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格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-11-24 11:53:38
时间:2022-11-24 11:53:38     小编:zdfb
































hello, everyone. first of all, on behalf of tianjin travel agency, i wouldlike to welcome you to tianjin. i'm yiting chen, the tour guide,

the one next to me is our driver door master. it's up to us to serve youtoday. if you encounter any problems during the journey, please feel free toask. we will serve you wholeheartedly. finally, i hope you can have a good timein tianjin.

today we are going to visit the fifth avenue of tianjin. first of all, iwould like to give you an overview of the fifth avenue. five avenue is arectangular area located in the south of chengdu road, north of machang road,east of xikang road, west of machang road and nanjing road, heping district,tianjin. the total length is 17 km and the total area is 1.28 square km. thereare 23 roads. in history, it was formed by the mud of haihe river. it was abritish concession in the early 19th century.

when it comes to small western style buildings, there are many in shanghai,qingdao and xiamen, but in comparison, tianjin is the most existing, the bestpreserved and the most famous. one of the important reasons is that the peoplewho live here are unusual. according to incomplete statistics, in the 1920s and1930s, two presidents of the republic of china lived here. they were xu shichangand cao kun. seven state premiers or acting state premiers, as well asprovincial governors, industrialists and compradors.

today, our main tourist attractions are tianjin institute of foreignlanguages, yueweixian restaurant, heping hotel, qingwang mansion, minyuangymnasium, and other former residences of celebrities. well, next, let's tastethe unique flavor architecture of the fifth avenue.

now what we all see is a big clock with three characters on it. it's one ofthe signs of the fifth avenue. today, we will take it as a starting point. thefirst thing we visit is racecourse road. now, please follow me.

machang road is the longest of the five main roads, with a total length of3216 meters. it got its name from the racecourse leading to the britishconcession. now, please follow me. now we come to tianjin institute of foreignlanguages. its predecessor is beijiang museum. beijiang museum is the firstnatural museum established in modern times. its founder is li sang, a frenchscholar, whose chinese name is sang zhihua. please see, its architecture is atypical french architecture, mainly reflecting its big roof, which mainlyreflects the architectural characteristics of mansell in france.

this small western style building in front of us, which was built in 1905,was built by british fur merchant darwinian. this small western style buildingis one of the few spanish style buildings on the fifth avenue.

now we are in munan road. munan road is 1968 meters long. entering munanroad, we first see the former residence of the famous patriotic general gaoshuxun. this small western style building is a typical british building. themain features of british architecture are large slope, pointed roof andskylight.

now we are at no. 4, jinlin village, munan road. at that time, we lived inxiao dezhang, the last eunuch in charge at the end of the qing dynasty. next,please follow me. now we come to the residence of xiao dezhang, no.4, jinlinvillage. in the second year of the republic of china, xiao dezhang came totianjin with a large amount of private money and his family. he first built ahouse at no. 55, chongqing road. later, he gave the house to zaizhen, king ofqing dynasty. so xiao dezhang bought a lot of houses in other parts of small western style house was the place where xiao dezhang lived when hisfamily gradually declined. until 1957, xiao dezhang died here. well, next,please continue to visit with me.

now we come to the yueweixian seafood restaurant located at 183 hebei building was built from 1936 to 1937. because of the bumps around it,tianjin people call it the bumps building. the building was designed by thefamous italian designer paul bonatti. at that time, it was designed as anapartment building. in room 305 of this building, ma lianliang, a famous pekingopera performer, once lived.

now we come to sun dianying's old house at 20 munan road. at that time, sundianying robbed the tomb of cixi in the eastern mausoleum of the qing dynastyand emptied it. the stolen treasure was full of five large leather boxes. andthey were all sealed by sun dianying himself. the building was built in 1930 andwas purchased in the name of eryitai. the whole building is a typical baroquebuilding. the key point of baroque architecture is the facing several rope typecolumns. next, please follow me to visit.

now we come to dali road. the total length of dali road is 1745 meters, andmost of the houses on both sides are single english style buildings. its privacyand concealment are very

first of all, on behalf of china travel service in tianjin, i would like towelcome you to this tour. my name is wang _ _, and i'm the tour guide of thiscar. just call me xiao wang. this is the experienced driver, master li. as thesaying goes: thousand years of repair with the boat. today should be the samecar shop with millennium repair. we will provide you with quality service, ifyou have any requirements, please feel free to put forward, don't mention it, wewill try our best to meet your requirements. finally, i hope you can have a goodtime in tianjin.

dear tourist friends, now we are passing the jiefang bridge in the river lies the haihe river, which is known as the mother river bytianjin people. with the huge investment of the municipal government, haiheriver has become a unique scenic tour line through the urban area, withbeautiful scenery and beautiful scenery. you can take a luxury cruise and enjoythe scenery along the haihe river.

dear tourists, we are now at the gulou pedestrian street. remind everyoneis: pay attention to safety, manage your finance, remember our tour bus is whitebus, the number is jin 234119, you only need to remember the last three reverse911. i'll be waiting for you at the parking lot at four o'clock sharp.

located in the bustling business district of tianjin's old city, itpresents elegant architectural style of ming and qing dynasties. it is alarge-scale tourism and trade pedestrian street integrating tourism, culture,leisure, entertainment and shopping. it opened in september 20__ and was ratedas "jinmen century view".

the old city is an area surrounded by west road, east road, north road andsouth road. it is the birthplace of tianjin and the center of politics,military, economy and culture in history. the present tianjin city is graduallydeveloped from this. at that time, the city was long from east to west, shortfrom north to south, and shaped like an abacus, so it was called "abacus city".it has four gates, named after zhendong, anxi, dingnan and gongbei. in 1901,when the allied forces of eight countries invaded, the city wall was demolished,the southeast and northwest roads were built at the original site, and shopswere set up to form commercial streets.

the drum tower is the center of the commercial street. the former drumtower is located in the middle of the old city. built in the hongzhi period ofthe ming dynasty, the drum tower was actually a bell tower instead of a building is three stories high. on the ground floor, there is a squareplatform. there are two floors on the platform: the first floor is dedicated toguanyin, goddess of heaven, guan yu and zhang fei; on the second floor, there isa big iron weighing more than 300 jin, which knocks 54 times every morning andevening to remind the public of their work and rest time. therefore, the drumtower is known as the top three treasures of tianjin wei (the bell pavilion ofthe turret of the drum tower). in 1950, it was demolished because of thewidening of the streets. now we see the drum tower rebuilt by the municipalgovernment in 20__. the design is in the form of brick wall and wooden shape of the wooden building is in the form of ming and qing dynasties, withcornices and brackets, double eaves, xieshan roof, and flying eaves and animalson the ridge.

relying on the drum tower, there are three pedestrian streets. the drumtower north street, also known as "antique jewelry street", is famous for itsjewelry business in history. now the north street combines traditional culturewith modern art, combined with the qing style architecture, giving peoplebeautiful visual enjoyment. gulou south street is also known as "oriental nevernight city". he created a new concept of tianjin commercial street and becamethe best place for citizens to go beyond 8 hours. gulou east street is alsocalled boutique shopping street. in order to satisfy people's consumptionpsychology of seeking novelty and difference, women's street has set up"boutique clothing area", "leisure clothing area" and so on. east street hasalso set up the first super large-scale "tourism supermarket" in tianjin, whichallows citizens to easily handle a series of related matters from the intentionto go out, to embark on the journey, and even to travel abroad.

after enjoying the charm of the pedestrian street, we will go to theguangdong guild hall. guangdong guild hall was built in guangxu period of qingdynasty, and its main advocate was tang shaoyi of tianjin customs road. duringthe ming and qing dynasties, the development of river and sea transportationprovided good business opportunities for long-distance trafficking, andmerchants in guangdong and fujian began to develop to the mainland and ong guild hall was founded by cantonese in 1903. since its establishment,it has played an important role in promoting the economic communication betweenthe north and the south. for example, local products, wood, medicine, wine andspices from guangdong have been pouring into tianjin.

now let's understand the architectural features of guangdong guild hall:the main building plan of guangdong guild hall is rectangular, the south is aquadrangle, the north is a theater, and the east and west are the passagewaysconnecting the north and the south. the main entrance of the guild hall is ahigh gate building with brick and stone structure. a pair of crouching lions areused as pillow stones in front of the door, and the four words "guangdong guildhall" are engraved on the forehead. siheyuan is spanided into main rooms andeast-west rooms. now it is the first special museum and exhibition hall withdrama as the main content in china. to the north of the main house is thetheater building, which is the main building of the guild hall. it is thelargest and best preserved classical theater building in china. the wholebuilding is sealed with green brick wall, and the interior is completely woodstructure. its architectural features are as follows: 1. it has a large spacespan. the theater adopts a canopy top structure with three main beams, and thereis no hall in the audience, which is rare in the materials used for beams andcolumns and the space span of the hall in ancient chinese architecture; 2. ithas a clever structure. the top of the stage is a delicate butterfly shaped echohood, which absorbs the sound on the stage and refracts it to every corner ofthe theater from different angles, it is unique in the design of classical stagein our country. this kind of design makes the audience's sight unobstructed, andthe audience and actors fully communicate. the stage of guangdong guild hall isan important example of the turning point in the history of theater in ourcountry, and it is also the masterpiece of stage architecture, the outer wall ofguangdong guild hall is the architectural style of the north's brick masonryjoint. the inner eaves decoration is the architectural style of guangdongchaozhou, with wood carving as the main body, supplemented by brick carving, andstone carving stage wood carving as the essence of the whole building.

speaking of this, we have come to the end of today's explanation. in thetwinkling of an eye, our journey is coming to an end. first of all, thank youfor your support and help. i would like to express my deep thanks to you. ifthere is anything wrong, please forgive me and leave your valuable opinions sothat we can better improve our work in the future. if there is a chance, i lookforward to meeting you again in tianjin. finally, i wish you all the best andhave a safe journey. thank you!











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