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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-04-01 06:03:35
时间:2023-04-01 06:03:35     小编:admin


































( 进入其南大门野人寨上行不远就到达三祖寺。这是天柱山最著名的景点。相传,寺始建于南朝,现仅存藏经楼、偏房数间和屹立于寺前的觉寂塔。三祖寺西,有大石累累的山谷 ,谷侧陡岩直立,谷中流水潺潺,松竹遮天蔽日,称之为“山谷流泉”。山谷门有一石洞,石洞前有一巨石状如卧牛,称“石牛古洞”。相传,北宋人黄庭坚曾坐此石上读书,并自号“山谷道人”。在这里的一块巨石上刻有黄庭坚的诗和同时代大画家李公麟所绘的黄庭坚坐于石牛上的画像。这件珍贵的古代诗画刻石,现仍清晰可见。)

话不多说,我们现在就出发吧 。很快我们就到野人寨景区了! 野寨是“野人寨”的简称。这样依山傍水、风景如画的地方怎么取名“野人寨”呢?这里有两个动人的传说:一说是很早以前,这一带常有野人出没,伤害人畜。当时的一位县令决心牺牲自己,解救民众。他带上好酒好菜,深入野人洞中,陪野人喝酒,命人用生铁水将洞口凝住,和野人同归于尽。其二,说是在南宋末年,本地土豪刘源率十万义兵在天柱山抗元。他自号“刘野人”,在谷口扎的第一寨命名“野人寨”。刘源抗元前后十八年,最后被内奸出卖壮烈牺牲。后人为纪念他,野人寨的名字延用至今。


一个小时的时间过的可真快啊,不知道大家玩的开心与否!好吧,现在我们继续我们的游程吧!。我们现在来到了三祖寺前的广场了。抬眼望去,红墙黛瓦的寺院建筑,被绿树翠竹包围着。整个山形宛如一只振翅欲飞的彩凤,觉寂塔就建在凤冠上,东西两侧逶迤的山岗呈环围合抱之势,恰如凤翼护卫着庄严佛地。常言道:“远看山包寺,近看寺包山。” 三祖寺,全称“三祖山谷乾元禅寺”,是中国禅宗三祖传经布法的场所,在中国佛教发展史上占有十分重要的地位。1983年,国务院批准公布为全国汉族地区重点开放寺庙。





hello, everyone! welcome to the beautiful tianzhu mountain scenic spot. i'm wang bing, guide of anhui travel agency. you can call me xiao wang. the one next to me is master liu, who drives for us. master liu has many years of driving experience, so you can rest assured. i'm glad to meet you here. i'll try my best to provide you with warm and thoughtful tour guide service. i hope you can actively supervise and cooperate with me.

ok, our car has arrived at tianzhu avenue. looking forward, there stands a tall gate building. this is the landmark gate of tianzhu mountain: "ancient south mountain tianzhu mountain". the words "ancient south mountain tianzhu mountain" were inscribed by the late president of china buddhist association, mr. zhao puchu. this is also the last ink treasure left by the old man.

now that our car has passed jingjia bridge, we enter the sanzu temple scenic spot, the south outpost of tianzhu mountain. tianzhu mountain is the most concentrated cultural scenic spot with the highest cultural grade. here, we will experience the mysterious religious culture and imperial culture of tianzhu mountain, and enjoy the cliff stone carvings group, a national key cultural relic protection unit, which is known as the gallery of calligraphy art of past dynasties.

as we all know, tianzhu mountain is a national key scenic spot, a national 4a scenic spot, a national civilized forest park and a national geopark. this mountain is located at the intersection of north and south, with abundant precipitation, pleasant climate and lush branches and leaves. it is a famous ecological mountain. the buddhism culture of tianzhu mountain has a long history. huike, the second ancestor of chinese zen, established a sect here. seng can, the third ancestor, completed the theoretical system of zen here and left a rich heritage in tianzhu mountain. therefore, tianzhu mountain is also a famous buddhist mountain. the geological structure of tianzhu mountain is quite complex. originally, it was a vast ocean. after a long geological change, it became what it is today,

here, scientists discovered the largest and deepest exposed high pressure ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt in the world. the discovery makes tianzhu mountain one of the best places in the world to study continental dynamics, so it is also a famous geological mountain.

today we are going to visit the scenic spot of sanzu temple and the cliff carvings of valley liuquan. before i get off the bus for sightseeing, i would like to give you two small reminders:

1. in the tour, i hope you adhere to the principle of walking without viewing, and watching without walking. at the same time, you should take good care of your belongings. 2. during the tour, you should not litter and fire, and protect the environment. thank you for your cooperation!

































hello, everyone. let me introduce our tianzhu mountain.

1. now the avenue under your feet is called tianzhu avenue, which is the main road at the foot of tianzhu mountain. however, the gate tower across tianzhu avenue is the landmark gate of tianzhu mountain. on the gate tower, there are six words "ancient south mountain tianzhu mountain". have you heard of mr. zhao puchu? the tourist's answer is very good. mr. zhao puchu was the president of china's buddhist association before he died it is also the last piece of calligraphy of mr. zhao puchu.

2. ok, tourists, now we come to the sanzu temple scenic area. now we are ready to get off the bus. please take your belongings and don't leave valuables on the bus. after a while, master li will close the doors and windows for us. please remember the license plate number, color and parking place of our bus.

3. now we have arrived at the square in front of the sanzu temple. the sanzu temple, also known as qianyuan temple, was built when emperor liangwu of the southern dynasty. later, can, a monk of the sui dynasty, lived in seclusion here after huike of the second ancestor, built a temple and carried forward buddhism. therefore, later generations call it sanzu. the name of sanzu temple comes from this. sanzu temple has a history of more than 1400 years. the existing ancient buildings include jueji tower, sutra collection tower, lihua pavilion, sangao pavilion, etc. it was rated as a national key temple in 1983. please follow me to visit this ancient and long-standing temple. please abide by the temple regulations on the warning signs, respect others and be happy.

4. after visiting the sanzu temple, now we come to the cliff stone carvings in the ancient cave of shiniu. with its large number, high density, high grade and long time, it ranks first among all the scenic spots and is listed as a key cultural relic protection unit by the state council. there are more than 300 stone carvings from tang, song, yuan, ming and qing dynasties as well as the republic of china on this stone wall. the most precious ones are the authentic works of wang anshi, one of the eight famous calligraphers in tang and song dynasties, and huang tingjian, one of the four famous calligraphers in song dynasty, which i refer to on my right hand. wang anshi was granted the title of king of jing, who is respected by others, however, in our tianzhu mountain, we have the honor to retain one, so that we can have a glimpse of its calligraphy style. you can take photos if you are interested. twenty minutes later, we will gather at the gate and go to tianzhu east gate.

5. after getting off the cableway, we came to the elephant trunk stone scenic spot. the elephant trunk stone scenic spot is located in the main peak area of tianzhu mountain. let's see if the protruding stone pillar looks like an elephant's nose, and the plane is the elephant's big ears, and the concave part is the elephant's eyes. seeing this, we can't help sighing at the uncanny workmanship of nature.

6. elephant trunk stone is a natural landscape. now we come to zongguan village, a cultural landscape. zongguan village was built by liu yuan, a righteous man of qianshan mountain, in order to fight against the yuan dynasty. there are five gates in tianzhu mountain, east, west, north and south. now we are visiting liu yuan's headquarters. we can imagine its majestic and dangerous. is there a tense atmosphere when we are close to zongguan village, the strange stone statues on the cliff are not like soldiers who are ready to go. are there any sentries behind the piles of boulders to watch the enemy? let's take a look at these pine trees again. each one is rooted in the crevice of the stone. its shape is very strange and its vitality is very strong. please look at it from a distance and don't play with it. the only way to enter the village is the stone step with a slope of 60 to 80 degrees, commonly known as "ladder pass". when you go up, don't be afraid. hold the railing and don't look down. the scenery above will make us marvel, and the scenery behind will catch up.

7. now we have arrived at the ancient fort, which witnessed the war at that time. from the ancient fort, we can have a panoramic view. in front of us are liu yuan's thatched shed, picnics, and general village. let's take a look at the baizhang cliff and qianbu ladder we just passed. don't you believe that we came up from here? i finally understand that liu yuan will choose to be the chief stronghold here. it's really that one man will be the main stronghold and ten thousand people will not be allowed to open.

8. you look in the direction of my hand, here is feilai peak. feilai peak is 1424 meters above sea level, which is the third peak of tianzhu mountain. the whole peak is made up of a huge stone. when you look at the huge stone above this peak, we can't help but wonder where this stone came from and who put it up. every visitor here will have the same question, even more than one burden worry: in case of strong wind that day, what can we do? it is said that tianzhu mountain was a vast west sea 2.6 billion years ago. there were many snake demons and turtle spirits in the west sea. they committed all kinds of evils. later, taishang laojun borrowed a zhenyao stone from dragon king of donghai to press on feilai peak. zhenyao stone is what we see now.

9. let's see if the tianzhu pine here is a bit similar to the yingke pine in huangshan. don't look at it. it's only 5 meters high and 80 centimeters thick. according to the survey, it has a history of more than 1500 years. he grew up completely on the cliff, standing against the wind and standing tall with the stone. the branches spread out, perhaps waving to us to welcome us.

10. now we have reached tianzhu peak, which is 1488 meters above sea level. it is like the pillar of the whole sky. zhu xi, the deputy scholar of the song dynasty, also lamented the magnificence of tianzhu mountain and wrote the poem of tianzhu peak. now i will recite this poem for you. please give me encouragement. tianzhu peak, zhu xi, stands erect as a pillar in the sky and is majestic in hanweidong. if we only talk about heaven and earth, who knows how to make great achievements. i don't know how to recite well. from zhu xi's poems, we can also appreciate the magnificence of tianzhu peak. ok, tourists, we are free for 20 minutes, and we will gather here after 20 minutes. then we will go down the mountain and go back to the hotel to have a rest.

11. this is the end of our trip to tianzhu mountain today. thank you for your support and cooperation in my work. finally, i wish you a lot of money and a happy family.


good morning, dear friends. i'm the tour guide of tianzhu mountain today. first of all, on behalf of sunshine travel agency, i'd like to extend a warm welcome to you. i'm very honored to provide you with tour guide service. i forgot to introduce myself. my name is wang. you can call me xiao wang. the driver behind me is liu. although he's young, he can't be yes, i have many years of driving experience. my driving experience is older than my age. the technology is first-class, so you can rest assured. a thousand miles to meet, a coincidence, a fate, a trace of concern, a concern, a friendship, a sincere, a friend, a wish, i hope you can help each other in today's journey, at the same time, if you have any needs, please let me know in time, i will try my best to help you solve, i wish you a happy journey today.

tianzhu mountain has anhui mountain, anhui water, anhui city and anhui culture. it is one of the first batch of national key scenic spots announced by the state council in 1982. it is also one of the first batch of national 4a scenic spots and national civilized forest parks announced by the state council in 20xx. why did it rank sixth among the "top ten famous mountains in china" most praised by netizens in 20xx? let's find out with me!

we all know that the abbreviation of anhui province is "wan". what's the origin of wan? in ancient books, wan is similar to hao, which means bright and beautiful. since ancient times, tianzhu mountain area has a beautiful scenery. in such a beautiful place, zhou tianzi granted a real name of wan state. because there is a wangong mountain in anqing city, and the wanhe river flows around it, the anti japanese war broke out before, anqing has always been the capital of anhui province, anhui is the general name of anqing and huizhou, so the abbreviation of anhui comes from this. after we ascend tianzhu mountain, we can have a glimpse of the natural and vivid "god of anhui". he is the ancestor of anhui. let's wait and see!

high mountains and long rivers, beautiful scenery and quiet are the portrayal of the ecological environment of qianshan county. the water quality and air quality here are first-class. tourists, when you arrive at the buried hill, you will arrive at the green plant library and the natural oxygen bar. the section that we enter tianzhu mountain from the county seat is called tianzhu avenue. across tianzhu avenue stands a tall gate building, which is the landmark gate of tianzhu mountain. look at the six big characters "ancient south mountain tianzhu mountain". who wrote them? they were written by the late president of china buddhist association, mr. zhao puchu.

do you know why tianzhu mountain is also called ancient nanyue? in the fifth year of yuanfeng of han dynasty, emperor wu of han dynasty liu che visited tianzhu mountain on a tour to the south. sima qian, who accompanied him, recorded in historical records that emperor wu of han dynasty visited tianzhu mountain on a tour to liqian, which was named nanyue. in 589 ad, emperor wen of sui dynasty changed hengshan mountain of hunan province to nanyue in order to open up southern xinjiang. from then on, tianzhu mountain was handed down to later generations as an ancient nanyue.

now, we are about to enter the scenic area of sanzu temple. the first thing that catches our eyes is that the half street along the river is called yezhai street. yezhai is the abbreviation of yerenzhai. how can this picturesque place near mountains and rivers be called yerenzhai? it turns out that there are two moving legends here. one is that a long time ago, there were often wild people in this area, which hurt people and animals. at that time, a county magistrate determined to sacrifice themselves and save the people. he brought good wine, good food and good taste

enter into the cave of the savage, drink with the savage, and order the man to coagulate the cave with pig iron water and die with the savage. second, at the end of the southern song dynasty, local tyrant liu yuan led 100000 yibing to fight against the yuan dynasty in tianzhu mountain. he called himself liu yeren, and the first village he built in the valley was named yeren village.

now we come to the square in front of sanzu temple. looking up, the temple buildings with red walls and black tiles are hidden among the green trees and bamboos. the whole mountain is like a colorful phoenix fluttering its wings to fly. jueqi tower is built on the phoenix crown. the winding hills on the east and west sides are encircled in a ring, just like the phoenix wings guarding the solemn buddha's land. as the saying goes: see shanbao temple far away, and see sibao mountain near. he is a place for the three groups of chinese zen buddhism to spread sutras and dharmas, and occupies a very important position in the history of chinese buddhism. he is also a key open temple in the han area of china. so, let's enjoy the taoist culture here with me!

next, we can take the qinglongjian cableway to the mysterious valley. the name of this scene is unique. it's called snow in june. don't really think it will snow in june. what's the secret here? it turns out that snow in june is a white sand dune among thousands of green trees. the unique geological phenomenon of tianzhu mountain is that the sand grains are formed by the long-term differentiation of rock and rain. it contains quartzite, which is very beautiful. therefore, the more hot the summer is, its luster is gorgeous and dazzling, like a white lotus, which is called "white lotus playing in summer".

ok, now i'm going to show you tianzhu wonderland; mysterious valley. mysterious valley is known as "the first secret mansion of granite in china", and it is the residence of zhenjun, the immortal commander. tianzhu mountain is not only a famous buddhist mountain, but also a famous taoist mountain. the total length of the mysterious valley is 450 meters. in the valley formed by the surrounding mountains, there are hundreds of granite caves, large or small, stacked by countless stones. the caves are connected, up and down, bright and dark. there is a sense of mystery when people walk between them. sometimes we have to use both hands and feet, crawl forward, so we should pay attention to safety. surrounded by mountains, craggy rocks, thousands of scenes, exotic flowers and plants, ancient pines and rocks constitute a natural picture. did you leave a deep impression?

we have seen the qiulong pine in the mysterious valley. now let's take a look at tianzhu pine, the king of the pines in tianzhu mountain. it is no more than 5 meters high and only 80 cm thick, but it has been more than a thousand years old, with vigorous branches and emerald green crowns.

friends, please look at this spectacle in front of us, which is rare in other mountain scenic spots. it is a unique one in tianzhu mountain: magpie bridge. you see, it was born across the sky, hanging like a bridge, under the bridge, thousands of ren deep gully, daunting.

i know a lot of friends travel, always want to know our destination can see the sunrise, so you look along the direction of my right hand, this is the viewing platform, is the best place to watch the sunrise in tianzhu mountain, but also a good place to enjoy the scenery of the dongguan peaks, the east of the verdant peak, is the top of the dongguan peaks cuihua peak, 1120 meters above sea level, rugged steep. in spring, the exotic trees are competitive and the mountain flowers are brilliant, just like the ink lady.

friends, today's trip to tianzhu mountain is coming to an end here. although some reluctant, but still have to say goodbye, thank you for today's support and cooperation in my work, i have not taken care of the place, please understand! if you still have the opportunity to come here, please remember a friend named xiao wang. finally, give you a 100% pure love candy: ingredients = sincere + missing + happy, period of validity = life, nutrition = warm + happiness + moved, manufacturer = true friends! at the same time, hope good luck chasing you, good things with you, money close to you, noble people help you, lovers think of you, villains around you, lovers think of you, family hanging you, god bless you. have a good trip, everyone. goodbye!


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