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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-04-01 13:54:09
时间:2023-04-01 13:54:09     小编:admin


























hello, everyone! welcome to the anti japanese mountain scenic spot.

the anti japanese mountain, formerly named ma'anshan, is located at thejunction of jiangsu and shandong provinces in the west of ganyu county. it isknown as "the first mountain of anti japanese in china". from 1941 to 1944, thesecond brigade of the 115th spanision of the eighth route army, as well as thevast number of soldiers and civilians in the binhai military area command, hadfour times built a monument for the dead martyrs, hence the name of the antijapanese mountain.

the anti japanese mountain scenic spot covers an area of 20 square meters_there are more than 20 scenic spots, covering an area of more than 360 mu. themain landscape is anti japanese mountain martyrs cemetery, which is built alongthe mountain. it is spanided into eight slope sections and 363 steps. it iscomposed of anti japanese martyrs memorial tower, memorial hall, monument, stelegallery, national defense park, bonsai garden, assembly square, saddle stone,landscape pavilion, shengui spring and other scenic spots. the anti japanesemountain martyrs' cemetery is the earliest and largest in china, named after"anti japanese". it was built in the most difficult years of the anti japanesewar by the soldiers and civilians in the coastal area while fighting, which isunique in the country; in the cemetery, there are tombstones of domesticrevolutionary martyrs and monuments of international friends; in the memorialhall, there are not only displays of the deeds of the anti japanese generals ofthe communist party of china, but also introductions of the heroic anti japanesedeeds of the patriotic generals of the kuomintang.

since 1982, the scenic spot has been rated as "national key martyr memorialbuilding protection unit", "national youth education base", "national patriotismeducation demonstration base", etc. it has also been listed as "jiangsu shandonganhui red tourism scenic spot" by the national tourism administration, one ofthe 12 red tourism scenic spots in china, 30 "red tourism boutique routes" and20 "red tourism boutique routes" in china_ it was rated as a national aaaascenic spot by the national tourism administration in, and became an importantred tourist attraction in northern jiangsu and southern shandong.

now we come to the first slope of the cemetery, the assembly square. afterthe founding of the people's republic of china, the party and the governmentrenovated and expanded the scenic spots for many times, only 20 years_ 20 yearsto 20 years_ we will increase investment by 20% in one year_ the gate, waterpark, quqiao pavilions, assembly square, stele gallery, management building andtwo parking lots of the scenic area have been built, the revolutionary martyrs'tombs, martyrs' memorial hall and memorial hall have been rebuilt, water,electricity, communication, audio and other supporting facilities have beencompleted, and the green area has been increased by nearly 100000 square meters,which further improves the tourist environment and tourist reception conditionsof the scenic area. today's anti japanese mountain scenic spot is surrounded bypavilions and towers, steles, evergreen pines and cypresses, and toweringflowers and trees. it is a scenic spot with unique charm, which takes the antijapanese martyrs cemetery as the main body, leisure tourism as the connotation,and integrates cultural landscape, natural landscape, revolutionary traditionaleducation, tourism and leisure. it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, densevegetation, beautiful scenery and unique scenery more than 500000 tourists fromall over the country have come to visit and become a famous red touristattraction. a magnificent picture of "human landscape on the mountain, greentrees and orchards on the hillside, entertainment and leisure at the foot of themountain" is slowly unfolding to the world.

the anti japanese martyrs cemetery was built in july 1941. the firstmemorial building, the anti japanese martyrs memorial tower, was completed injuly 1942. at present, there are 751 martyrs' tombs in the cemetery area, wherethe loyal bones of more than 800 martyrs are buried, and the heroic names of3576 martyrs are engraved on the tower steles. every year during the qingmingfestival, hundreds of thousands of people from northern jiangsu, southernshandong and other places come to the cemetery to pay homage to the martyrs andpay homage to their loyal souls. some large-scale gatherings and commemorativeactivities are held in this square.

the gallery in front of us has a total length of 60 meters, a building areaof more than 1300 square meters, a building height of 13 meters, and more than200 steles. the contents engraved on the stele come from two aspects: one is thewords and poems written by leaders at all levels and people from all walks oflife for the cemetery since its establishment; the other is the words and poemswritten by leaders of the state, province and city for the 60th anniversary ofits establishment.

in front of us is the tomb of the martyrs of the xiaoshadong naval both sides are the inscriptions of chen yi and chen shigui - "great spiritforever" and "heroic spirit forever". on the back is the article in memory ofthe martyrs of the xiaoshadong naval battle written by the political departmentof the binhai military region at that time.

in march 1943, a total of 51 cadres and soldiers of the new fourth corpsand above went to yan'an to study. when they passed through the yellow sea ofxiaoshadong in ganyu county, they encountered japanese patrol boats. as aresult, a soul stirring naval battle took place between wooden boats and ironboats. the officers and men of the new fourth army beat back the enemy's attacksagain and again with hand grenades and shell rifles. they persisted from earlymorning to dusk. in this battle, peng xiong, chief of staff of the thirdspanision of the new fourth army, tian shouyao, commander of the eighth brigade,and other 16 cadres died in honor of their country, including chen luolian, wifeof general tian shouyao, and zhang ming, wife of general zhang chiming. afterpeng xiong and other comrades died, the 115th spanision of the eighth route armyand the third spanision of the new fourth army held solemn memorial meetingsrespectively. the bodies of the martyrs are buried here.

here is a brief introduction to the biographies of peng xiong and tianshouyao. peng xiong, born in 1915 in yongxin county, jiangxi province, took partin the revolution at the age of 14. he has successively served as platooncommander, company commander, battalion commander, regimental commander andspanision chief of staff. on march 17, 1943, he died at the age of 29 in thebattle of xiaoshadong.

born in 1915 in lu'an county, anhui province, comrade tian shouyao tookpart in the revolution at the age of 14. he served successively as monitor,platoon leader, political instructor, battalion commander, regimental politicalcommissar, regimental commander and brigade commander. on march 17, 1943, hedied at the age of 29 in the battle of xiaoshadong.

in order to build the tomb, more than 50 soldiers worked hard for 10 days,carrying 2.5 million jin of earth, with an average of 5000 jin per person perday. with guns in one hand and pickaxes in the other, they created a greatmiracle in the history of the anti japanese war behind the enemy lines, and werepraised by the masses as "mountain tigers on the back".

the two monuments in front of us are erected in memory of internationalfriends hans eber and kim yebo. the monument of comrade hans eber was erected in1944. on the back of the monument, luo ronghuan, xiao hua and li yu wrote ajoint inscription: "to fight against the japanese invaders, to fight against thebloody yimeng." he is a german, born in poland and a journalist. he came tochina twice in his life, the first time in 1925-1920_ later, he left angrilybecause of the "april 12" coup. after the september 18th incident in 1931, anunprecedented upsurge of resistance against japan was set off in china. thedeeply inspired comrade eber and his wife, ms. qiudi, came to china again. usingpen as a weapon, he mercilessly exposed the aggressive nature of japaneseimperialism and attacked the international compromise policy. he went to the newfourth army in central china and shandong anti japanese base to interview andintroduce china to the people of the world the heroic struggle of the chinesepeople has aroused great sympathy and praise from peace loving people in theworld. it has been received many times_ interview with leading comrades such aszhou enlai and liu shaoqi. in november 1941, when visiting daqing mountain inshandong province, comrade eber was killed by the enemy. he was only 44 yearsold. he was hailed as the first european to fight fascism and die in the uniformof the eighth route army.


dear friends, distinguished guests. good afternoon everyone! welcome to thehometown of great sage, the hometown of crystal, the beautiful lianyungang. i amxu mo, your local tour guide during your stay in lianyungang. on behalf oflianyungang_ travel agencies and 4.6 million hospitable people express theirheartfelt thanks and warm welcome to all of you!

lianyungang's geographical location is very superior. it is adjacent to theyellow sea in the east, the central plains in the west, qilu in the north andjianghuai in the south. the area of the whole city is 7400 square kilometers,under the jurisdiction of four counties (donghai ganyu guanyun and guannan) andthree districts (xinpu, haizhou, lianyun)! population 4.6 million! urban area415 square kilometers, population 800000! is a standard medium-sized city!

lianyungang has a long history. it was written about lianyungang when thethree emperors and five emperors were recorded in historical records. at thattime, lianyungang was called yushan. it is said that in the late period ofshun's rule, the yellow river overflowed. shun asked gun to control the yellowriver! he had no effect in controlling the water for nine years by means ofcontainment! he was finally executed in yushan, which is lianyungang.

but after he died, his heart never died and his blood flowed into the landto form the famous yushan hot spring in the east china sea!

later, after the xia, shang, zhou, spring and autumn period and the warringstates period, the first emperor of qin unified china in 220 bc. he spanidedchina into 36 counties according to li si's suggestion. lianyungang is calleddonghai county. in the later period of qin shihuang's rule, he came here on atour to the east. xu fu, a famous local alchemist, came to the sea to visitthree fairy mountains (penglai abbot and yingzhou). there are immortals on themountain. immortals have elixir to eat, and they can live forever! qin shihuanggave xu fu a giant ship warrior and 3000 boys and girls to cross the ocean tofind elixir. finally, they never came back in today's japan!

during the period of the three kingdoms, liu bei of xuzhou once reorganizedhis troops here in lianyungang. only with the support of mi fang, a local saltmerchant, did he make a comeback again!

during the northern and southern dynasties, because of the imminent war,lianyungang is close to the sea and has convenient transportation. therefore,the northern wei dynasty hoarded materials on a large scale here, sent troopsand horses to garrison, built cities relying on the sea! because it was close tothe sea, it was named haizhou prefecture!

only in 1668 ad, the 50th year of kangxi, an earthquake, the largestdisaster in chinese history, came to lianyungang, the magnitude of tanchengearthquake reached 8.5, which made the crenels of ancient haizhou city, jiancangyaku, government houses, villages and temples fall to the ground for a is no house in the surrounding area for a hundred li. "the more importantthing is that due to the plate compression caused by the earthquake, thegeological landscape of lianyungang has changed greatly! the sea water hasregressed by 40 km! that's why the urban area of lianyungang is not there thereason for the seaside!

in the period of the new democratic revolution, the 1911 revolution led bydr. sun yat sen overthrew the rule of the qing government and vigorously carriedout national industry in china. in 1933, the construction of docks became thetop priority. because at that time, the location of the dock was very good! theback of the dock is 167 kilometers of picturesque yuntai mountain! the oppositeis liandao with folded wings like a screen! the port is between the mountain andisland! so the word "liandao" is chosen! the port is in the middle of yuntaimountain. let's call it lianyungang! later, the name of the city is named afterthe name of the dock, which has been called to this day!












































the peach blossom stream in spring is full of vitality, brilliant andcharming, and the days when peach blossom is in full bloom are even morebeautiful. on a fine spring day, we went to taohuajian with our teacher to seethe spring scenery and enjoy the peach blossom.

the day before i set out, i was too excited to sleep. although people athome, but the heart has long been flying out. the next morning, after a quickbreakfast, i rushed out of the house with my camera and snacks. along the way, ithought: there must be a lot of knowledge in taohuajian this time, and i willwrite a good composition when i come back. in our expectation, the teacher ledus to set out in a neat and orderly line.

after a long time, we finally arrived at taohuajian. the original bustlingtaohuajian scenic spot has become more and more bustling because of the arrivalof our party. the sounds of praise, surprise and noise are mixed gh it is chaotic, it is pleasant to hear. i hold the team flag to walk inthe front, red flag flying, everyone is energetic. peach blossom stream isworthy of being the world of peach blossom. looking around, the breath of springcan be seen everywhere. it's really "looking for fangsi waterfront in the sun,and the light and shadow of the lake are new all the time.". when you know theeast wind, it's always spring. " the mountain stream is deep and bottomless,like a layer of white fog, which adds a sense of mystery.

when we went there, peach blossoms were in full bloom. each peach blossombloomed on its branches in different shapes and meandering. some are shy, likequiet girls; some have just blossomed, attracting a lot of bees and butterfliesto fly in the flowers; some are in full bloom, sweet and pure; and some peachblossoms have failed, which makes people feel sorry. peach blossoms are bloomingin the wind, just like smiling faces, pouring out the message of spring; beesand butterflies are busy among the flowers, which adds vitality to the the way up the mountain, some branches of peach trees came to our shouldersas if they were welcoming us. along the way, the beautiful scenery of pearblossom and peach blossom blooming is relaxing and pleasant, and the camera istoo busy. it's really enjoyable.

there is a clear stream in the mountain stream, and the rest place is onthe other side, where there is a statue of "peach blossom girl". peach blossomgirl is beautiful and simple, just like lingbo fairy, which fascinateseveryone.

there is paradise on the top, suzhou and hangzhou on the bottom, andtaohuajian in lianyungang. this is really a fairyland on earth!


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