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格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-11-24 11:49:51
时间:2022-11-24 11:49:51     小编:zdfb



wushu is the national treasure of our country. putian is the hometown ofwushu. since wu zetian of tang dynasty opened the first martial artsexamination, putian has 12 top martial arts scholars, 28 martial arts scholarsand 22 military ministers. south shaolin temple is the birthplace of nanquan andthe martial arts center along the southeast coast. its "buddhist boxing", "anhaiboxing" and "yizhichan" are well-known throughout the country and are widelyspread in japan and southeast asia. since 1990, it has held five consecutivesouth shaolin traditional boxing competitions. all the boxers performed 51different kinds of boxing instruments and more than 110 routines, and discovereda new kind of boxing "buddha boxing" for the first time. there are 88 year oldelders and 5-year-old children practicing martial arts, which reflects thelegacy of martial arts in the hometown of south shaolin.

south shaolin temple, formerly known as linquanyuan, was built in the firstyear of chen yongding in the southern dynasty (557 ad). it is said that after lishimin, emperor taizong of tang dynasty, ascended the throne, lu decai, theassistant minister of tang dynasty, gathered in the southeast coast and became abandit. he gathered at night and scattered in the morning, which made the peopledestitute. emperor taizong of the tang dynasty ordered tanzong, the abbot ofshaolin temple, who had been appointed as a general, to lead monks and soldiersto punish pirates. monk daoguang, sengguang and sengman, one of the thirteenmonks of tanzong sect, brought 500 seng soldiers into fujian to fight againstviolence. they accepted many zen disciples in the local area, and the coastalpeople retained these living bodhisattvas. daoguang was also embarrassed, so hewent back to the ancestral court of shaolin in songshan mountain and told abbottanzong to send him a verse to build a south shaolin temple in fujian, which issimilar to jiuding lianhua mountain in songshan mountain: one is to show that hewill not forget the ancestral court; the other is to spread mahayana zen alongthe coast.

it is said that "the sun and the moon are long near the sea, and there issutou at the foot of jiulian mountain; the south and the north shaolin share thesame temple, and mahayana remains in the heart.". for this reason, when monkdaoguang came back to fujian, according to the abbot's mantra, his brothersfound the famous linquanyuan temple, which is similar to songshan mountain, toexpand the temple and settle down. like songshan shaolin temple, he raised monksand soldiers and participated in political affairs, so linquanyuan temple becamea shaolinfen temple in the south of the yangtze river. around linshan village,where the temple is located, there are nine mountains in a circle, shaped like anine petaled lotus. the temple is located in the center of the flower, so it iscalled jiulianshan shaolin temple, commonly known as south shaolin temple. thesouth shaolin temple has a close relationship with the heaven and earth societyin the struggle against the qing dynasty and the restoration of the mingdynasty. the strong loyalty and righteousness spirit of the south shaolin templemonks, who are fighting against the evil like hatred and fighting against thetyrant, has been highly praised by the people. in the struggle against the qingdynasty and the restoration of ming dynasty, putian south shaolin temple wasburned by the qing soldiers. due to the blockade of public opinion by the qinggovernment, this solemn and stirring history is little known, but quietly spreadamong the people. south shaolin temple is the birthplace of nanquan. at thattime, the practice of shaolin nanquan in this temple was very popular and widelyspread among the people.

people who have been to north shaolin know that the songshan shaolin templeis near wurufeng in the north, and there is a small stream (shaoxi river) infront of the temple that flows from right to left. on the opposite side of theriver is shaoshi mountain. on the right side of the temple is the talin, on theright front is wofoshan, and on the left front is jiuding lotus village. thelinquan courtyard in linshan is backed by several small hills such as zuzhumountain. in front of the courtyard, there is also a stream flowing from rightto left (now called husi river). on the right side of the temple, there arepagodas (today's tali, tahi natural village). in front of the temple, there isalso a "wofoshan" (locally called maitreya xiantu mountain and shimiantong). infront of the temple, there is jiuye lotus peak.

the mountain tops around the south shaolin temple rebuilt on thelinquanyuan site are about 600 meters above sea level. the highest peak iszushan in the north (also known as zhushan, which is related to prince zhu, thespiritual leader of anti qing dynasty and restoration of ming dynasty who wassupported by the local society after the death of ming dynasty). it is 642.1meters high, 600.2 meters high in the western dance village, 576.6 meters highin the east, 595.5 meters high in the south, 559 meters high in the zixiao peak,and the huge rock "shimiantong" (reclining buddha) opposite the south shaolintemple 576.6 m. standing on the hillside of zhushan mountain, we can count ninemountain tops, which are just like lotus. therefore, qianlong putian countyannals is called "jiulian peak".

linquan courtyard is located in the heart of lotus, in the middle of jiuhuamountain range, near which there are nine piles of natural boulders, also in theshape of lotus, commonly known as "lotus cave". the base of linquanyuan is morethan 20000 square meters. surrounded by kuzhu temple, xiawu temple, jiulianyantemple and other large and small temples, surrounded by linquan temple to form agrand temple group, the magnificent momentum of the ten square jungle can beimagined.

most of the buildings in the nearby zifu temple have been destroyed. theexisting one room, built in 1898, contains a pair of stone couplets: "on thecloud day, i wish you the longest life, heaven and man are happy to perform thebest zen", which is written by chen baochen, the teacher of emperor is a "red flower pavilion" in the north, which was founded in 1646 by luqi and zheng ying in the third year of shunzhi reign of the ming dynasty. thereis a stone lotus pattern in front of the god's case. on the hengzhu there is acouplet of "all things belong to three foot sword, and seven star flag appearswhen five clouds appear." the title implies that wan yunlong, the general of theheaven and earth society, and the five ancestors of the south shaolin temple arefighting against the qing dynasty and restoring the ming dynasty. it is agathering hall for the heaven and earth society to fight against the qingdynasty.

the south shaolin temple is an ideal place for military strategists. thereare more than 10 copycat villages around zhushan, zhangjiang, suqi, li wei,wutong, zanhao, zhai tou, shan tou wei, tai jian, hongdu, tai wu, and stonebucket. at present, all the ruins of the walled villages are still carving around the zhangjiang village proves that the village was built inthe late ming dynasty (1645). hilltop tails and wutong mountain also have highthree, four meters of ghost pool waterfall and bottomless pit burst cloth.

a large number of place names related to the temple have been preserved inlinshan village, such as the place in front of the temple, the place behind thetemple, the entrance of the temple, tali, tasi, fangshengchi, liangongcheng,mangao, etc. there are also gusaoying, nanying, houying, weiying, jiangjuntemple, qigangping, etc. which are related to martial arts training. they are226cm long and 100cm wide stone troughs with the words of "zhuluohan yujianchasan" for monks and soldiers to treat injuries and more than 7000 mu of stonetroughs the remains of the tea garden show the prosperity of the golden age.

there is a big stone in the small bay at the foot of jiulian mountain,which is engraved with "seng jiyan zao". it is said that the four characterswere written by a monk named jiyan with his fingers. it is said that a martialarts expert disguised as you seng came to linquan courtyard to steal shaolinsword. after seeing through jiyan, he intercepted by the stream, but he didn'tuse force. he only said that he wanted to build a stone bridge for him. afterthat, he picked up a big stone and put it on the stream, wrote the four wordswith his fingers, and politely gave way. the fake monk saw that his skill wasinferior he put down his burden and ran away quickly. monk jiyan is famous forhis one finger zen skill. it is said that he can use one finger to cure is a "one finger zen stone" near the linquan courtyard. it looks like ahand, and the index finger points to the west. it looks like the standardgesture of nanquan. it has become a heavenly creation for practicing meditationaccording to the enlightenment of this stone.

in addition, the stories handed down here, such as "the great master ofqianling built kuzhu temple with mandrills", "the buddha founded xiawucourtyard", "the bodyguard of lucky star" and "five hundred monks wash andrebel", tell a lot of historical allusions.


welcome to jiulong valley, putian. i'm your guide. my surname is x. you cancall me xiao x. in order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduceyou.

jiulong valley is located in juxi, changtai town, chengxiang district,putian city, fujian province, covering an area of 152649hm2. it is adjacent tojiuli lake, a provincial scenic spot, and owns jiuli lake

floating waterfall in the lower five liao, commonly known as "the next ninecarp.". only 32 kilometers away from putian city, the highway around the scenicdongzhen reservoir often leads to yangbian village, the first village in the way, the flowers and fruits are fragrant and the scenery is is known as putian's "back garden".

the forest coverage rate of jiulong valley is more than 95%, and the forestlandscape resources are rich. within the territory of ups and downs, trees,shade block out the sun, ancient rattan crisscross. there are 532 species ofplants belonging to 160 families in the park, including taxus chinensis , fokienia hodginsii, golden dog hide, keteleeria glyptostroboides, etc.,which are the first-class national protected plants, the second-class nationalprotected plants, and the local protected tree species of fujian provincialgovernment. tree shape is also various and interesting, such as water ballet,snail tree, tathagata palm and so on. there are many kinds of animals in thepark, including 116 species of birds in 34 families, 15 orders, 34 species ofmammals, 23 species of amphibians and 43 species of reptiles. the park alsodomesticates nine national first-class protected animals - sika deer.

the water landscape of jiulong valley is changeable, quiet, colorful andclean. wupiao waterfall, spray beads fall jade, majestic. each lake hasdifferent colors, either blue or green, which is a wonder. the scenery of lakesand mountains makes reflection interesting. along the stream, the wall stands atthe beginning of a thousand years, the peaks and rocks are beautiful, and thestone scenes such as xiake rover, jade rabbit flying to the moon and tortoisepilgrimage show the uncanny craftsmanship of nature. the weather in the forestpark is magical and charming. in the early morning, white clouds are like gauze,and the smoke is misty. in rainy season, the rainbow looms over thewaterfall.

all kinds of beautiful legends endow jiulong valley with beautiful culturalconnotation. guishan temple and xu xiake, the ancient millennium temple, haveinjected profound cultural heritage into jiulong valley. xu xiake once left thepraise of "three layers of kuanglu, one long spade of yandang and one long spadeof yandang, each good at winning, but this mountain has pepper."!

jiulonggu, jiulonggu forest park, is located in juxi, changtai town,chengxiang district, putian city, fujian province. it is adjacent to jiuli lake,a provincial scenic spot. it has the middle and lower reaches of jiuli lakejiupiao waterfall, commonly known as "xiajiuli". 32 kilometers away from putiancity, the highway around the scenic dongzhen reservoir often leads to yangbianvillage, the first village in putian. along the way, the flowers and fruits arefragrant and the scenery is beautiful. it is known as putian's "back garden".jiulonggu forest park was approved as a provincial forest park in november 20__,and was rated as a national forest park in 20__.

jiulong valley is located in junan village, changtai town, chengxiangdistrict, putian city, fujian province. it is a national forest park. jiulongvalley has a subtropical marine monsoon climate. the dakeng river in the scenicarea is the downstream of jiuli lake, also known as "xiajiuli". the scenic spotis 32 kilometers away from putian city and passes through dongzhen reservoirring road. the scenic area is characterized by undulating peaks, lush trees,shaded sky and interlaced ancient vines, magnificent waterfalls, beads and jade,drifting along the stream, beautiful peaks and rocks, and quiet springs. withthe combination of clear mountains and clear water, the scenery of lakes andmountains is beautiful. the scenic spot has about 15 and 30 meters of equipmentand free climbing mountain extreme sports and nearly 2 meters. a5-kilometer-long drift along the stream.


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