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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-03-13 08:42:00
时间:2023-03-13 08:42:00     小编:zdfb



away from 摆脱、逃掉、改掉、断绝来往。

例:the little boy broke away from his mother and ran away.

down 损坏、身体衰弱。例:the car broke down.

in 闯入、插嘴。vi.例:dont break in when others are speaking.

into 闯入、打断,突然开始。例:they broke into the house.

out 爆发、发生。例:a quarrel broke out between them.


for 叫(某人),接(某人),要求、需要。

例:ill call for you tomorrow morning.

in 召集、召来。例:wed better call in a doctor.

on/upon 访问、探望(某人)、号召。例:i called on him yesterday.

at 访问、探望(某处)。例:i hope to call at your office some day.

up 给…打电话、使人想起。例:the picture calls up scenes of my childhood.


/take/get hold of 握、抓住。例:he caught hold of the pigs ear.

sight of=see 看到、发现。例:the little girl cried as soon as she

caught sight of her mother.

up with 赶上。 例:he tried to catch up with his classmates.


along 一起来,来到、快点。例:come along,or well be late.

back 回来,恢复知觉、复活、被回忆起来。例:when he came back he found

himeself tied to a tree.

down 下来,下降、跌价。例:i dont think the price of meat will come


in 进来。vi.

on/upon 快点、赶快、进展、进行、偶遇。

out 出来、出版。例:the magazine comes out weekly.

to 到达、谈到、涉及、合计、总计。

up 走过来、走近、长出、发芽。例:the seeds hasnt come up yet.


句型:sth. cost money/time; sb. time/money/劳力

句型:表“花费时”: time/money on sth./(in/on)doing sth.

表“度过时”: time 等+介词+场所、活动等。

例:we spent two hours in a pleasant talk yesterday.

句型:pay sb.(money),pay(money)for sth, pay sth, paid

词组:pay off 付清,pay back 归还、偿还、报答,pay attention to 注意

句型:1) time/money/energy

例:the journey will take two days.

2) time/money/energy to do

例:the work took us three hours to finish.

3)it takes(sb.)time/money/energy to do sth.



2)take back 收回、撤消

3)take care of 照顾、注意

4)take down 记下、写下、取下

5)take off 脱去、起飞

6)take place 发生、举行

7)take up 提出,从事,占(时间、地点等)

例:take up a problem 提出一个问题, take up the struggle 从事斗争,

take up much room 占很多地方

8)take…out 取出、拿出

△含do 词组

some cleaning/washing/shopping/…打扫卫生/洗东西/买东西/…

ones lessons/homework 做功课/做作业

wrong 做坏事、犯罪

/harm/wrong/a favour=do good/harm/wrong/a favour for sb.


away with 取消、废除

ones best 尽力、努力

well in 做得好,在…方面取得好成绩

with 对付、处理,与…相处。例:he is difficult to do with.他很难处。

do with 与…有关

something/nothing 采取措施/未采取措施


引导词有after,before,as,once,since,till,until,when,whenever,while,as soon as,the moment/minute…(一…就),the time,the day,every time,next time,each time,by the time of,no sooner…than(一…就),hardly…when(一…就).例如:

each/every time he comes here,he will drop in on me.


he was ill last time i saw him.上次我见到他时他病了.

no sooner had she heard the news than she cried.她一听到这个消息就哭了.


when引导的从句动词可以是延续性的或短暂性的,while引导的从句中动词必须是延续性的;在“be…when…”句式中when表“at that time(就在这时)”意,这样用的when不能换为while;while有时并不表示时间,而表示对比,意“而”、“却”,when无这样的用法。例如:when i got home i found the door locked./while(或when)we were working in the fields,it suddenly began to rain./he was wandering through the streets when a bike hit him./his pencil is red,while mine is yellow.



until it stops raining,the children cant go out.雨停了,孩子们才能出去.

=not until the rain stops can the children go out.


引导词有though,although,even if,even though,as,whoever,whatever,

however,no matter+what/who/when/…等。例如:

though/although he is ill,he still goes to school./she started her experiment,even though she had little money./whatever you found,you must turn it in./however hard he worked,he hardly made any progress.

as 作“尽管”意时,一般将其句中的表语放在句首,例如:young as he is,he knows a lot.=although he is young,he knows a lot.若表语为名词,冠词要省略,例如:

child as/though he is,he has remembered a lot of english words.(此句中though不可换为although)


although it is raining heavily,yet they are repairing the bridge.


you go to xian,you will find the palaces there more magnificent than

commonly .(上海高考)

ing ed suppose e

析:than后实际上是一个比较状语从句的省略式,其完整形式是than they are

commonly supposed.所以答案为b.

wont give up we should fail ten times.(nmet)

if r


3.-what was the party like?

-s years i enjoyed myself so much.(nmet)



句中谓语动词enjoyed是延续动词,该句相当于i havent enjued myself so

much for years.

plays football ,if not better than,david.(nmet)

well well as well well as

析:if not better than是插入语,可将其撇开,这时空白处要填as well as才



we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty, great it

is .(nmet)

r er


no matter how,与great一起正好表此意,其余项都不能表这意思。故答案为


was worried because little alice was ill,especially father was

away in france.(nmet)

析:首先可以排除c,因为during是介词,不能引导从句。b项that,d项if 都


thought i was talking about her daughter, ,in fact i was talking

about my danughter.


8. i admit his good points i can see his bad ones.






1. i get to pairs,ill call you up at the airport.


2. the headmaster comes, we wont discuss this plan.

not r

must have been away from the office. how many times i phoned

him,nobody answered it.

ever matter spite of

4.i had been to beijing long you visited it.

5. ,he is good at drawing.

be a child b.a child as he is

a child as he is

t be discouraged you have fallen behind others.

r if if r

can get there on time the car doesnt break down.

long as that if

vase on the left is than the one on the right,and not .

nicer;so expensive more better;as expensive

;as expensive ;such expensive

wasnt long he joined the job.

planes can fly than the old ones.

fast three times times as fast

times fast times faster

11. had the bell rung the students took their seats.

;when sooner;when

;than sooner;then

12. many times,but he still couldnt understand it.

been told b. though had been told

was told told

13. we have come,lets stay and enjoy it.


d better do you are required.

15. that none of us could follow him.

spoke very fast fast he spoke

fast he spoke fast did he speak

16.ill start early, it may be dark.

r r

17. the baby fell asleep the room.

;did the mother leave t until;did the mother leave

until;the mother left after;the mother had left

18. the day went on,the weather got worse.

cant have gone out, the light is still on.


20.i was walking along the river i heard a cry for help.

shouldnt do that dangerous experiment the teacher is with as.

not long as

has little education he is unable to find a job.

;that ;and ;that ;and

soldier was wounded, he pushed on.

full letter reads follows.

you go our motherland needs us most after graduation?

which the place which

is a revision you do it,youd better make a mark you

have questions.

place if

power station are built big water falls.

there are there have

has are

28.i am sure ill meet kind-hearted man i go.

the place where er place

is so good at playing table-tennis that she can hit the ball she

wants it to go.

place where which

was his mother came in to prepare his lessons.

until;did the boy begin ;that the boy began

;did the boy begin t until;that the boy began


1-5 c a b a d 6-10 c b c b d 11-15 a c d d d

16-20 d b c d c 21-25 c c d b b 26-30 a a c d d


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