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格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-01-05 10:23:31
时间:2022-01-05 10:23:31     小编:HLL

面对疫情,要有 战胜艰难的决心,也要正确熟悉病毒的破坏性。在 战略上藐视敌人,在 战术上重视敌人,一定要配合国家的工作,积极应对呈现的问题,服从国家的安排。做好自己…以下是小编为大家整理的关于新型冠状病毒的英语作文600字精选,供大家参考。


宅在 家里10多天后,我写完了 所有 的寒假作业,除了 天天两次在 家门口跳绳,其余时间只能和课外书相伴。虽然充裕的时间解了 我读课外书的饥渴,但新闻里播报的疫情渐渐消磨了 读书带给我的愉悦,我开始想念老师,想念同学,想念篮球场......在 接到开学延迟的消息时,曾经那么渴望假期的我,心里竟涌起浓浓的失望和淡淡的忧伤:“我什么时候才干回到校园,什么时候才干见到老师和同学?”

After staying at home for more than 10 days, I finished all my wintervacation homework. Except for skipping rope at the door twice a day, I can onlyaccompany extracurricular books for the rest of the time. Although I have plentyof time to relieve my hunger and thirst for extracurricular books, the epidemicsituation in the news gradually dissipated the pleasure brought by reading. Ibegan to miss my teachers, classmates and basketball court... When I receivedthe news of the delay in school opening, I was so eager for the holiday, and myheart was filled with deep disappointment and light sadness: "when can I go backto the campus and what When can I see my teachers and classmates? "


Looking out of the window at the warm and bright sunshine, vigorous andlush trees, free flying birds, lively and lively nature, I began to complain:when can the epidemic pass? When can I go to the basketball court and sweat?

当晚的新闻联播,我又看到了 钟南山院士接受新华社的采访:“新冠病毒来源于蝙蝠,但如何通过 中间宿主传染给人没有 定论。为了 保护自己和别人,每个人都不 要到处乱跑,因为没有 特效药......”我很快就肃静下来。

In the news broadcast that night, I saw academician Zhong Nanshan give aninterview to Xinhua News Agency: "the source of the new coronavirus is bats, buthow to infect people through intermediate hosts is uncertain. In order toprotect themselves and others, everyone should not run around because there isno special medicine... "I soon calmed down.

当钟南山院士讲到,一个学生告诉他,封城后武汉,很多人打开家里的窗户,唱起国歌遥遥相望,给彼此打气加油时,他的眼圈红红的,差点儿掉下眼泪。那一刻,我的眼睛也湿湿的。而新闻 中那些不 分昼夜与病魔抢夺生命的医护人员,告辞父母 爱人和孩子驰援武汉的救援队员,在 疫情第一线传播党和政府的声音,报道疫情和无数感人的事迹的新闻记者,公交停运后自发组织起来接送医护人员的志愿者......他们把这场灾难变成感动。

When academician Zhong Nanshan said that a student told him that after theclosure of Wuhan, many people opened their windows, sang the national anthem andlooked at each other from afar, cheering each other up, his eyes were red andalmost fell into tears. At that moment, my eyes were wet. In the news, themedical staff who snatched lives with the disease day and night, bid farewell totheir parents, lovers and children's rescue team members who rushed to Wuhan,spread the voice of the party and the government on the front line of theepidemic, reported the epidemic and countless touching stories, and organizedvolunteers to pick up medical staff spontaneously after the bus stopped... Theymoved the disaster.

我们要管好自己,不 去人为传播病毒,就是对“抗疫”前线的最大支援!www.zuowenla.cn

We should take good care of ourselves and not spread the virusartificially, which is the greatest support to the front line of "antiepidemic"!


This is isolation and watch, through this epidemic, to teach methinking.



This winter vacation, the streets should be bustling, because the newhateful coronavirus to provoke people panic.

因为有 了 这种病,所有 人都只能憋在 家里。儿童不 能出去玩,年轻人不 能出去赚钱,老年人不 能出去散步。整天窝在 家里,马路上除了 几辆车外,显得死气沉沉。

Because of this disease, everyone can only hold back at home. Childrencan't go out to play, young people can't go out to make money, old people can'tgo out for a walk. All day long, I stayed at home. Except for a few cars on theroad, I was dead.

我家电梯不 久前因为冠状病毒做了 一次大清洁,电梯里到此刻 都布满着84消毒液的味道,墙上还贴了 一包纸。难道这还不 能表达这个病的危害性吗?

Recently, our elevator was cleaned by coronavirus. Up to now, the elevatoris filled with the smell of 84 disinfectant, and there is a package of paper onthe wall. Can't it express the harm of the disease?www.zuowenla.cn

要说危害最大的就数武汉城市了 ,因为武汉患上这病的人数最多,整个武汉已经封城了 。在 这病之前,武汉曾经是许多人梦想的城市;但此刻 ,外面的人不 愿去武汉,里面的人却想出武汉。

Wuhan is the most dangerous city, because Wuhan has the largest number ofpeople suffering from the disease, and the whole city has been closed. Beforethe disease, Wuhan used to be a dream city for many people; now, people outsidedon't want to go to Wuhan, but people inside think of Wuhan.

武汉各医院的床位已经不 够患者住了 ,全国各地有 名的医院医生都在 往武汉赶去。假如说各个职业人士都安安心心的在 家待着。那医生可就不 一样了 ,他们时时刻刻都冒着生命凶险在 给患者治病,就像战场上的士兵一样,随时都会被死神带走。

The beds of hospitals in Wuhan are not enough for patients. Doctors fromfamous hospitals all over the country are rushing to Wuhan. If all professionalsare at home in peace. The doctors are different. They are always risking theirlives to treat patients. Like soldiers on the battlefield, they are always takenaway by the God of death.

因为在 2003年有 一个叫“非典”的病,再加上此刻 的新型冠状病毒。许多人认为罪魁祸首是果子狸,但其实不 是,经过钻研,发明果子狸也是受害者之一,非典是因为菊头蝠传给果子狸,果子狸又传给我们人。

Because in 2003 there was a disease called SARS, plus the new coronavirus.Many people think that the main culprit is civet cat, but in fact, it is not.After research, it is found that civet cat is also one of the victims. SARS isbecause the chrysanthemum head bat is passed on to civet cat, and civet cat ispassed on to us.

但这怪得了 它们这些动物吗?不 ,是怪我们人类。虽然肯定和动物们脱不 了 关系,但假如不 是因为我们这张贪吃的嘴,会有 今天吗?

But is it strange that they are animals? No, it's our humanity. Although itmust have something to do with animals, would it be today if it wasn't for ourgreedy mouth?

17年前的非典,因为吃野生动物,好不 简单治好。“好了 伤疤忘了 疼。”如今的新型冠状病毒旧病重发,也是因为吃野生动物,而造就了 今天。

SARS was cured 17 years ago because of eating wild animals. "Forget thepain after the scar." Today's new coronavirus re - outbreak of the old disease,but also because of eating wild animals, and created today.


Hope to get rid of the virus as soon as possible and let the angels inwhite free as soon as possible.


新型冠状病毒的心得体会500字 最新关于新型冠状病毒的心得体会范文




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