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时间:2023-04-01 14:11:59     小编:admin



xinyang maojian, produced in jigong mountain, xinyang, henan province, isone of the famous teas in china. it gets its name because it is all picked fromthe tender leaves of the tea plant and then refined. it often drinks xinyangmaojian, which has the functions of clearing heart and improving eyesight,lowering blood pressure, refreshing mind and prolonging life. for a long time,it has been called the best tea.

speaking of tea, this is the pride of chinese people.

tea has a long history in china. the hometown of tea is china. both tea andsilk are important inventions dedicated to the world by the chinese workingpeople. as early as 5000 years ago, it is said that when shennong, the distantancestor of the chinese nation, was in power, he was unfortunately infected with72 kinds of viruses in order to find herbs for curing diseases. he was in greatpain and finally found tea to detoxify the virus. since then, people know thattea can cure diseases and has medicinal functions. later, in the long-termproduction and life, people gradually found that tea boiling water also had astrong thirst quenching effect. therefore, chinese people began to have aspecial preference for tea, and chinese tea culture was born.

speaking of chinese tea, it's really a university. first of all, let's knowthe classification of tea. generally speaking, tea is spanided into twocategories: basic tea and reprocessed tea. the basic tea categories includegreen tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea and black essing tea includes flower tea, pressed tea, fruit tea and health tea.

these two kinds of tea have different characteristics. for example, greentea is characterized by green leaves and clear soup. its main varieties arelongjing in hangzhou, biluochun in suzhou, yunwu in lushan in jiangxi, guapianin lu'an in anhui and maojian in xinyang in henan.

the basic characteristic of black tea is that the leaves are red and thesoup is red. the main varieties are qimen black tea from anhui, dianhong teafrom yunnan and ninghong tea from jiangxi.

oolong tea belongs to semi fermented tea. its main varieties are wuyishanrock tea in fujian, tieguanyin in anxi, and frozen top oolong in chinese taiwan.

white tea is a slightly fermented tea, mainly produced in fujian. black teahas a long fermentation time and dark leaves, so it is called black tea and canbe drunk directly.

the flower tea in reprocessing tea is usually made by green tea afterabsorbing the fragrance of flowers, which is popular in northern china. the mainvarieties are jasmine tea, brandy tea and osmanthus tea.

pressed tea is processed and autoclaved into a certain shape, such as bricktea, pu'er tea, etc., so it is easy to store and transport, and is generallysold to china's border areas. in ancient china, the tea sold to the border areaswas monopolized by the imperial court. whether it was sold to the borderminority areas was a means for the central court to control the border areas. atthat time, the tea sold to the border areas was mainly brick tea.

the invention of fruit tea and health tea is relatively late. fruit tea isa kind of tea beverage made by adding fruit juice into the production, such aslemon tea and orange tea. health tea is made by adding chinese herbal medicineinto the tea, which strengthens the prevention and treatment effect of tea.


welcome to xinxian, the old revolutionary base area. geographically, theold revolutionary base area is generally located in remote areas, withinconvenient transportation, poor natural conditions and people's livingdifficulties. the county is no exception. after liberation, especially after thereform and opening up, what changes have taken place in the old revolutionarybase areas? today, i'd like to introduce to you the contributions made by thenew counties in the old revolutionary base areas to the chinese revolution andthe great changes since the reform and opening up.

xinxian is located in the southernmost part of henan province, thehinterland of dabie mountains and the junction of hubei, henan and anhuiprovinces. the total population is 330000. from the east to the west ofhengdouxin county in the dabie mountains, the beijing kowloon railway runsthrough the north and south, and the national highways 106 and 312 pass is 160 kilometers away from wuhan in the south, zhengzhou in the north, hefeiin the east and xinyang in the south. it is known as the "thoroughfare of thethree provinces" and the "south gate of the central plains". xinxian is the landof red, the cradle of generals. she was the source of "jute uprising", the firstbase of dabie mountain area, and the center and capital of hubei henan anhuisoviet area. the fourth front army of the red army, the 25th army of the redarmy, the fourth detachment of the new fourth army and the central plains fieldarmy were born here. lenin, the first plane of the red army, flew into the bluesky from here. in the small county with less than 100000 people in those years,55000 people gave their precious lives to the revolution. deng xiaoping, dongbiwu, xu qianqian, liu bocheng, li xiannian and other party and state leadershave worked and fought here. new county has 43 generals, known as "generalscounty" known throughout the country. the people of xinxian county made greatcontributions to the victory of the chinese revolution.

dear friends, although xinxian is located in a remote area, it is rich inproducts. it is known as "gold grows on the mountain, silver is buriedunderground", and has strong advantages of sustainable development. the ruralpillar industry of xinxian county has formed a scale. the fine forestry,ecological forestry, high-efficiency forest and fruit industry have reached 1.5million mu, and the forest coverage rate has reached 58.2%. xinxian county is anational key forestry county and ecological demonstration county. it is a famoustown of ginkgo biloba and gastrodia elata in china. the output and quality ofchestnut, camellia oleifera, wild kiwi and tea all rank first in henan reserves of rutile, mica, ferrotitanium, granite, quartzite and porcelainclay are very rich and have high mining value. at present, more than 40 kinds ofmineral deposits have been proved. xinxian's annual export of foreign laborservices amounts to tens of millions of us dollars, ranking first in theprovince's export of foreign military affairs.

xinxian is the transitional zone of north-south climate, and theintersection of the three major plant areas of east china, central china andnorth china. there are many kinds of suitable animals. at present, there aremore than 190 species of various plants and 530 species of wild animals, whichare the treasure house of traditional chinese medicine.

during the ninth five year plan period, more than 900 kilometers of roadswere newly built in xinxian county, raising 2.3 billion yuan, excavating 12.04million cubic meters of earth and stone, and adding 140.7 kilometers of asphaltroads, which fundamentally changed the backward traffic situation of xinxiancounty. the road is smooth, the mountain gate is wide open, and the farmers'ideas have a fundamental change. the forest and fruit industry alone has anannual per capita income of 800 yuan, and the mountain village has finallyopened up a road to prosperity.

electric power, telecommunication, radio and television also developedrapidly. in 1998, every village in the county was electrified. in the past twoyears, there has been no television. in the past two years, the tv user rate hasreached 80%. the whole county has also realized the program-controlled telephonein every village, forming a modern digital communication network of urban andrural integration.

the social undertakings of xinxian county have developed in an all-roundway, and the construction of spiritual civilization has achieved fruitfulresults. it has won the title of "advanced county of civilization construction"for four consecutive years.

when it comes to tourism, there are many special tourism resources inxinxian. she has revolutionary monuments such as the branch of the cpc centralcommittee in hubei, henan and anhui, the hubei, henan and anhui military region,the tomb of general xu shiyou, the capital museum, the martyrs' cemetery, andother national forest parks such as tiantai mountain, liankang mountain, jinlanmountain, baiyun mountain, xianglu mountain, huangmaojian, xizhai, etc. withbeautiful scenery, birds singing and flowers fragrance, it attracts thousands oftourists from home and abroad.


dear passenger friend

xinyang city is located in the south of henan province. the total area isabout 18293 square kilometers, accounting for 11% of the province's total area,and the population is about 7.7 million. during the period of the new democraticrevolution, it was the center of the red region of hubei, henan and anhui, thesecond revolutionary base in china, and made great contributions to the chineserevolution.

xinyang area is adjacent to dabie mountain in the south and tongbaimountain in the southwest. the dabie mountains extend from east to west, forminga watershed between the yangtze river and the huaihe river. here, reservoirs,ponds, weirs, scattered, wide water area, rich aquatic biological resources,high fishery yield. the main food crops are rice and wheat. therefore, xinyangis known as the "land of fish and rice" in henan province.

xinyang is located in the transition zone between subtropical zone and warmtemperate zone, with mild climate and four distinct seasons. xinyang is rich invarious resources. xinyang maojian, one of the top ten famous teas in china, isfamous for its beautiful shape, green color, high fragrance and strong taste;there are non-metallic minerals perlite and bentonite with the first reservesand quality in china; there are ginkgo resources with the first output in recent years, xinyang's industry has developed by leaps and bounds, and hasformed an industrial system dominated by electric power, textile, buildingmaterials, chemical industry, machinery, food, medicine, etc.

well, i'll give you a brief introduction to the basic situation of xinyangcity. now let's start to visit today's first scenic spot - jigong mountain.

jigong mountain, formerly known as jichi mountain, is located 38 kilometerssouth of xinyang city. the main peak, 784 meters above sea level, looks like arooster's neck to announce the dawn, so it is called baoxiaofeng. on both sidesof the main peak are the winding linghua mountain and the winding changlingmountain, just like the wings of a rooster. the whole image is like a roosterstanding among the mountains with his head high and wings high, which isparticularly spectacular, so it is named jigong mountain.

jigong mountain is a national key scenic spot. in may 1988, the statecouncil listed jigong mountain as a national forest and wildlife nature is one of the famous summer resorts in china, and has been well-known both athome and abroad as early as the beginning of this century. it is a naturalscenic area composed of strange peaks and rocks, cloud sea and fog tide, springstream waterfall, trees and flowers, villa and many other landscapes.

jigong mountain, located between dabie mountain and tongbai mountain, is atransition zone from subtropical zone to warm temperate zone with abundantrainfall and humid climate. the annual rainfall is 1346.9 mm and the averageannual temperature is 12 ℃. in summer, the climate is cool and pleasant, with anaverage temperature of 23.7 ℃ and a maximum temperature of 32 ℃. in summer,afternoon is like autumn and night is like early winter. it has a goodreputation of "people dying in the heat of the dog days, and people suspectingimmortals in the cool days".

the sea of clouds in jigong mountain is also spectacular, with thereputation of "cloud park". jigong mountain is dotted with springs, which iscalled "ten springs and nine waterfalls". beside the lotus pool on the top ofthe mountain, there is "baojian spring", which is the top of the mountainsprings. there are "puji spring" in the south street, "longkou spring" at thecage entrance, "ganquan" at the two gates, "jigong spring" and "xiaoxia spring".there are more than 20 waterfalls in jigong mountain. except xiangshuitangwaterfall in the west, the rest are distributed in donggou, so it is calleddonggou waterfall group.

jigong mountain was first developed in ming dynasty. in 1903, americanmissionaries dilin li lisheng and shi doug and their party climbed mountains forsummer vacation. later, they publicized in western newspapers and praised jigongmountain for its "deep and secluded mountain path, sweet spring, fresh climateand suitable for summer vacation". as a result, pastors, missionaries, wealthybusinessmen and chinese bureaucrats and warlords from more than 20 countrieshave flocked to build more than 500 villas of chinese and western styles. "thereis a new world in taoyuan, and nine flags flying in ten winds" is the trueportrayal of that time. after several wars and natural damages, there are now212 buildings. some people regard jigongshan villas as "world architectureexpo".

well, we have come to the foot of jigong mountain now. please follow me toclimb the mountain. there are two ways to climb jigong mountain: one is theancient plank road for climbing, which people can climb up; the other is thewinding mountain road built in 1963, which can be used for riding up themountain. today, we choose to climb the mountain on foot. we can get to the topof the mountain by walking 4 kilometers. although we will be tired, the sceneryalong the way is very beautiful, which makes you feel worthwhile.

climbing plank road is the main access to the central tourist area on themountain. the main scenic spots are baibuti, zhongtianmen, niuerzhai, eightcharacter stone carvings, five strange stones, erdaomen, ganquan, doushiya, cagemouth, etc.

now we are going to climb a hundred steps ladder, with a total of more than400 steps. please be prepared. i'll lead you on a hike. after a hundred steps,it's zhongtian gate. zhongtian gate, also known as a gate, is the first hill onthe ancient mountain road. originally, there was no door here. it was built bythe nature reserve administration in 1990 for tourists to rest. on the hillsideson both sides of a gate, there are winding stone walled walled villages andgates, which are shaped like cow's ears. people call it "cow's ears village". itis said that it was the place where the peasants revolted and stationed troopsin the late tang dynasty. because of many wars in the ming and qing dynasties,the mountain people used to avoid the disaster of soldiers.

ok, please stop and look at this cliff stone carving, which is called"eight character stone carving" by local people. on this stone wall, there areeight big characters inscribed in the official script of "qing fen chu yu, qi qisong heng". each character is 50 cm square, two lines vertically, and two meterslong. it is inscribed by jie jue guang, the first public security director ofjigong mountain, in the 23rd year of the republic of china. chu yu generallyrefers to the south and the north, narrowly refers to hubei, henan, andsongheng, and refers to songshan, which vividly represents the geographicallocation and magnificent spirit of jigong mountain .

now, we are standing on the viewing platform. please look south. on theopposite ridge, there are jagged rocks, some like crawling turtles, some likejumping frogs, some like foraging boars, some like flying eagles, and some liketaoist worship. people call it the five grotesque rocks. it is said that thefive strange stones are the incarnations of five scholars who failed in theexamination. they heard that "the cock has a spirit and will respond to anyrequest", so they went up to the mountain to burn incense and appeal to the cockto protect his name on the list. jigong turned into a firewood collector. whenhe met one of the five people, he asked, "old man, is jigong alive?" one asked,"how far is it to the top of the mountain? i'm tired to death." some even saidsome rude words to the old man. jigong saw that they didn't study hard, theywere afraid of hardship and tiredness when they went up the mountain, they werejust a bag of rice and wine, and they were useless to the society, so he turnedthem into strange stones and left them on the way forever. he taught futuregenerations not to be afraid of hardship and hard struggle, and to become aperson who was beneficial to the society. only in this way can we have today's"five strange stones".


today we are going to visit xinyang nanwan lake scenic spot. nanwan lakescenic spot is located in the southwest suburb of xinyang city, only 5kilometers away from xinyang city.

nanwan lake scenic spot is centered on nanwan lake, including most of themountains, forests and water areas of six townships, including dongjiahe,shihegang, shishiliqiao and nanwan. it is adjacent to xinying (xinyang yingshan)highway in the east, xintianfan in the south, zhaihouwan in the west andshuangtouzhai in the north, with a total area of 443 square kilometers.

nanwan lake scenic area is a transitional climate zone from northsubtropical zone to warm temperate zone. the four seasons are distinct and theclimate is pleasant. the terrain is high in the southwest and low in thenortheast, surrounded by low mountains and rolling hills. nanwan lake, thecenter of the scenic spot, is the confluence of chengshi river, wudao river,dongjia river, xiaoyou river and feisha river. the water quality is clear andblue. the unique geographical features have created the beautiful mountains andwaters in nanwan. the long history of nanwan has left many places of interestand revolutionary sites, making it a famous tourist attraction at home andabroad. nanwan lake scenic area is spanided into five browsing areas, namely:nanwan lake dam browsing area, cheyun mountain browsing area, huanglong templetourism area, xianshifan browsing area and tanjiahe browsing area. today we arevisiting the nanwan lake dam area.

dear friends, we are now on the nanwan lake dam. nanwan lake, also known asnanwan reservoir, is named after the dam built in nanwan. built from 1952 to1958, the reservoir is a comprehensive reservoir integrating flood control,power generation, breeding, water supply and shipping. the dam is 38 metershigh, 835 meters long, 8 meters wide at the top and 22 or 4 meters wide at thebottom. the lake area is 70 square kilometers, the reservoir capacity is 1.63billion cubic meters, and the drainage area is 1100 square kilometers. morefamous are bird island, monkey island, osmanthus island, rhododendron island,etc. every year hundreds of thousands of tourists come here for sightseeing andvacation.

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with the launch of the yacht, our journey is about to begin. nanwan lake islocated in the climate transition zone between the north and the south of china,with natural scenery of lakes and mountains, morning mist and morning the more than 100 small islands in nanwan lake, one is called bird year, hundreds of thousands of migratory birds come to the island to liveand breed. the island is simply the home of birds. most of these birds areherons, including egrets, herons, grey herons, cuckoos, huangpeng, myna, etc.,which attract countless tourists. this reminds me of the famous tang poem "twohuangpengming green willows, a line of egrets in the sky". in addition to thebird island, in recent years, the scenic area has also developed monkey island,"tang wang's visit to the earth", osmanthus island, etc., as well as wateryachting, skyspaning and other activities. dear friends, if we abandon the shipand travel to the upstream area, we must not miss heilongtan and dragon pool, white dragon pool and the surrounding cheyun mountain, jiyunmountain, lianyun mountain, tianyun mountain and yunwu mountain form the "fiveclouds and two pools" scenic spot, which is a good place for tourists: themountain is beautiful, the pool is quiet and pleasant. xinyang maojian, a famouschinese tea, grows around wuyun and liangtan. in 1915, xinyang maojian won thegold medal at panama international exposition. in 1990, longtan xinyang maojianwon the national gold medal in the national famous tea competition. modernmedical research has proved that tea has the functions of clearing the heart,eliminating food and diuresis, invigorating the brain and refreshing,anti-aging, etc. when you get here, don't forget to bring some bags ofhigh-quality xinyang maojian tea to yourself and friends!


today i'm going to show you the memorial hall of the former residence ofthe famous anti japanese national hero general yang jingyu.

the memorial hall of general yang jingyu's former residence is 15kilometers away from queshan county. before arriving at the memorial hall, iwould like to introduce the glorious life of general yang jingyu to you.

general yang jingyu's surname was ma, his name was shangde, his breast namewas shunqing, and his name was jisheng. he was born on february 26, 1905 (the10th day of the first lunar month) in a farmer's family in liwan village,queshan county. he studied in a village private school when he was a child. in1918, he was admitted to the first primary school of queshan county withexcellent results. in 1919, the may 4th youth patriotic movement swept acrossthe country. at the age of 14, yang jingyu devoted himself to the fiercestruggle. in the autumn of 1923, he was admitted to kaifeng weaving and dyeingschool in henan province, where he joined the communist youth league of china in1926. in the winter of the same year, under the instruction of the party andleague organization, he led the peasant movement in huiqueshan county. in thespring of 1927, yang jingyu was elected as the president of the farmers'association of queshan county. in april, he led the shocking peasant uprising insouthern henan, organized 50000 peasants to besiege queshan county. after fourdays of fierce fighting, he occupied the county, defeated a brigade of theeighth army of the northern warlords, captured wang shaoqu, the countymagistrate, and established the county-level people's political power led by thecommunist party of china -- the temporary public security commissioner ofqueshan county at the meeting, yang jingyu was elected as the standing committeemember. on june 1, yang jingyu was transferred from a member of the communistyouth league to a member of the communist party of china in the tiger cage(place name) of chengguan town, queshan county. on july 15, the wuhan governmentof the kuomintang defected and revolutionized, and the new revolutionary regimewas attacked by the local stubborn forces in queshan county. yang jingzi, zhangjiaduo, zhang yaochang, li mingqi and other comrades led their troops to move tothe east liudian area of the county to continue their struggle and open up a newbase.

on september 30, he, li mingqi, zhang jiafeng and zhang yaochang led theautumn harvest uprising in liudian, reorganized the queshan county committee ofthe communist party of china, and established the southern henan guerrillas ofthe chinese workers' and peasants' red army, with yang jingyu as commander inchief. during this period, general yang jingyu led his troops to fight fiercelywith several times the enemy, and beat back the attack of kuomintang reactionaryforces and the harassment of local gentry forces. at that time, the armycontrolled a large area as far as ma xiang in the east, minggang in the south,county town in the west and shuitun in the north, and established the sovietregime. under the direction of the party central committee, in order to carryout a long-term guerrilla war, establish a consolidated revolutionary base, andlead the victory to the whole country, the troops left the plains and rushed tothe mountainous areas to open up the siwangshan revolutionary base. in the lateautumn and early winter of 1927, general yang jingyu was transferred to work inhenan provincial committee of the communist party of china. during this period,he was arrested and jailed three times. all of them were rescued and released bythe party, and then transferred to shanghai. soon, he was transferred fromshanghai to northeast china. during his stay in northeast china, he servedsuccessively as secretary of fushun special branch of cpc, secretary of daowaidistrict party committee of harbin, secretary of harbin municipal partycommittee, president of anti japanese general league, secretary of militarycommission of manchuria provincial party committee of cpc, political commissarof panshi guerrillas, commander of the first spanision of the first army ofnortheast people's liberation army, and commander of the first army of northeastdemocratic anti japanese alliance.

on february 23, 1940, in sandaoweizi, baoan village, mengjiang county (nowjingyu county), jilin province, yang jingyu's troops were unfortunatelysurrounded by the japanese army. while suffering from hunger, cold, fatigue andinjury, yang jingyu still insisted on fighting and died at the age of 35. out ofadmiration and love for the general, the people in his hometown built thememorial hall of general yang jingyu's former residence. the memorial was firstbuilt in the autumn of 1966 and then shut down during the ten years of was opened in 1981 after expansion, with a construction area of 4466 squaremeters.

dear friends, we have come to liwan village, queshan county, the hometownof general yang jingyu.

the gate of the memorial hall of the former residence of general yangjingzi faces north. it is of brick and stone structure. the building ismagnificent, with double eaves and brackets, and glass and green tile top. onthe lintel of the door was written "memorial hall of the former residence of theanti japanese hero general yang jingyu.". on the back, chairman zhu de wrote"the people's hero comrade yang jingyu is immortal" with strong handwriting. aneat passageway leads south, and the stone bust of general yang jingyu standsmajestically in the courtyard. there is a marble base 2 meters high, 0.8 metersthick and 1.20 meters wide. it was written: "general yang jingyu, 1905-1940". inthe south is a row of nine exhibition halls, displaying 92 pictures, charts, oilpaintings and so on, which systematically introduces the life story of generalyang jingyu. north of the statue is a common farmyard. a plaque was hung on thelintel, which read: "former residence of general yang jingyu". there are fourrooms in the north (one in the west and one in the east) and two small rooms ineach. there are three rooms in the east and three in the west, all of which areof brick and wood structure with small yellow tile top. on the west side of thecourtyard is a sophora tree planted by general yang jingyu when he was is the birthplace of general yang jing and the residence of his youth. atthe east end of the north room, there are simple tables and benches. this is theplace where general yang jingyu led the peasant revolution in southern henanprovince in his youth, and where some major struggle strategies came into east and west rooms are exhibition rooms with 101 photos, charts, documents,books and so on. it mainly introduces yang jingyu's revolutionary activities inhis youth and youth, especially his revolutionary cultural relics during thepeasant revolution in southern henan, as well as the enamel bowls, militarypots, chopping boards, fur coats, leather mattresses and other military articlesused as commander-in-chief in northeast china and the general's childhood thereare more than 30 learning tools. these precious cultural relics vividlyrepresent the revolutionary history and the glorious life of the general. theyare vivid teaching materials for patriotism education and the construction oftwo civilizations.


the reason why qufu is famous all over the world is closely related to thename of confucius. confucius is one of the greatest philosophers in the worldand the founder of chinese confucianism. in the long history of more than 20__years, confucian culture has gradually become the orthodox culture of china, andhas influenced the countries in east and southeast asia, and has become thecornerstone of the whole oriental culture. qufu's confucius mansion, confuciustemple and confucius forest, collectively referred to as "three confucius", is asymbol of china's history of commemorating confucius and advocatingconfucianism. it is famous for its rich cultural heritage, long history, grandscale, rich cultural relics collection and scientific and artistic e of its prominent position in chinese history and oriental culture, it ishonored as one of the three holy cities in the world.

the original name of confucius mansion is yansheng mansion. located in theeast of confucius temple, it is the office of confucius' eldest grandson. liubang, the emperor of the han dynasty, offered sacrifices to confucius' tomb andmade confucius' ninth grandson the king of worship, representing the state. inthe song dynasty, it was granted the title of yan shenggong. in the 10th year ofhongwu in ming dynasty, an independent yansheng government was are more than 480 buildings, halls and halls. the former is the governmentoffice, and the latter is the inner house. there are famous confucius archivesand a large number of cultural relics in the mansion.

confucius' mansion, known as "the first house in the world", is theresidence of confucius' lineage for a long time. it is also a typical buildingof the combination of government office and inner residence in chinese feudalsociety. after the death of confucius, the descendants of confucius lived nextto the temple for generations to take care of the relics of confucius. by theend of the northern song dynasty, the houses of the descendants of confucius hadbeen expanded to dozens. by the jin dynasty, the descendants of confucius hadalways been in the east of the temple. with the promotion of confucius' officialposition and the improvement of his title, the buildings of confucius' mansionhad been expanded to the present scale in the song, ming and qing dynasties. nowthe confucius mansion covers an area of about 7.4 hectares, with 480 ancientbuildings, nine courtyards in front and back, and three roads in the middle,east and west.

the gate of confucius' mansion is a five purlin hanging mountain stylebuilding, and the plaque reads "shengfu" written by yan song of ming is a couplet on both sides of the door, which is "the same day as thestate and xianxiu, an fu and zunrong mansion, and the old article" moral sagefamily ". the word" fu "is a little less, which means" wealth without a head ",and the word" zhang "is vertical to the top, which means" the article reachesheaven ". this couplet summarizes the style of" sage family "for thousands ofyears.

following the example of the six ministries of the feudal dynasty, theconfucius government set up six halls. on both sides of the two gates, they wereguangou hall, baihu hall, classics hall, sile hall, zhiyin hall, zhangshu halland public administration hall. ming dynasty building, a total of five deepthree, spacious and generous, for the year read the edict, meet officials, trialof major cases.

the confucius mansion covers an area of 240 mu, with 463 halls, halls,buildings and rooms. nine into the courtyard, three road layout: the east roadis the east school, jianyiguan hall, muen hall, kongs family temple andworkshops; the west road is the west school, hongyuxuan, zhongshu hall, anhuaihall and huating hall; the main part of the confucius mansion is in the middleroad, the front is the government office, the front is three halls and sixhalls, the back is the inner house, the front upper room, the front and backhall, the auxiliary building, the back six rooms, and finally the garden.


hello, everyone! my name is rowling, you can call me xiao luo. i'm glad tobe your tour guide. today i'm going to visit yuelu mountain with you. we willhave a good day together.

this is yuelu mountain, with an altitude of 300. 8 meters, is one of the 72peaks of nanyue. it is like a natural barrier across the west of changshacity.

we are now at the foot of yuelu mountain. please look with me. this oldhouse with moss on the tiles here is the famous yuelu academy. yuelu academy isa bright pearl in the long river of chinese history and culture. together withbailudong academy, songyang academy and yingtian academy, it is known as china'sfour major academies. it has a long history and was built in 976. zhu xi, afamous neo confucianist and educator in the southern song dynasty, once gavelectures here.

let's keep going up and see, this is the "love pavilion". four red pillars,like a pine tree, stand straight in front of us, supporting the two green a distance, it looks like a big tree. it is perfectly combined with thebeautiful scenery. on the top of the pavilion, there are three glittering goldencharacters of "aiwanting".

the original name of aiwanting was "hongyeting". later, it was renamed as"aiwanting" because of the poem in "a journey to the mountains" written by thefamous poet du mu of the tang dynasty: "stop and sit in the maple forest atnight, frost leaves are more red than february flowers". it is also known as oneof the four famous pavilions in china.

there are many scenic spots in yuelu mountain. let's have a rest first, andthen we'll go to more beautiful and wonderful scenic spots together. please payattention to "during the rest, do not run too far away, just rest nearby; inorder to avoid the team, pay attention to safety, we will gather here in 20minutes!


good morning, all tourists. i'm your guide on this day. you can call mexiao wang or wang dao. on this day, we will go to langya mountain scenic spot inchuzhou. master chen is the driver of our trip. because master chen is theteacher of this tour, you can take his car safely. ok, now i wish you a happyjourney.

on this day, we visited langya mountain scenic spot. before we went tolangya mountain, some people must want to ask, "why is it called langyamountain?" in fact, langya mountain was called motouling in ancient times, butthere have always been different opinions about why it was named langya. one isthat sima rui, the langya king of the eastern jin dynasty, once lived here andwas called langya; the other is that sima glaze, the king of the eastern langyaof the western jin dynasty, led several armies to destroy wu on the way out, andsun hao, the lord of wu, surrendered here, so the mountain was calledlangya.

langya mountain was named national forest park in 1985 and national keyscenic spot by the state council in 1988. in 20__, langya mountain was rated asone of the first 4a scenic spots by the national tourism administration. it wassaid that during the rebellion of the eight kings in the late western jindynasty, sima rui, the king of langya, avoided the rebellion and came tochuzhou. after that, he crossed the yangtze river to nanjing and became thefounding emperor of the eastern jin dynasty. he thought chuzhou was his blessedland, so he gave this mountain the word langya from langya county in shandongprovince ridge. there are zuiwengting, yefangyuan, langya temple, shenxiu lakeand other scenic spots. next, we will go to zuiwengting scenic spot.

all right, let's take a look at this side for a tourist friend. there aretwo springs there, alternating year round, and one spring flowing water, whichembodies the traditional virtue of modesty and comity that our chinese nationhas long respected. so it's called rang chuen. there are many springs in langyamountain, and only 72 of them can name. these springs contain elementsbeneficial to human body. therefore, many people in chuzhou like to go to themountain with buckets to take spring water home for drinking, hoping to prolongtheir life. now we come to the gate of zuiwongting, which is also called are three words of zuiwongting in the middle. let's go inside and have alook at it. this drunken pavilion is a hilltop style building with cornices andangles, reflecting the characteristics of ancient chinese architecture. thezuiwang pavilion we see now is the representative of architecture in songdynasty. the cornice angle is not only good-looking in appearance, but also haspractical value. the cantilevered eaves can release the force, which can notonly alleviate the force of rain washing on the roof, but also protect thefoundation from rain. there is a tea table in the middle of the pavilion. ouyangxiu handles government affairs in the pavilion, talks with guests, and recitespoems for fu. zuiweng pavilion is the first of the four famous pavilions inchina. why do you say that? because it was built in the song dynasty and has ahistory of more than 900 years, it is the oldest of the four famous ody, i think you all know that the famous zuiwengting pavilion comes fromouyang xiu's "zuiwengting ji". later, su shi, his proud brother, wrote"zuiwengting ji" and carved it as a stone tablet. now this stone tablet is stillthere. at the moment, this stone tablet is of great value! let's go to see thisstone tablet!

well, after seeing the zuiweng pavilion, we continue our tour. now we walkalong the langya ancient road about 400 meters to langya temple. at the moment,most of the buildings that visitors see are rebuilt in the 30th year of the qingdynasty. langya temple used to be called baoying temple until it was officiallynamed langya temple in 1984. there are more than 80 scenic spots in langyatemple. at the moment, the main hall, the sutra pavilion, the moon view andother scenic spots are available for viewing. i won't show you around one by onethere. let's have a free tour. after 40 minutes, we will gather there and startour return journey.

dear tourists, it's time to say goodbye. this day's tour is coming to anend. i'm very glad that you all support and cooperate with my work. in thisshort time, i hope it will become your eternal memory. i hope you will have theopportunity to serve you next time. i wish you happy and smooth everyday in yourfuture life. goodbye!


set on the coast some 280 km east of beijing, the seaside holiday resort ofbeidaihe is famous not only as a tourist center and as a good place torecuperate after illness, but also as one of the best places in the world to seemigratory birds.

china’’s yanshan mountain range winds its way thousands of miles from thewest to the eastern seaboard. it sends a number of waterways like the henghe,daihe, yanghe and luanhe rivers down to the bohai sea at beidaihe. they create avast area of wetlands, mud-banks, and lagoons with rich feeding and good placesfor birds to rest. here migratory routes come together like great seasonalrivers of birds linking northeast asia with south china, indo-china, australiaand even far off east africa.

nature has richly endowed beidaihe with bird species and of the 1,198 foundin china, 416 have been recorded at beidaihe. this is a part of the world thatplays host to eighteen species of gulls, three of swans, and six of cranes.

xu weishu, vice director of the china ornithological society tells of thetime when as many as 2,729 oriental white storks were recorded in beidaihe,doubling the previous world record.

look into the skies of beidaihe in the first ten days of november everyyear and you will be sure to see flocks of red-crowned cranes and whitecranes.

the year from may 1999 to may 20__ saw ten new bird species added to thelist for beidaihe.

back in the 1940s danish scientist, axel hemmingsen, published a reportsaying that he had seen large numbers of cranes at beidaihe, but no one followedup on this at the time. then in 1985 guided by hemmingsen’’s report, britishornithologist doctor martin williams first came to beidaihe. with the help of anofficial from the beidaihe tourism authority, dr williams visited shijiutuoisland in nearby laoting county. what he discovered there was far beyond hisexpectations and he found many new kinds of birds. since then, accompanied byhis chinese counterpart, xu weishu, he has brought many overseas professionalstogether in beidaihe every year to enjoy watching the birds and carry outresearch.

since the first two parties of chinese bird enthusiasts visited beidaihe in1999, more and more domestic visitors have joined bird watching groups goingthere on vacation.

beidaihe has enjoyed a good reputation since 1893. it was then that abritish engineer helping build a railway line recognized that with its lowhills, beaches and sea breezes, the headland was an ideal place to go to escapethe summer heat of the interior. on his recommendation, the first holidaymakersarrived. beidaihe, until then a poor fishing village, quickly became popularwith diplomats, merchants, missionaries, and well off chinese.

meanwhile the birds are regular visitors here too. flocks of gulls areeasily spotted. what might not be so easy is to be able to distinguish among thebewildering variety in the skies over beidaihe. many different birds passthrough here as the seasons come and go and every year still sees fresh speciesspotted. it is a magnificent sight to see the occasional flock of large cranespass by or to watch the birds of prey, however the larger birds have beendecreasing in number.


zhongshan zhan garden, also known as zhongshan mansion gate, is located inthe north platform of south district of zhongshan city. it is the largestprivate garden in lingnan at present. zhongshan zhan garden was built in 1998,covering an area of 100 mu. it was designed by huang yuanxin, the owner of zhangarden, and was built by 100 garden craftsmen from suzhou in five years. theoriginal intention of the garden is to build a quiet residence for her mother,which is elegant and exquisite. it is named zhan yuan after her mother'ssurname. later, the mother comforts her son's filial piety. in order to let allpeople in the world feel her son's filial piety, she suggests that the owneropen the garden to the outside world.

zhan garden is built on both sides of a river, which not only inherits thetradition of chinese classical private gardens, but also highlights the uniquelayout of lingnan water town. at the same time, it also absorbs the style ofwestern gardens. the water body and decoration are mostly geometric. the layoutof the garden is natural and unrestrained, with distinct layers. the buildingpays attention to site selection. the shape is concise, the color is clear andsimple, which constitutes a transparent, elegant, light and smooth lingnanstyle. whether it's ming and qing dynasty antiques, millennium potted plants,bell and milk stones, or leaky windows, plaques and screens, couplets andmurals, the garden owner carefully selects and decorates the garden. it'sgenerous and sincere.

in addition to the magnificent and elegant architecture, magnificentflowers and trees, exquisite and elegant tea art, zhan garden also has a varietyof dazzling artistic performances.

drama: according to the classic story of twenty filial piety, differentversions of filial piety stories are arranged, such as ancient costume, modern,funny and so on. through teaching and entertainment, you can understand thephilosophy of life.

face changing is a unique chinese art. the red, yellow, blue, white andblack faces of the king of face changing are clear in front of us when we can'tsee each other.

acrobatics - the young actors are extraordinary, soft as boneless,beautiful in shape, soul stirring and eye-catching.

song and dance: all kinds of folk dances make you enjoy yourself, andancient musical instruments and chime bells are also in your ears. in theleisure time of famous garden, you can

appreciate the elegance of huang zhong da lu and folk music minor.

zhanyuan is located in beitai village, south district of zhongshan city,next to national highway 105, covering an area of 100 mu. it is spanided intothree areas: zhanyuan birthday, qijiang corridor bridge and zhanfu zhongfu;taking the opportunity to pay homage to the old lady of the zhan family, we canlearn about their daily life and reveal the secret of happiness and longevity bycommunicating and comparing with the characters of the zhan family; we can get asublimation of emotional journey through personal experience and perception.

zhan garden takes lingnan characteristics as the keynote, integrates theessence of chinese classical gardens, emphasizes the layout of lingnan watertown, and absorbs the style of western gardens. the water body and decorationare mostly geometric; the garden is natural and unrestrained, with distinctlayers. the buildings attach importance to site selection, concise modeling,bright colors, and simple decoration, which constitute a transparent, elegant,light and bright lingnan style. most of the materials are folk antiques, whichhave been polished and renovated, and are full of historical traces.

zhanfu birthday district: gather acrobatic skills at all times and in allover the world to create a strong folk affection. the tourists came now singing,now dancing, singing and dancing, and the saints were giving gifts to celebratethe birthday, with he shoudian and xi man chan garden; many girls wereembroidering the birthday characters with the same needle, and kinoue kaki, andthe flowers were distilled in a stove, and the aroma was wrapped around thetourists. after steaming and bathing, mrs. zhan's face was red and beaming withjoy. she distributed birthday candy to tourists and enjoyed zhan yuan opera withthem.

qijiang langqiao district: one river connects the two banks, and thelangqiao has many dreams. river shepherd buffalo, huanyi gauze female, ospreybamboo, taigong fishing. zhan garden is surrounded by water inside and are many bridges and boats. the corridor pavilion beside the bridge isinterspersed with zhongshan folk custom, singing with weishui woodcutter underthe bridge, which is very lively. every day there are lightboat cruise andhuaweidu cruise in qijiang river, so tourists can enjoy the scenery of qijiangriver and zhan garden by boat. they can also paddle in the inland river to blendinto the beautiful scenery of zhan garden.


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