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最新竞选班长演讲稿150字 竞选班长演讲稿小学生(7篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-03-17 14:13:49
最新竞选班长演讲稿150字 竞选班长演讲稿小学生(7篇)
时间:2023-03-17 14:13:49     小编:zdfb


竞选班长演讲稿150字 竞选班长演讲稿小学生篇一








竞选班长演讲稿150字 竞选班长演讲稿小学生篇二





以前在参加班级管理的过程中,我明白了许多道理:做任何事都要有强烈的责任感,要认真履行自己的职责,才能问心无愧。在管理的同时,更要严格要求自己,因为自己的一举一动都被同学们看在眼里,如果连自己都管不好,如何去管别人? 如果我能够成为三(4)班的班长,那是一种荣誉,更是一份责任。我知道这条路上有许多挑战,但我自信我有能力担起这副担子,因为我有热情,有毅力,更有积极的工作态度。如果我有幸当选,我将会以身作则,严格要求自己,认真做好本职工作,更多地为班级着想,更好地为同学们服务,积极做好老师的小帮手,让我们的班级在新的一学期更上一层楼!如果我没有当选,我也不会泄气,而是会继续努力,争取下次竞选的机会。我还会在今后努力提高自己的能力。


竞选班长演讲稿150字 竞选班长演讲稿小学生篇三

假如,我竞选成功了,我会秉着全心全意为同学这一宗旨去开展工作。我不但要继承上届宝 贵的经验和优良的作风,还要结合实际大胆改革创新。首先,我会从自我做起,严格要求自己,起表率作用;其次,我会召开一次部长会议,了解他们的工作情况,制定工作计划, 让其尽早适应该部工作;再次,我会要求所有的值日生及干部,作风正派,积极主动,使量化管理分数公平、公正、公开;第四,我会整顿和改组几个部门,狠抓各个部门工作。例如 ,我会配合卫生部把流动监督岗值日做得更好,力求做到无人乱丢,乱扔。同时,我会对班会进行改革和创新,使班会形式多样化,内容丰富化,让同学们能够更多地汲取对他们有用 的知识;还有,我会健全各种规章制度,规范其运行,使我们的工作有章可依,有章必用,用之必严,第五,我还会主动同学校搞好学风,校风建设,维护学校教学秩序,引导同学们

勤奋学习,立志成材。实事求是,锐意进取,开拓创新,与时俱进是我竞选的口号。人人都有志向,人人都积极主动,为他人服务。我们只有不断实践,才能形成良好的校风、校貌,才能使团委会、学生会这个先进组织,不断前进,不断地取得胜利,从胜利一步步走向辉煌。为了你我这个共同的目标,让我们共同努力奋斗吧!共同谱写我们的青春赞歌吧最后,请为我投上你最诚挚的一票谢谢! 今天我很高兴站在这里来竞选副班长。戴尔卡耐基说过“不要怕推销自己,只要你认为自己有才华,你就应该认为自己有资格担任这个或那个职务”,所以今天我很自信的站在了这里!并且副班长不仅仅只是一个称呼,它是对一个人责任心和能力培养,能够为全班同学服务是我一直以来的梦想。我有很强的责任心和使命感,珍惜集体每一分荣誉,愿意为老师、同学服务。当然最重要的是,我有一颗热情的心,愿意为这个班尽心尽力,愿意与各位同学互相勉励,共同进步。








竞选班长演讲稿150字 竞选班长演讲稿小学生篇四

back and forth to school these days i played seven matches of the campaign, from school students to * *, i walked all the way, let me know a lot of people, also learned a lot, remember in my penetration campaign will for the first time, my condition is not good, later i called president, secretary, statement of my idea to them, the chairman gave me a second chance, he said i was persistent, finally i i am not afraid of failure, for i have sought it, and i do not regret it.

monitor the leader of class is a representative of the class in the school, monitor image directly affect the image of class, so to monitor quality requirements are high, the monitor need to have the good moral tutelage, foreign express themselves actively, at the same time, strengthen the relationship with other he had to lead by example, by the monitor, i should have the opinion of myself, dare to put forward my own ideas in the work, and explain the reasons, to persuade others;he doesn't need to score particularly well, but he must be knowledgeable, understand a lot of things, in terms of transaction to strict management, the tail from wagging the dog, at the same time to capture the subtleties, in the true sense to manage the class.

the monitor of the university acts as a bridge and link between the student and the needs to communicate the school's instructions and give feedback to the this regard, the monitor's responsibility is particularly important. he must be timely, accurate and it needs to have multiple sources of information, not to cause trouble or inconvenience to the class.

the monitor needs to coordinate the integrity of the class thening the cohesion of the class committee, the work efficiency and enthusiasm of the class start the class cadres to work together to manage the the monitor, we can't do all the class affairs, let ourselves busy, let other class cadres to know the spanision of labor, organization and coordination work for the class committee members, lead the committee members in class activities, class committee and class meeting regularly, summarizes the work of the previous phase and planning the next stage, and listen to adopt the opinions of the students, build good class together.

a university monitor is different from a middle needs to manage his classmates' daily life and ore, we should always communicate with our classmates and see problems from the perspective of people tell me that the monitor of the university is very difficult, easy to offend a lot of people.i think that is the monitor does not show his value, the student is to consider for the student, i think a lot of things do not have the principle sex too strong, can understand try not too the class monitor, should give the classmate hint or hint more, leave "face" to the classmate, as long as does not affect the overall order to deal with serious matters, the monitor must show his majesty, and patiently give him a clear interest, help him, guide him to see things clearly, and solve the problem.

since it was the first time i thought of it, i would fulfill my promise.i believe attitude is the saying goes, "people vote for the people, choose good representatives for the people", hope you can vote for me!thank you very much!

竞选班长演讲稿150字 竞选班长演讲稿小学生篇五






一加强学习,严格要求自己; 二关心集体,团结同学;三与其他的委员合作,配合做好班里的每一件事。我是个“三心二意”的人,这里的“三心二意”可不是那个做事不专心,随随便便的意思。我所说的“三心”是指进取心、平和心和宽容心,“二意”是指创意和诗意。因为有了进取心,才能使我在保持优秀的成绩的前提下高质高效地做好班级工作。有了平和心,才会使我公平公正地评判是与非,当同学之间、师生之间发生误会和矛盾时,能坚持原则,无论成功与失败,我都会以一颗平常心去对待。有了宽容心,才能使我心胸宽广,虚怀若谷,接受同学们的建议和批评,扬长避短,积极和其他班级成员合作做好每一件班级事务。新的创意使我们能独特、有创造性地开展每一项活动,在年级里展示我们班独一无二的风采。添一点诗意能让我们兴趣盎然,专心致志地上好每一节课、参加每一次活动,认识每课的重点难点,使我们班的所有同学都能得到全面的发展。




竞选班长演讲稿150字 竞选班长演讲稿小学生篇六













竞选班长演讲稿150字 竞选班长演讲稿小学生篇七

banganbu campaign contributions

today, pleasure, and so much to contribute to the class, students banganbu campaign。 i think i will use of energy, head to do my work, to exert banganbu helps students and the strengths of the joint efforts of progress。 class—collective x

i learned from the banganbu year now, but i didn't have a clean, "the official state officials," "guanqiang guanqi;" the person is less than the private, the type of is aggressive。

i think i should a doer, no need to modify the beautiful words。 i live, work exercise makes me。 dell carnegie said, "don't be afraid to sell yourself if you think you have talent, you should think he has any settle for this or that position。

i believe that, with my new good "officer," as i read the courage and abilities, and i share the profound friendship, the campaign speech brings to me is the next inaugural address。 i will at any time, and in any case, the first is to students think, the students。" i never believe in "without transgression is power" creed, on the contrary, i think a reactive banganbu "is"。 because i usually get along well with everybody, good interpersonal relationship, in which reduces the working resistance。 i will flower with my classmates together, we launch of youth。 when the contradiction between teachers and students, i must tell right from wrong, dare to stick to principles。 especially when the teacher are correct, and i will dare to actively seek for students of the legitimate rights and interests if the students i distrust, can put forward "trust, to impeach me。 you, i wouldn't like impeachment impeachment bill that trouble, i would not go on death。

since it is the flowers, i will open, since it is the tree, and i will grow beams, since it is the stone, i will go to spread out of the road, that is, i shall banganbu become a good navigator。

the light from the object of shooting from the bright pearl friction, tears of shells, and a class of excellent banganbu from the leadership and the joint effort。

i'm confident in my classmates, i can be competent this work, and because of this, when i drive to the podium, i feel confident。

you took out of the hand of votes will hesitate? thank you for the trust


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