength andelegant posture. therefore, cai xiang's regular script has a "dignified andcalm" style.

please look at the cliff of maitreya pavilion on your left hand. shiyuanchang wrote "drinking water rock" in 1061. there is a little legend aboutthese three words that lingquan never returns after drinking. it is said thatthe founder of yongquan temple, shen yan, chanted here in ancient times. becauseof the noise of the running water under the stream, he gave a loud drink to stopthe running water. since then, the stream has changed its way to the east, andthe stream here has dried up. where is the stream now? i will take you to findthe spring later. for example, xu xizhi, a scholar of the song dynasty, thoughtthat "when the mountains are heavy and the mountains are complex, the lock isloose, and only when the spring is seated, i would not drink water from othermountains if i were a waiter." even yu dafu, a modern writer, has left a"strange impression that he is lively and never comes back to the source ofwater for thousands of years." some people think that there should be no waterhere, while others think that it is better to have no water. if you look up,will those four characters make us have endless memories? in addition, there areink marks left by lin gongji, yan du, sun jue, wei jie and other people in songdynasty. all kinds of calligraphy styles have their own charm for you toenjoy.


dear tourists

hello and welcome to fuzhou. i'm your tour guide.

fuzhou, the capital of fujian province, is located in the southeast coastand the lower reaches of the minjiang river. as a coastal provincial capitalcity, it is also the nearest provincial capital city to chinese taiwan on the mainlandof china. it is a famous hometown of overseas chinese and the ancestral home ofchinese taiwan compatriots in china. it is also an important platform for exchanges andcooperation with chinese taiwan on the west bank of the straits. fuzhou is also one ofthe cities in the southeast coastal areas of china that developed earlier.

according to the archaeological findings so far, at least 7000 years ago,there were ancestors who multiplied this time. the early fuzhou people made aliving by fishing and hunting. they were our new people, called "min people".with "golden hair, blue eyes, white skin." at that time, the ancient min peopleused snakes as totems. as soon as they went door to door, they could see a snakeworshipped in the center of the hall. in the past, no matter what kind of snakewas called an insect, so an insect in the door was the source of fujianprovince.

fuzhou belonged to yue during the spring and autumn period and the warringstates period. after qin shihuang unified the six states, minzhong county wasset up here to govern fuzhou. later, in the fifth year of emperor gaozu of thehan dynasty, wu zhu became the king of fujian and yue, and began to build thefirst city of fuzhou, yecheng. fuzhou has a history of more than 200 years sinceyecheng. after that, fuzhou experienced six times of city expansion, and becamethe imperial capital for five times. in the 13th year of kaiyuan in tangdynasty, people found that there was a mountain in the northwest of fuzhou citycalled fushan, so the city got its name because of the mountain, called"fuzhou", which has been called to this day. it's really a blessed state withoutstanding people and geomantic omen!

the word "fu" was first used in the qing dynasty kangxi dictionary to add ahorizontal, a mouth and a field beside the word "yi". in other words, as long asa person has a piece of clothing to wear, a bite to eat, and a share of farming,it is the greatest blessing. up to now, "happiness" has a deeper meaning, thatis, longevity, good virtue, good death. and the "blessed state" shows itsconnotation even more. it has not only the spirit of mountain, the spirit ofwater, but also the blessing of people. in fuzhou, we will enjoy the blessingsof heaven, earth, eyes, mouth and purity

comfort weather: fuzhou has a warm and humid subtropical marine monsoonclimate, with an average annual temperature of about 16-20 degrees. the climateis mild and pleasant with abundant rainfall, which is suitable for crop are lots of vegetables in the four seasons. there are melon seeds injanuary, sugarcane in february, loquat in march, bayberry in april, peach inmay, litchi in june, guava in july, longan in august, persimmon in september,olive in october, pear in november and tangerine in december to celebrate thenew year. )in addition, the sea area of fuzhou is also very vast, which isequivalent to the land area. therefore, fuzhou has many good harbors and a widevariety of aquatic fish. it is one of the three major natural mariculture basesin china. in short, there are more trees, flowers, fruits and seafood all yearround.

land with mountains and water: from the perspective of terrain, the uncannyworkmanship of nature has long been the unique terrain of fuzhou

appearance - there are mountains on three sides and the sea on one are gushan in the east, qishan in the west and shoushan in the north. themother river, minjiang river, runs through the urban area, forming a momentum of"pillow mountain, face sea and bend river". another nursery rhyme says, "threemountains are hidden, three mountains are visible, three mountains areinvisible." there are nine mountains in the center of fuzhou city. three of themare hidden. three of them are invisible. of course, three of them are are wushan, yushan and pingshan. there is a tower called wuta on wushanmountain, while there is a tower called baita on wushan mountain. the two towersface each other from afar, forming the urban pattern of "three mountains, twotowers and one river". the "tiaojiang" here is of course the minjiang river. itoriginates from the wuyishan mountains in the north of fujian province. its mainstream is 577 km long, and its drainage area accounts for about half of thewhole province. 70% of fujian people grew up drinking water from the minjiangriver, so we affectionately call it the mother river of fujian. bing xin, aliterary master from fujian, praised her like this: "i only know there is a bluesea, but i don't know there is a green river. this is the hometown of myparents. fuchun river is not as quiet as her, pearl river is not as quiet asher. " yu dafu, a famous writer, also compares the min river to the rhine riverin china. he thinks that the min river is more beautiful than the rhine river ineurope. in addition, there are more than 42 rivers in fuzhou, large and small,with a total length of more than 99 kilometers. you may see many cities likefuzhou with mountains and water, but i don't think many cities like fuzhou havemountains outside the city and mountains inside the city, not only rivers andrivers, but also sea water!

fuzhou has been known as "banyan city" since ancient times. when we enteredthe city, 80% of the trees planted on both sides were banyan trees. fuzhoubanyan planting can be traced back to the northern song dynasty, which has ahistory of more than 800 years. at that time, there was a prefect named zhangboyu. one summer, the weather was hot. he went to the countryside to inspect thepeople's situation. as he walked, he felt a little heat stroke and fever. atthis time, i happened to meet a kind old farmer. he helped the prefect to restunder a tree and brought him a bowl of water. after drinking water, the prefectwoke up. looking up, i came across a big tree. he asked the old farmercuriously, "what kind of tree is this, why can it grow so well here?". the oldfarmer told him that it was called banyan, and it was the most suitable place togrow in such a hot place as fuzhou. the next day he planted two big banyan treesin front of his yamen. and also called on the local people to plant banyantogether. for a time, fuzhou was full of green, and the heat was not enough. thereputation of rongcheng has been handed down since then. fuzhou is one of theexcellent tourist cities in china. there are more than 150 famous historicalsites in the city, and 17 of them have been listed in the national key culturalrelics protection units. there are so many scenic spots that you can have a goodlook!

it's delicious. you should control your saliva. i believe you have heardthat fujian cuisine in fuzhou is one of the eight major cuisines in china. thechief representative dish of fujian cuisine is called "fo tiao qiang", formerlyknown as "fu shou quan". it is said that it was first made by the wife of anofficial. is a collection of delicacies in one of the hodgepodge. later, zhengchunfa, the founder of fujian cuisine, ran a restaurant called juchunyuan, wherea group of juren and scholars came to sing poems. "fu shou"

as soon as the table was lifted and the lid of the altar was opened, thefragrance suddenly overflowed, and everyone clapped their hands and exclaimed,"the altar opened, the meat and fragrance floated around, and the buddha heardthat he had abandoned zen and jumped over the wall.". from then on, "fu shouquan" changed its name to "fo tiao qiang" and became famous. in addition, fuzhoualso has chicken soup boiled clam, lychee meat and other specialties. there arefish balls, meat swallow, light cake, taro and so on, when famous, absolutelylet you feast!

finally, i would like to introduce the qingfu of bathing in hot is one of the three rare hot spring cities in china

one. "the five phoenixes and the rising sun give birth to lishui, and thejiulong meridians give birth to golden soup." fuzhou hot spring was developedand used as early as jin dynasty. it has a long history and is hot spring has three characteristics. first, the water temperature ishigh; second, the water volume is large and the burial depth is shallow. third,the water quality is good, colorless and tasteless. some hot springs alsocontain potassium, sodium and other trace elements, which have a good effect onthe treatment of skin diseases and painful arthritis. now, please look along myleft hand. we have arrived at the first stop, jintang hot spring resort infuzhou. next, please take your valuables and follow xiao wu to get off the carto take a bath. let's wash away the dust and tiredness along the way. let's havea good time bathing in the hot spring!

as a famous historical and cultural city, fuzhou has four cultural tourismbrands: tanshishan, sanfangqixiang, chuanzheng and shoushanshi. although it isfar away from the central plains, it has been built as the capital of emperorsfor five times in history. ① the first time was when emperor gaozu of handynasty established minyue kingdom here. ② in the five dynasties and ten states,the capital of fujian was established. ③ at the end of the southern songdynasty, song duanzong fled to fuzhou, registered in fuzhou, and promoted fuzhouto "fu'an fu" as the capital. ④ at the end of ming dynasty, emperor longwuestablished the second nanming regime in fuzhou, which was called "tianxingmansion". ⑤ the last time, in 1933, the 19th route army of the kuomintanglaunched the "fujian incident" in fuzhou and established the "people'srevolutionary government of the republic of china", with the capital infuzhou.

as an excellent tourist city in china, fuzhou has rich natural and culturaltourism resources. if you like mountaineering, you can go to gushan, qishan andqingyun mountains. almost every mountain around you is a good touristattraction. if you like to play with water, you can not only visit the west lakeand zuohai, enjoy the scenery on both sides of minjiang river, but also catch upwith the tide in pingtan and changle; if you like to see historic sites, fuzhouhas a history of more than 20__ years. there are many ancient buildings, templesand former residences of celebrities. as long as you have time, you will have afeast for your eyes.

members, fuzhou was built in the han dynasty. in the tang dynasty, it wasrenamed fuzhou because of the fushan mountain in the north of fuzhou. later, inthe song dynasty, banyan trees were planted all over the city, resulting in aunique landscape of "green shade all over the city, but not covered in summer".therefore, fuzhou became known as "banyan city", and the louder it became, thebanyan trees became the city trees of fuzhou.

do you know what the city flower of fuzhou is? as a reminder, in our car,it is filled with the fragrance of flowers. yes, it's jasmine. summer is theseason of jasmine blossom. drivers like to buy strings to hang in the car, whichnot only purifies the air, but also decorates the carriage. this is calledkilling two birds with one stone. perhaps ah, many people don't know that thisjasmine is not chinese nationality. it comes from persia, which is now india andarabia. it was settled in fuzhou when it was introduced into china from thewestern han dynasty, so it has been cultivated for 20__ years. fuzhou is notonly the first place to introduce jasmine in china, but also the birthplace ofjasmine tea. jasmine is an imported product and a witness of fuzhou marineculture. it can be seen that as early as the han dynasty, fuzhou began to havetrade with overseas countries, and it has been an important international tradeport city in china since ancient times.

members of the group, fuzhou is a blessed state. i believe that all thepeople who come to fuzhou are blessed. fuzhou is blessed. where is the blessing?xiao luo thinks that it lies in the immortal spirit of mountains, the spirit ofwater and the talent of people. it's said that it's boring to have mountainswithout water, monotonous to have mountains without water, and wonderful to havemountains with water. fuzhou is not only surrounded by mountains, but also haswushan, yushan and pingshan mountains in the city. the two towers of baita andwuta face each other, and the mother river minjiang river passes through thecity, forming a unique urban pattern of "three mountains, two towers and oneriver".

the city is not big, there is water is spirit. fuzhou, the city with thehighest density of inland rivers in china, still has 42 inland rivers. accordingto the preliminary planning, fuzhou will be spanided into scenic river, navigableriver and drainage river. i believe that in the near future, you can enjoy thecity appearance of fuzhou by boat.

members, when it comes to water, we have to say that fuzhou is one of thethree hot spring areas in china. it is widely distributed, shallow buried, hightemperature, large water quantity and good water quality. the most rare thing isthat our hot springs are concentrated in the city center, which is extremelyrare in major cities in the world. since ancient times, it has been known as"bathing in fuzhou". fuzhou people began to enjoy hot springs more than 1000years ago. old fuzhou people call hot spring hot soup. every time after busy,after work, to the bath to "hot", that happiness is absolutely not today's saunacan compare. so far, when the old overseas chinese came back to visit theirrelatives, they still sighed: "it's good to go sightseeing, but it's not as goodas taking a hot spring bath in their hometown."

so, some people say that if you come to fuzhou and haven't been to hotsprings, it means you haven't been to fuzhou. but don't worry. there are hotsprings in the hotel arranged by our travel agency. you can enjoy it in theevening.

from tang and song dynasties to ming and qing dynasties, there were 23 topscholars from fuzhou, and more than 4000 jinshi. in modern chinese history,there were many celebrities, including lin zexu, a national hero, yan fu, awestern scholar, bing xin, a literary grandmother, and chen jingrun, amathematician. therefore, fuzhou is a "coastal zou lu" to the letter.

this shows that fuzhou people not only enjoy life, but also study s of the group, as the saying goes, one side of the soil and waternourishes one side of the people. fuzhou people have always been content withtheir work. they can not only endure hardships, but also adapt in time. beingrich makes the city very tolerant and not exclusive at all. fuzhou dialectsounds like a foreign language, but on many occasions, people still speakmandarin, even the older generation of fuzhou people are no exception. they alllearn to say a few words, but sometimes the pronunciation is not very a matter of fact, fuzhou dialect is the "living fossil" of ancient the bottom of it is the language of the ancient minyue people. after severalgreat migrations to the north in history, these immigrants brought the ancientwu language, the ancient chu language, and some spoken chinese from the centralplains, which are integrated into today's fuzhou dialect. it sounds like amixture of the north and the south. this is the characteristic of fuzhou. interms of language, work and life, all ethnic groups and multi cultures cantolerate each other and live in harmony here. as lin zexu said, "the seaembraces all rivers, and tolerance is great." it embodies the urban spirit offuzhou.

members of the group, wherever we go, we can't help but pay attention toits catering culture. in fuzhou, its food culture has a long history. fujiancuisine, represented by fuzhou cuisine, is one of the eight major cuisines inchina. among them, fo tiao qiang is the chief dish of fujian cuisine, which hasa history of more than 100 years. as for the flavor snacks, they are all overthe streets, such as meat swallow, dingbian paste, fish balls and so on. ourtravel agency also has arrangements for you, and then you can have a goodtaste.

members of the group, looking forward to the future, fuzhou city isexpanding eastward and southward at a modern pace. it may no longer be anancient city with "three mountains, two towers and one water flowing for a longtime", but a group of modern cities with reasonable structure, suitable forhuman habitation and economic growth. it is the people's goal of fuzhou to buildan economic zone on the west side of the chinese taiwan strait and to become a biggerand stronger central city. fuzhou is an open city. it is opening its hands towelcome everyone.

therefore, we warmly welcome more friends to visit fuzhou and feel thecharm of the ancient city of fuzhou. i believe that a blessed state will let youreturn with good fortune. all right, members of the group, we have arrived atthe hotel unconsciously. now, please take care of your luggage and walk slowly. thank you!

remarks: there is no surname of yu, a descendant of king gou jian of was born in the late warring states period and died in the early han was the 13th grandson of gou jian, the king of yue. after the disintegrationof the state of yue, wu zhu moved to fujian and occupied fujian and itssurrounding areas, claiming to be the king of fujian and yue. after theunification of the qin dynasty, he was reduced to the chief. in qin dynasty,minzhong county was under its jurisdiction. without any anger, the king who wasremoved led the minzhong soldiers to destroy qin. when the qin dynasty died, thenarrow xiang yu was in charge of the government order, and wu zhu, who had abumpy official career, had no chance to be the king of min again. the restlessfactors in his blood once again prompted him to lead his troops to fight againstchu, and made great contributions to the establishment of the han dynasty andthe reunification of china.


hello, friends! welcome to the beautiful "banyan city" fuzhou, i am __travel agency tour guide __.

there is an old saying in fuzhou that "left banner and right drum are thebest in fujian". today, we will visit gushan, one of the best in fujian. gushan,located in the southeast of fuzhou, is a famous cultural mountain with a longhistory in our province and one of the top ten scenic spots in the province. itis said that there is a huge stone at the top of the peak, which is like a er there is wind and rain, the rain will make a sound like a drum, so itis called gushan. do you remember the drum rock we saw yesterday on gulangyuisland in xiamen? it was also named after the "thumping" drum sound of the wavesbeating on the rocks. zhu xi, a famous neo confucianist of the southern songdynasty, left a literary story of "the wind of heaven and the waves of the sea"in gushan, and lin zexu also left a masterpiece of "the sea is boundless, thesky is the shore, the mountain is the top, i am the peak". since the songdynasty, there have been more than 480 cliff inscriptions left on the mountainby the literati of all dynasties. there are all kinds of fonts, which are like anatural treasure house of stone calligraphy. it is known as the "forest ofsoutheast steles".

my friends, now let's enter this magnificent hall of calligraphy art tohave a good look! look! the four words "deep in the spiritual source" at theentrance of the cave are written by yuan xian, a monk living in the mountains inthe qing dynasty. the surface meaning indicates the place name, while the innermeaning tells later generations that the inscriptions in this area are theemotional expression of the predecessors' hearts and the exhibition of theelegant cultural palace.

down the steep stone steps, you can see that the surrounding mountains arevery different and the scenery is quiet. it seems that you have arrived at afairyland and a paradise. do you feel relaxed and happy when you take a deepbreath?

the most famous cliff inscription in lingyuan cave is the handwriting ofcai xiang, one of the four greatest calligraphers in song dynasty. look at this"forget to return stone", which is also the earliest stone inscription ingushan. cai xiang was born in xianyou, fujian province. he was a famousstatesman and calligrapher in the northern song dynasty. when he was themagistrate of fuzhou, he liked to visit gushan very much and often forgot toreturn. once, he wandered through the beautiful scenery in the mountains,forgetting the time. when he was urged repeatedly, he realized that it wasgetting late, so he wrote "forget to return stone". these three words havealready expressed his reluctant feelings. if any tourist forgets to returnlater, he can't find a stone to leave his calligraphy!

well, now we see three big characters engraved on this rock wall. who canrecite them? the child said it's too simple. it's a place to drink water. healso asked why there is no water. in fact, if the word doesn't recite water,why? let me tell you a little story: it's said that master yan, the founder ofyongquan temple in ancient times, recited scriptures here. he thought that thesound of the spring influenced the chanting stop the running water with a bigdrink. since then, the stream has been spanerted to the east, and the stream herehas dried up. therefore, these three words read "drinking water rock". ofcourse, it's just a folk legend. in fact, the terrain at this time is a rockfracture zone geologically. due to the crustal movement, a fracture surface isformed, and the surface water seeps down the fracture surface. of course, thereis no water, not one who can drink water back. is it better to have water or nowater here? a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contendhere. xu xizhi, a scholar of the song dynasty, expounded his point of view inhis stone carving poem. looking at this stone tablet, he wrote: "the mountainsare heavy, the mountains are complex, the lock is loose, only the sound of thespring is not enough. if i had been at my teacher's side in those years, i wouldnot have taught to drink water to cross other mountains." he thought that therewere so many mountains here that there was no water. if he had been there, hewould have advised the master not to change the way of the stream. yu dafu, amodern litterateur, once expressed great emotion here. he said, "it's strangethat he came from the source of his liveliness and never came back for athousand years." we are here today. i don't know if you all feel the r, in order to make up for this great regret, i don't know which ancientsage has a unique idea. the inscription "without water is also good" beside thestone really makes the tourists look back and smile, which means a lot.

lingyuan cave in gushan has a deep stone valley, which is a valley invalley landscape. in the spring of 1982, when master liu haisu was 87 years old,he visited lingyuan cave and wrote four big words: "better than tianzhu",praising the scenery and forest of steles here.

my friends, due to the limited time, there are still many scenic spots notseen. i hope you have a chance to come to gushan again, listen to the endlessstories, watch the endless beautiful scenery, and share a happy moment again!thank you.
























自古以来,福州百姓在选择及组织居住环境方面,就有采用封闭空间的传统。为了加强封闭性,还往往采取多重封闭的办法,如四合院宅就是一个围合的封闭空间;多进庭院住宅又加强了封闭的层次,而里坊又用围墙把许多庭院住宅封闭起来(比如福州的三坊七巷的构造)。 作为城市也是一样,从城市中央的衙署院(或都城的宫城)到内城再到廓城,也是环环相套的多重封闭空间。在城市的外围,按照风水格局,基址后方是以主山为屏障,山势向左右延伸到青龙、白虎山,成左右肩臂环抱之势。山的左右为青龙白虎(比如说福州的以金鸡山为青龙,大梦山为白虎,于山、乌山把住南门成左右肩臂环抱之势),遂将后方及左右方围合。基址前方有案山遮挡,连同左右余脉,亦将前方封闭,剩下水流的缺口,又有水口山把守,这就形成了第一道封闭圈。如果在这道圈外还有主山后的少祖山及祖山,青龙、白虎山之侧的护山(比如说福州青龙之侧的护山的鼓山;白虎山之侧的旗山)。案山之外的朝山,这就形成了第二道封闭圈。可以说风水格局是在封闭的人为建筑环境外的一层天然的封闭环境。













这一来,蟒蛇不能动弹 了。而化成蟒蛇的那条石道,永远僵死在那儿,被千人万人踩。此后,涌泉寺渐渐香火旺盛了,僧众越来越多,涌泉寺越来越闻名于世终于成了南方著名的佛教圣地。在鼓山其摩崖石刻也很闻名。




















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