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2023年九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词(十篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-04-01 13:16:18
2023年九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词(十篇)
时间:2023-04-01 13:16:18     小编:admin


九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词篇一

jiuhua mountain, located in qingyang county, south anhui province, is oneof the four famous buddhist mountains in china. liu yuxi, a writer of the tangdynasty, praised jiuhua mountain after climbing it. he thought that the famousmountains in the world could not compete with jiuhua mountain. li bai went tomount jiuhua three times. jiuhua mountain is characterized by beautifulmountains and numerous buddhist temples.

to visit jiuhua mountain, you should first go to jiuhua street, which isthe center of jiuhua mountain. temples are mainly concentrated there, so it iscalled "lotus buddha kingdom". it is actually a village on the mountain. besidestemples, there are shops, schools, hotels and farmhouses. visitors can staythere and take it as a starting point to visit the scenic spots on themountain.

huacheng temple on jiuhua street is the oldest ancient temple of jindynasty in jiuhua mountain. it is also the main temple of jiuhua mountain. thearchitecture of the temple is arranged according to the mountain situation,reflecting the superb art of architectural design. in the temple, there is anancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20__ jin. it isexquisitely cast and has a loud voice. it is struck with a mallet. the solemnand clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes peoplefeel extraordinarily refined. "huacheng evening clock" has become one of the"jiuhua ten sceneries".

jiuhua scenery is on the roof. tiantai peak is the main peak of jiuhuamountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. there is a saying that "ifyou don't get on the roof, you don't come.". from the rooftop of jiuhua street,about 15 huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. when youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. all around the mountains crawling, lookingat jiuhua street, only palm so big.

well, here we are. we all get off the bus and follow xiao ke into thescenic spot. we must pay attention to our team flag. don't fall behind or go tothe wrong team.

九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词篇二

hello, tourists! welcome to jiuhua mountain. it's my great honor to be yourtour guide, to accompany you to appreciate the charm of jiuhua mountain andspend a perfect time together.

jiuhua mountain, located in qingyang county, south anhui province, is oneof the four famous buddhist mountains in china. liu yuxi, a writer of the tangdynasty, praised jiuhua mountain after climbing it. he thought that the famousmountains in the world could not compete with jiuhua mountain. li bai went tomount jiuhua three times. jiuhua mountain is characterized by beautifulmountains and numerous buddhist temples.

as early as the eastern jin dynasty (401), temples began to be built on themountain. since then, they have been added and expanded to form a small templein three li and a big temple in five li. the temples spread all over themountain. it is said that there were more than 300 temples with 4500 monks inthe prosperous period. at the moment, there are still 50 or 60 temples incomplete preservation.

when you visit jiuhua mountain, you first go to jiuhua street, which ismore than 600 meters above sea level. it is the center of jiuhua mountain, andtemples are mainly concentrated there, so it is called the lotus buddha is actually a village on the mountain. besides temples, there are shops,schools, hotels and farmhouses. visitors can stay there and take it as astarting point to visit the scenic spots on the mountain.

huacheng temple on jiuhua street.

jiuhua mountain is the oldest ancient temple of jin dynasty, and also themain temple of jiuhua mountain. the layout of the temple's buildings is inaccordance with the mountain situation, reflecting the superb art ofarchitectural design. in the temple, there is an ancient clock which is morethan ten feet high and weighs about 20__ jin. it is exquisitely cast and has aloud voice. it is struck with a mallet. the solemn and clear sound of the bellreverberates in the valley, which often makes people feel extraordinarilyrefined. huacheng evening bell became one of the ten scenic spots in jiuhua.

九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词篇三

dear guests, hello! i'm wang ping, the tour guide accompanying you. you canjust call me wang dao. on behalf of anhui travel agency, i'd like to extend mywarm welcome to you and wish you a successful tour. if you have any questionsduring today's tour, you are welcome to raise them in time. i must follow theprinciple of reasonable and possible to make your trip happy.

first of all, welcome to jiuhua mountain. next, let me introduce thegeneral situation of jiuhua mountain.

during the reign of tang tianbao, li bai wrote a poem "once upon a time onjiujiang river, looking at jiuhua peak in the distance, green water hanging onthe tianhe river, showing off hibiscus" and "jiuzi mountain" was renamed "jiuhuamountain" from then on.

it is a national 5a tourist area, a national courtesy tourism demonstrationsite, one of the three famous mountains in anhui province, and one of the fourfamous buddhist mountains in china. it is also known as the "dizang bodhisattvataoist center" in the world, known as "the first mountain in southeast china"and "lianhua buddhist kingdom".

jiuhua mountain has beautiful scenery and numerous ancient temples. thereare 99 existing temples, of which 9 are national key temples.

we are now at the center of jiuhua street. what you can see is huachengtemple, kaishanzu temple of jiuhua mountain. the name of huacheng temple comesfrom the story of "huacheng refers to the earth" in buddhist ng temple is the oldest ancient temple of jin dynasty in jiuhua mountain,and it is the "total jungle" of jiuhua mountain. hanging on the temple foreheadis the horizontal plaque of "jiuhuashan historical relics museum" inscribed byzhao puchu. the ancient clock in the temple is more than ten feet high andweighs about 20__ jin. it is exquisitely cast and has a loud voice. "huachengevening clock" has become one of the "jiuhua ten sceneries".

looking up, the hall built on the cliff is the famous "centenary palace".now let's take the ground cable car to visit the centenary palace!

on the plaque of the centenary palace, the ten gold characters of "bestowthe centenary palace, protect the country and wannian temple" were inscribed byli yuanhong, president of the beiyang government. according to records, in thewanli period of the ming dynasty, a monk named flawless came to jiuhua mountainat the age of 26 and spent a hundred years of hard work in motianling, dongyapeak. three years after his death, his body was found in the cave. the monk onthe mountain believed that he was reincarnated as a living buddha, so he offeredhis body in gold. emperor chongzhen of the ming dynasty granted him the title of"yingshen bodhisattva" when he understood that this body was a monk withouttime.

next, let's go to the rooftop. we have to pass fenghuangsong scenic spot togo to the rooftop. fenghuangsong is located in the min garden of jiuhuamountain, which is a major landscape of jiuhua mountain. please see, the pine is7.68 meters high and 1 meter diameter at breast height. it has a peculiar shape,just like the phoenix spreading its wings, so it is called fenghuang pine. thehistory of this pine was recorded in the southern and northern dynasties, and ithas a history of 1400 years. it has the reputation of "the first pine in theworld".

the scenic spot of jiuhua is located on the tiantai mountain. tiantai peakis the main peak of jiuhua mountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 is a saying that "if you don't climb the tiantai mountain, you will notcome.". from the rooftop of jiuhua street, about 15 kilometers to huali mountainroad, the surrounding mountains are crawling, and the surrounding rocks aregrotesque. the inscription of "non human" on a huge stone really makes peoplefeel like they are in penglai fairyland. tiantai "holding the sun pavilion" towatch the sunrise is no less than mount tai. therefore, "tiantai xiaori" islisted as one of the "ten sceneries of jiuhua".

now we come to the body hall of shenguangling, where the body ofjinqiaojue, the bodhisattva of tibetans, is worshipped. because of his commonsurname jin, he was honored as "jindizang".

during the kaiyuan reign of emperor xuanzong of the tang dynasty, jinqiaojue, a 24-year-old king of silla, crossed the sea to seek dharma in boarded jiuhua via nanling and other places. he chose a cave to live andpractice in a secluded place deep in the mountain.

jin qiaojue devoted himself to training for 75 years. at the age of 99, hepassed away in jiuhua mountain. after three years of the letter, it still "lookslike life, with soft hands and a sound at luojie, like shaking a golden lock".the monks believed that he was the incarnation of the bodhisattva, so they builta stone pagoda to worship him and called him "jindizang" bodhisattva.

as a result, jiuhua mountain became a taoist center of dizang bodhisattva,and thus became famous in china and even the world. it gradually became a holyland of dizang yinghua, which was called together with manjusri of wutaimountain, puxian of emei mountain and guanyin of putuo mountain.

this hall is majestic and majestic. it is a tower hall type building,covered with iron tiles, with palace style eaves at the four corners. you haveto climb 81 steps to enter the hall. look at these two plaques, which read "thepalace of the flesh" on the top and "the first mountain in the southeast" on thebottom. the hall is three rooms wide with white marble on the ground. in thecenter of this 1.8-meter-high white jade pagoda, there stands a seven storyeight sided wooden pagoda. there are niches on eight sides of each floor of thetower, and each niche is dedicated to a gold statue. outside the wooden pagodais a white jade altar with a standing statue of yama in the ten halls holding agui in both hands. at the four corners of the base of the pagoda, there are thetop beams of the pillars, and inside the pagoda are the three-level stonepagodas dedicated to the body of the golden earth. in front of the tower is ahollow octagonal glass lamp, which is always bright.

well, tourists, today's tour is over. thank you very much for your supportand cooperation in my work. welcome to visit again!

九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词篇四



游九华山,首先到九华街,这里海拔 600多米,是九华山的中心,寺庙也主要集中在这里,因此有“莲花佛国”之称。这里实际上是一个山上的村镇,除了庙宇外,还有商店、学校、旅店、农舍,游人可以在这里住宿,并以此为起点,游览山上的名胜。

九华街上的化城寺,是九华山历史最悠久的晋代古寺,也是九华山的主寺,寺的建筑依山势布局,反映了高超的 建筑设计艺术。寺内有一口高一丈有余,重约 2019斤的古钟,铸造精美,声音洪亮,用槌撞击,凝重清扬的钟声,在山谷回荡,往往使人有超凡脱 俗之感。“化城晚钟”遂成为“九华十景”之一。

从九华街往东走不远,有一建在悬崖上的殿堂,就是著名的“百岁宫”。其匾额上书有“钦赐百岁宫,护国万年寺”十个金字。据说,在明朝万历年间,有个叫无暇的和尚,26岁来到九华山,在一个人迹罕至的山洞里苦修了12019年。死后3年,人们才在洞中发现他的肉身。山上和尚认为他是活 佛转世,遂将尸体装金供奉。明崇祯皇帝知道后封他为“应身菩萨”。于是供奉他的小庙香火日旺,寺庙扩展,成为九华山四大丛林之一。游人可以在寺里的肉身殿看到这具头戴僧帽,身披红色袈裟,端坐莲台之上的无暇和尚的装金肉身。


九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词篇五













九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词篇六



游九华山,首先到九华街,这里海拔 600多米,是九华山的中心,寺庙也主要集中在这里,因此有“莲花佛国”之称。这里实际上是一个山上的村镇,除了庙宇外,还有商店、学校、旅店、农舍,游人可以在这里住宿,并以此为起点,游览山上的名胜。

九华街上的化城寺,是九华山历史最悠久的晋代古寺,也是九华山的主寺,寺的建筑依山势布局,反映了高超的 建筑设计艺术。寺内有一口高一丈有余,重约20xx斤的古钟,铸造精美,声音洪亮,用槌撞击,凝重清扬的钟声,在山谷回荡,往往使人有超凡脱 俗之感。“化城晚钟”遂成为“九华十景”之一。

从九华街往东走不远,有一建在悬崖上的殿堂,就是著名的“百岁宫”。其匾额上书有“钦赐百岁宫,护国万年寺”十个金字。据说,在明朝万历年间,有个叫无暇的和尚,26岁来到九华山,在一个人迹罕至的山洞里苦修了120xx年。死后3年,人们才在洞中发现他的肉身。山上和尚认为他是活 佛转世,遂将尸体装金供奉。明崇祯皇帝知道后封他为“应身菩萨”。于是供奉他的小庙香火日旺,寺庙扩展,成为九华山四大丛林之一。游人可以在寺里的肉身殿看到这具头戴僧帽,身披红色袈裟,端坐莲台之上的无暇和尚的装金肉身。


九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词篇七

dear visitors, everybody! welcome to our lotus buddhist - the jiuhua mountain tourism! i am the guide from you on this trip, my name is wang ping, you call me xiao wang. first of all, introduce below an overview of our jiuhua mountain. jiuhua mountain is located in chizhou anhui province, anhui "two mountain lake" gold tourist area of the main scenic area, where has beautiful scenery, ancient forest, and mount emei in sichuan province, wutai mountain in shanxi, zhejiang mount putuo and four major buddhist mountains in china.

the jiuhua mountain was not called the jiuhua mountain, at the time of the tang dynasty is called nine mountain, because beautiful jiuhua mountain, the clouds above the mountain there are nine, so nine mountain nine children. began years, by li baiceng twice visited here, has written "miao have two gas, lingshan jiu hua, tianhe hangs green water, showing nine lotus" etc historic lovers, jiuhua mountain hence the name, and has been used to this day.

the jiuhua mountain has a long history of religious activity, taoism in jiuhua mountain development first, buddhism more flourish. between kai-yuan tang, woosong kingdom prince jin qiao sailing east, visited famous mountains, the jiuhua practice in our chosen. night camped out in the hills of the cave, thirsty drink mountain spring hill, hungry eat the mountain of wild plants. finally he died at the age of 99. the buddhism thought penance before his death, passed away with records in the sutras like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, as should like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, because of his surname gold without becoming a monk, so also known as the heart of gold. jiuhua mountain is since then all kept like ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. after the tang dynasty, jiuhua buddhism statement, past dynasties after repair, to the whole of the temple in the qing dynasty already has more than 150 seats, only garden temple, east cliff temple, centenarians palace, ganlu temple four big jungle, incense of guilin.

below we first enter the jiu hua street scenic area, first see is a cross lane. it is carved marble, 9 meters high, is the imitation of buildings has been gloriously enrolled. banners on the engraved royal emperor kangxi book "nine chinese scenic spot" four characters. below the door in the north and south two column carved stone lions. gate dignified elegance, the gate lane welcomed everyone to see is the fairy bridge, the bridge is built in the qianlong years, is a single-arch stone bridge, the following will set foot on this ancient bridge together, please follow me, into the wonderland of together!

everyone see, across the bridge is only positive garden temple hall. garden temple is only key national temple, the scale is one of the largest the jiuhua mountain four big jungle, by the gate, the great hall, ursa major, guest room, lecture hall and the scripture-stored tower and so on more than 10 monomer building, is a typical modular architecture, its inside deviate from the central axis of the hall, you know why? because ah, tilt the gate is quite exquisite, way to ward off bad luck, and secondly is the door to the city of toward the mountain temple temple. ursa coloured glaze tile, cornices, newborn status is very outstanding. on the front wall of the temple there is a stone carving, the top "taishan shigandang" five characters very eye-catching, everyone to guess what is this used for? actually this is only unique garden temple, is used to ward off bad luck town demon.

enter the gate, is lingguan temple, temple, that take the door stand see shrine is chimian red iron scourge, wide-open, exalted wang lingguan. wang lingguan guardian deity of taoism, is how to protect the dharma? the original legend of buddhist dharma wei tuo "killing" mistake, is "dismissal" like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, let wang lingguan top class, this reflects the "cooperation" the great meaning of buddhism and taoism, is afraid is just a place in the country.

from lingguan temple in a small courtyard, there is a square pavilions type double-hipped roof, from the top of the mountain, for the four major kings like, according to the great hall. sits in the middle shrine "smile, pot-bellied inclusive" maitreya. "a great bowl of thousands of rice, wan lixing" the alone, is his two ket. on either side for the four heavenly kings statues.

lingguan temple and great in the same stylobate, while up layer on the stylobate is ursa major. ursa major, the positive standing about 12 meters high buddha iii, next is green lotus, under 须弥座 (also called jin gangtai), fine carving. sweets positive cross engraved with the "personality" of the story of bedding face relief. the buddha, worship for hosts will monk run course.

good, swim only garden temple, we now come to the center of the street, is nine china we see is the jiuhua mountain temple temple in the city. buddhist scriptures have "refers to the geochemical city". city temple is located in jiuhua mountain, peak city southwest of the city center, hence the name the city temple. city temple has a long history, it built in the jin dynasty, is lord also of the jiuhua mountain temple, the temple of the building layout according to the mountain, reflect the superb architectural art. temple has a higher consisting, weighing about 20xx pounds of clocks, casting, loud noise, use the hammer impact, dignified realisation of the bell, echoed in the valley, often make the person has the feeling of free from vulgarity. "the city production" became one of the ten views "of" nine china.

temple after waste, still stands in the years long river. existing four into the residential house, former sanjin for qing dynasty architecture: a into lingguan temple, two into the great hall, sanjin ursa major. second, there was a huge four water between sanjin patio, meaning "four water belongs to the hall". ursa all wood door, lintel carved on the icy veins window lattice. the cuhk sunk panel "kowloon dish bead" relief for the art treasures. four into the scripture-stored tower as the jiuhua mountain unique buildings in ming dynasty, recently according to the original repair. temple according to the terrain gradually rise, the city structure is rigorous, of primitive simplicity and elegant, basic preserved the mountain temple original character.

the city shishi pair of song dynasty, under the temple steps of monogamous, like vigorous. before have a free life pond, crescent, reportedly is golden heart leads the acts of building city temple during excavation, both for the temple of fire prevention, and monks and pilgrims and set them free. before the pool is flat, open city square, the square one with the stone in the base of "empress" base, is hid in the mother's memorial gold. allegedly hid mother learned that gold stashed zhuoxi jiu hua, wanli trek to mountain son back, found a long time, eager, and combined with all the way wind and frost, nearly blind eyes. gold heart with square edge mother washed for a well in the spring eye, healed mother eye diseases, cijing ming eyes say "spring". gold heart attentively to wait on her mother and asked her to elaborate buddhist karma, mother is feeling, finally leave mountain to help protect the buddha, and later generations built in the square tower, tower "called" empress. but the jiuhua mountain also has said "empress" tower is commemorative gold hid in the wife's before becoming a monk. both mother and wife, "the legend of empress tower is beautiful.

ok, we the jiuhua mountain tour to this end, thank you for your support and cooperation for the work of wang, hope i still have a chance to continue to service for you, i wish you all a pleasant journey! thank you very much!

九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词篇八







九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词篇九










九华山导游词1000 介绍九华山的导游词篇十

hello, everyone. welcome to jiuhua mountain, the lotus buddha kingdom. nowi'd like to introduce the general situation of jiuhua mountain

jiuhua mountain, located in qingyang county, anhui province, is a keyscenic spot in china and a national 5a scenic spot. it is also known as china'sfour famous buddhist mountains along with mount wutai in shanxi, mount emei insichuan and mount putuo in zhejiang. do you understand that mount wutai is theashram of manjusri bodhisattva, mount emei is the ashram of puxian bodhisattva,mount putuo is the ashram of guanyin bodhisattva, and mount jiuhua is the ashramof dizang bodhisattva. jiuhua mountain was originally called jiuzi e jiuhua mountain is big and small, there are 99 peaks, nine of which arevery prominent, so it is called jiuzi mountain. later, li bai, a poet, came tojiuhua mountain to visit, saw the emerald peaks, and wrote the poem "wonderfulis spanided into two, lingshan opens jiuhua". later, people renamed jiuzimountain jiuhua mountain. during the kaiyuan period of the tang dynasty, jinqiaojue, prince of silla, practiced in jiuhua mountain, and finally died at theage of 99. buddhist circles think that his ascetic life and his body after hisdeath are very similar to the bodhisattva in the buddhist scriptures, so theythink that he is the incarnation of the bodhisattva. buddhists call himjindizang. therefore, jiuhua mountain is regarded as the taoist center of dizangbodhisattva. at present, there are more than 90 temples and more than 600 is a buddhist holy land with distinctive characteristics and importantinfluence.

now that we have arrived, we must feel the immortal spirit of buddha whenwe come to this holy land of buddhism. today, let's start from the jiuhua streetscenic spot, which has the largest number of temples. when we enter the jiuhuastreet scenic spot, we can see a shimen square. it's carved from marble. it'snine meters high. please look up and have a look. the banner is engraved withthe words "jiuhua holy land". this is written by emperor kangxi. after passingmenfang, you can see yingxian bridge. this bridge was built in qianlong 's step on this ancient bridge with me. let's step into the fairylandtogether!

you see, after crossing the bridge, the one facing us is the only gardentemple. he is a national key temple, the only palace temple in jiuhua mountain,and the largest in the four jungles of jiuhua mountain. it is composed of morethan ten single buildings, such as the mountain gate, the heavenly king hall,the main hall, the guest hall, the lecture hall and the sutra collectionbuilding. ladies and gentlemen, please take a look at this mountain gate. haveyou found that it deviates from the central axis of the main hall? do youunderstand why? because ah! there are some special things about skewing themountain gate, one is to avoid evil spirits, the other is to face kaishanzutemple and huacheng temple. before you enter the temple, you should payattention to the following points: first, when you enter the temple, you shouldstep across the threshold. the threshold of the temple is the shoulder of thebuddha, so you must not step on it. second, you should not make a loud noise orbring the jokes of the red world into the temple. third, please do not touch themonks' magic weapons at will.

let's walk into the temple with me to appreciate its unique charm. we arenow in the temple of heavenly kings. on both sides of the hall, there are fourstatues of heavenly kings. they are the four heavenly kings of the east, thesouth, the west, and the north. they are also called the four heavenly kings ofgood weather and good weather. please look at the center of the hall. thesmiling maitreya buddha is worshipped there. behind maitreya is bodhisattvaweituo, who is the god general guarding sakyamuni.

ok, dear tourists, please follow xiao wang closely and pay attention toyour feet. you will come to the main hall from the heavenly king hall. there arethree 12 meter tall buddhas, sakyamuni in the middle, amitabha buddha andpharmacist buddha on both sides. on both sides of the hall, you must haveguessed, right! the statue of the eighteen arhats. you follow me back. at theback of the hall, there are statues of manjusri and bodhisattva. thislarge-scale three-dimensional relief of "island guanyin" is carved behind thestatue of sakyamuni. this is a complete picture of all buddhas and bodhisattvasof chinese buddhism.

please follow up, follow our team, out of the only garden temple, we cameto the huacheng temple, huacheng temple is the kaishanzu temple of jiuhuamountain. you can see that there is a stone platform outside huacheng temple, onwhich there is a niangniang tower and a well. because it was destroyed duringthe cultural revolution, there is only one platform left. it is said that jinqiaojue was practicing here at that time. his mother missed him very much, soshe came to him. because of the feeling of missing, she cried for three days andthree nights, and her eyes were blind. jin qiaojue used this platform jinghelped her wash her eyes, and then his mother came back to see. so this well iscalled mingyan spring, and later generations built niangniang tower beside it inmemory of his mother.

stepping on the 99 lotus steps, we are now at the body hall. please take alook at the words on the plaque: the body hall of the moon! why is it called thebody hall of the moon? because the moon and the flesh are interlinked in thepast, many words describing human body organs now have a month next to it. thebuilding of the body hall is very distinctive. there is a tower in the hall anda stone tower in the tower. under the stone tower is jindizang's body. july 30of the lunar calendar is his birthday and the day of his death. on that day,thousands of people will come to worship him. walking into the hall of the body,you can see the vows of the bodhisattva dizang hanging on the door: all livingbeings will be saved, and bodhi will be proved; hell is not empty. vow not tobecome a buddha. therefore, the bodhisattva of tibet is also known as the greatwish bodhisattva. i believe that with the blessing of the bodhisattva of greatwish, you must always be with me in the future.

next, we go to the centenary palace, which was built in the ming dynasty toworship the body of the flawless monk. it is said that when the monk waspracticing, he mainly ate wild plants such as polygonatum and salviamiltiorrhiza, and wrote a buddhist scripture with blood and gold powder. it tookhim more than 20 years to finish the scripture, and he was 110 years old. in thebody hall of the centenary palace, you can see the golden body buddha statue ofthe flawless monk, wearing a monk's hat and cassock, sitting on a lotus standand enjoying the eternal incense. fourteen flesh bodies have been found injiuhua mountain. most of them are left by monks and nuns about 100 years old,which may be related to the fact that they have been vegetarian for a long time,less water in their bodies when they passed away, and the good sealing ofsitting porcelain jar.

please keep up with your friends. next, we are going to tiantai scenicarea. as the saying goes, "if you don't go to tiantai, you're not here." itmeans that jiuhua is in tiantai. tiantai peak is the main peak of jiuhuamountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. standing on tiantai peak,you can see the panoramic view of jiuhua street. the main scenic spots oftiantai scenic spot are guanyin stone, dapeng listening stone and other strangestones, as well as the dizang cave where jindizang just came to jiuhua mountainto practice, the ancient sutra worship platform with the miracles of dizangbodhisattva, and tiantai temple, the main place for dizang bodhisattva topreach. ok, let's take the cable car to tiantai scenic spot!


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