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最新名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词(15篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-03-07 21:44:49
最新名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词(15篇)
时间:2023-03-07 21:44:49     小编:zdfb


名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇一

丽江古城,在1997年g 12月4日被联合国列入世界文化遗产名单,成为一座世界文化名城。丽江县城虽然地处云南西北高原,终年看见雪山,然而这里没有严寒,没有酷暑,不要暖气,不要空调,是一个冬暖夏凉的地方。





名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇二







名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇三

人杰地灵,历史文化积淀深厚,被誉为“文字之根、文化之根、人祖之根”。 早在2.5万年前









总面积7413平方公里,其中耕地面积40.9万公顷、城市建成区面积83平方公里。 行政区划




北关区 面积 59平方千米,人口 24.5万。邮政编码455001。区人民政府驻灯塔路。 文峰区 面积 179平方千米,人口44.2万。邮政编码455000。区人民政府驻文明大道。 殷都区 面积 70平方千米,人口 24.3万。邮政编码455004。区人民政府驻梅东路北段。 龙安区面积 236平方千米,人口 21.44万。邮政编码455001。区人民政府驻梅东路南段。 林州市 面积2046平方千米,人口78.96万。邮政编码456550。

滑县 面积1814平方千米,人口126.32万。邮政编码456400。县人民政府驻道口镇。

安阳县 面积1202平方千米,人口 84.89万。邮政编码455000。县人民政府驻安阳市北关区解放大道。

汤阴县 面积 646平方千米,人口 43.07万。邮政编码456150。县人民政府驻城关镇。 内黄县 面积1161平方千米,人口69.34万。邮政编码456350。县人民政府驻城关镇。 人口






















名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇四


























名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇五












名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇六






















天下第一曲水莫尔格勒河,发源于大兴安岭西麓,流淌于呼伦贝尔大草原上。河长319公里,流域面积4987平方公里。自东北向西南流经陈巴尔虎旗全境,流域内地势平坦开阔,河流落差较小,河道异常弯曲,似“九曲回肠”,因经著名作家老舍品题为“全国第一曲”,遂有“天下第一曲水”之美誉。两岸水草丰美,是良好的天然牧场和草原旅游胜地。下游流经呼和诺尔草原旅游区,注入呼和诺尔湖,又于湖东南流出而归入海拉尔河。呼和诺尔草原旅游区呼和诺尔草原旅游区占地面积约20平方公里,水肥草美,风光奇秀,位于呼伦贝尔大草原西北部古老的巴尔虎草原中心地带,310国道从旁经过,距海拉尔区45公里,距满洲里市110公里。呼和诺尔草原是我国目前少数未受任何工业污染和农业开发的天然优良草原之一,在国内草原旅游资源中具有垄断性和独特性。 在自然旅游资源方面,该旅游区形成了以草原自然生态景观为主,河流、湖泊、矿泉、冰雪、芦苇等多样类型为辅的自然生态景观。“呼和诺尔”,蒙古语意为“青蓝色的湖”,面积12平方公里。湖的四周是一望无际的大草原。独特的自然环境与丰富的野生动植物资源共同构成了一幅别具风格的自然画卷,使这里成为草原生态观光的理想之地。





名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇七








名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇八

hello, everyone!

welcome to changsha, a famous historical and cultural city with beautifulscenery, pleasant climate, heaps of delicious food (due to the age of tourists),beautiful women and handsome men!

as the saying goes, "a hundred year old man will be on the same boat, and athousand year old man will be sleeping together." now the popular saying is thata hundred year old man will be in the same car, but we are all in the same cartoday. xiao x is really honored. there is a saying in china that it is never tooold to learn. when we come to changsha, first of all, we have to learn the threerepresentatives

first: on behalf of the people of changsha, i would like to extend a warmwelcome to all the guests coming from afar!

second: on behalf of all the staff of __ travel company, i would like towelcome you to this happy trip. welcome, welcome, warm welcome.

the third representative is me, on behalf of myself and the driver, to makea brief introduction. i'm a tour guide from x travel company, and i'm also theground guide of your trip to changsha. my name is __. you can call me xiao x orx guide, as long as you let me know that you are calling me. next, i would liketo solemnly introduce the person who occupies an absolutely important positionin our tour, that is, the driver master x who escorts us. in our industry, thereis such a saying that drivers are in a hurry to drive in jilin, in a rush todrive in mongolia, and in hukai in shanghai. can anyone think of how to drive inchangsha? let me answer the riddle. our masters in changsha are quite can drive in both black and white. why do we say that? it's about theclimate of changsha, "there are flowers in spring, there are months in autumn,there are cool winds in summer, and there are snow in winter." this is theclimate characteristics of changsha. the four seasons are distinct. the roads inspring, summer and autumn are generally black, and the roads in winter are onesnow, the road will become white, so our master is very familiar with blackhundred liang road, so we can rest assured of our driving safety in recentdays!

now, i'd like to invite our lady friends in the car to focus on our is a saying: first class men have a home outside their home, second classmen have flowers outside their home, third class men look for a home in theflowers, and fourth class men go home after work. hehe, let's see what kind ofmen our master belongs to? start your brain and think about it. oh, remove awrong answer, d. if you think of us like this, it's impossible for a master togo home after work in four or five days. shifu is a good man. why do you saythat? please don't think about it. i didn't say that shifu is a playboy. let'stake a look at the touring car, which is a mobile home for our master. ofcourse, the master loves it very much. isn't it a very popular rv now? let'stake our touring car as a new type of rv. what i want to say is that when youleave this mobile home every day, you must be smart: wave your sleeves, don'tleave behind a cloud!

名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇九



























名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇十








名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇十一

lady and genlenmen:

welcome to hunlunbeier grassland! first of all, id like to tell you why people call this bdautiful grassland hulunbeier grassland. there is a moving legend behind it. a long, long time ago there lived a couple of lovers on the grassland. the girl was a hu lun. the boy was bei er. one day a demon chief called mang gusi abducted hulun and dried up the grassland. the grass withered and yellowed and domestic animals died one after order to save the grassland and hu lun, beier traved a great distance on foot, chasing after mang gasi day and night. finally, he fainted from exhaustion. in his weakened state, he dreamt that the demon chief had magically turned hu lu,bei er traveled a great distance on foot, chasing after mang gasi day and night. finally, he fainted from his weakened state, he dreamt that the demon chief had magically turned hu lun into a flower which was and suffering from the windy dream in front of him. he immediately watered the flower and broke the spell. hu lun changed back into her former self. but the demon chief would not give up. he immediately watered the flower and broke the spell. hu lun changed back in to her former self. but the demon chief would not give up. he seized hu lun and took her away again. hu lun racked her brain for a way to escape. she succeeded in getting hold of the magic pearl on the demon chief`s head. on swallowing the pearl hu lun turned into a lake. in the meantime beier had killed all of the other demons, but failed to find hu lun. heartbroken, bei er jumped in to a lake to kill of a sudden the earth split open and formed two lakes, hu lun lake and bei er lake, with the wilson river closely connecting them. later,people living on the grassland named the land hulunbeier grassland in momory of them.

hulunbeier covers an area of 250.557 square kilometers,with a totel population of 2.66 million. the mongolian natiality is the dominant ethic group, and 35 other nationlities,such as dawoer, ewenke, elunchun, han, manchu, russian, etc. live in harmony with them on the grassland. hunlunbeier is called green and clean land because it is relatively free of pollution.

(entering the grassland)

now were setting foot on hunlunbeier grassland. all of us have escaped from the city and its clamour and entered a place like a dreamland,look! the grassland looks like asoft, green cerpet, nowyou can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the distance; numeros kinds of wild flowers are in bloom, and wisps of smoke are rising continuously from the yurta scattered on the grassland. when the gentle breeze brushes against the grass, herds of horses and cattle and flock of sheep seem to be drifting from here ro there. what a beautiful picture!

(visiting a yurt)

this is the yurt we saw from the bus just now. look!the host and his family have come out of the to greet us. of couse, this is not an arranged reception, to be sure. but before we enter the yurt, idlike to make a brief introduction on the folk costoms here. no matter which yurt you happen to visit, you will finethat on hesring your footsteps the mongolian people will extend a warm welcome outsite the yurt, to do justice to their reputed hospitality. when greeting you, they will put their hands against their chests and bow slightly. with a how do you do, they invite their guestsin. male guests are invited to sit on the left and female on the right, while host sits in midle. the moment you take your seats, your host will have milk tea and various kinds of milk products pleaced in front of you. after a white, you will most probably probabyly be asked to help yourself to a special course called shouba lamd. as a way of showing respct to his distinguished guest, your hast will prsent you with a hada( a piece of silk used as a greeting gift), together with a cup of lacal wine. mongolians are well known for theirtalent in singing and beautiful songs are as entertaining and pleasant as the blue sky, white clouds, greengrass and fresh flowers, in folk culture, there is a saying that a feast is not a true feast without the company of songs. every person in the grassland, man or woman, old or young, can sing folk songs. when proposing toasts to their guests, they will show their hospitality by singing folksongs and playing special fiddles. the mongolian people have lived on the vast grassland for a long time, and they have refined their talent for sing and dancing. you can not only please your eyes with their traditional ethnic dancing but also with their mondern ones featuring merry rhythms and vigorous let`s enter the yurt and take advantage of this opportunity to be guests in a mongolian herdsman`s home.

(stepping out of the yurt)

under the blue sky and white clouds, you will see a vivid picture of flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, galloping horses and skillful herdsen on horseback brandishing horsewhips. do you want to go for a ride ? if you are skilled at riding, why not ride a mongolian horse for a while or wander about on camelback?if you are afraid of riding horses or camels,never mind. you still can enjoy the nomandic life by taking a special mongolian vehicle called a lele.

(briefing on the physique of mongolians)

now you have had a look at the grassland with your own eyes, but did you noticed that the mongolian girls are graceful,elegant and vigorous, and the young fellow are robust, heroic and muscular? it is said that this has much to do with their life styles which are connected with horse sports,running and r,the important role played by milk tea and milk products in developing their muscles and bones canot be underestimated.

(briefing on the dietary habit of mongolians)

lets start with milk tea,the host minces the tea and put it in a kettle to boil it. when the kettle starts boiling with a gurgling sound, the host pours the fresh milk into it. thus the herdsman coming in from a snowstorm will warm up immediately after having such a cup of milk tea. a bowl of milk tea, stir-fried rice, several piece of a dry milk product and some lamb is regarded as a delicious meal by the ordinary mongolian herdsman. milk products include the skin of boiled milk, milk curd, milk wine, cheese, butter and so on. the formal meal may be served with meat and a flour-base product.

while you are here on the grassland, it will be a great pity if you do not try shouba lamb(boil meat which is eaten using a knife and your hands).the lamb is first cut into big slices and then put into boiling water to it is half done, you cut it into smaller pieces with the mongolian knife and eat it. themongolian people think that half-done meat contains more nutrients.

(briefing on mongolian clothing)

the mongolian robe is unique to this ethnic group. the robe is often matched with a belt and head its high collar and long sleeves, the robe protects people from mosquitoes. the middle part of the robe is made loose for the convenience of riding horses and is long enough to keep the knees warm. you can find all kinds of clothes here today, but the robe is the cultural heritage of the mongolians and has become a symbol of their national conscience and identity.

(briefing on mongolian yurta)

you can see mongolian yurta here and there on do you know the history and structure of the mongolian yurta?according to the historical records of the xiongnu,an ancient ethnic group, their ancestors lived in the northland long ago. their living quarters were called yurta. in this sense mongolians, as a ethnic group, can date to 4,000 years ago. so the mongolian yurta are a symbol of the history of this ethnic group. now let`s talk about the construction of a yurt are a symbol of the history of this ethnic group, now let`s talk about the construction of a yurt. herdsmen first build a round foundation with pieces of stones, then they set up the structure with wodden wods and beams linked together with wollen or fur ropes,lastly, they cover the structure with animal skins or felt ceiling of the yurt is round. with such a structure, the yurt can withstand snowstorms and heavy rainfalls. the door of the yurt is small and down to the ground. the yurt can be easily moved and this is suitable for nomadic accounts for the reason why the structure of the yurt remains unchanged till today. if the mongolian yurt is seen as the home of the herdsmen, then the lelecarts can be viewed as their mobile homes. lelecarts move slowly with big noise. it is hard to tell when the history of lelecarts began. all the carts are made of birch, so they will reain in good condition even in wet weather. the wheels of the carts are tall and can easily roll across the uneven roads, lush bushes, thick snow and marshes. lelecarts are indispensable for herdsmen when they move cross snow-covered areas.

(briefing on mongolian festivals)

there are a lot of mogolian festivals held every year on the grassland, but the most famous one is nadam,the carnival the grassland. nadamin the mongolian language means recreation or entertainment. when it comes, there will be a lot of performances,such as horse racing, wrestling, archery and some other special ethnic performances. the nadam fair is a time-honored festival and was known world wide for 700years, nowadays the nadam fair is often held during the harvest season of the grassland, either in june or that period, herdsmen often take the opportunity to sell domestic animals and livestock products and purchasse daily necessilties and livelihood-related goods.

acturally, the herdsmen have few chances to get together on such a vast grassland, so nadam also plays the role of a big trade fair for them, when we talk about nadam, we should also talk about offering sacrifice at in mogolian means a pile of rocks or earth. on the vast and endless grassland, it is hard to tell directions, so people thought of pilling rocks or earth to mark them, in its long historical development aobao has become the shrine to offer scrifices to the god of the mountain and the god of the the sacrifice offering ceremony,people insert tree branches into the aobao and put pieces of colorful cloth or paper flags with written scripture on the branches there are four types of memorial ceremonies, namely blood,wine,fire and jade. no matter what type it is, a lama will be invited to butn incenses, chant scriptures and pray for the blessing of the people and their livestock. participants will walk around the aobao clockwise three the ceremony, the herdmen will not only enjoy horse races,wrestling and archery, but also singing, dancing and drinking to their heart`s content. around that time, young lovers will probably leave the crowd to be in a world of their own.

dear,distinguished guests,after this tour of this grassland i believe you must have a general idea of how the mongolian pelple live here and may een feel reluctant to leave the beautiful hulunbeier grassland. i belive the grassland and its people enjoyed your visit as much as you did and look forward to your next one.

ladies and gentlemen,i hope to have another chance to meet you again on this very land, the hulunbeier grassland. goodbye and good luck.

名胜导游词十几个字 完整导游词篇十二

hello, everyone! welcome to hunan for sightseeing. "i want to have a dreamand a bright future in hibiscus country." hunan is the hometown of mao has beautiful scenery, long history and profound culture. it can be said thatit is a treasure of nature and outstanding people.

hunan is located in the south bank of the middle reaches of the yangtzeriver. it is named "hunan" because it is located in the south of dongting lake,the second largest freshwater lake in china. in history, the name of "hunan"first appeared in the administrative spanision, which began in the second year ofguangde in tang dynasty (the "hunan observation envoy" was set up in hunan),that is, in 764 ad. hunan is adjacent to hubei in the north, guangdong andguangxi in the south, jiangxi in the east, chongqing and guizhou in the west. ithas an important strategic position of connecting the east and the west inchina. with a total area of more than 210000 square kilometers and a populationof more than 67 million, the province has residents of 56 ethnic groups livinghere. it has jurisdiction over one autonomous prefecture and 13 prefecture levelcities.

hunan is called "xiang" for short. people often use "three xiangsi and fourrivers" to express the whole territory of hunan, and "furong country" is also agood name for hunan. "xiang" is named for its mother river, xiangjiang "three xiang" of "three xiang and four rivers" means that the water of xiangis called "lixiang" when it flows with li water at the origin, xiaoxiang when itflows with xiaoshui at the middle reaches, and steaming hunan when it flows withsteam water at the lower reaches. "four rivers" refers to the four major watersystems throughout hunan: xiangjiang river, zijiang river, yuanjiang river andlishui river. therefore, "three xiangsi rivers" refers to the whole territory ofhunan. hunan has the reputation of "furong country" because sanxiang has atradition of planting shuifurong (lotus) and mufurong (mulian) since ancienttimes. tang dynasty poet tan yongzhi once wrote in his poem rain in thexiangjiang river in autumn: "the autumn wind is thousands of miles, the lotuscountry, and the rain is thousands of families, the village of xue li." ofcourse, comrade mao zedong's sentence "i want to have a few dreams, and thebeauty of hibiscus" in "seven laws to answer friends" makes it famous all overthe world.

the topography of hunan is like a horseshoe shaped opening to the north. itis surrounded by mountains in the east, west and south, and only opens todongting lake in the north. this topographical feature determines that therivers in hunan do not "go to the east", but "go to the north of xiangjiangriver" and pour 800 li into dongting lake. when you walk into hunan, it's hardto see a smooth scene. the hills and lakes, mountains and lakes form the mainbody. it's like wearing a zigzag and pitching coat on the land of hunan. underthis coat, there are abundant mineral resources. there are 111 kinds of mineralsdiscovered in hunan province and 83 kinds of proven reserves. among thenonferrous metal mines, the reserves of antimony rank first in the world,tungsten and titanium rank first in china, and manganese and vanadium ranksecond in china. among the non-metallic minerals, fluorite, barite, feldspar,sepiolite, kaolin, albite and other reserves, output and quality are in theforefront of the country. hunan is known as "the hometown of nonferrous metals"and "the hometown of non metals".

hunan has a subtropical humid monsoon climate with four distinct seasonsand an average temperature of about 17 ℃. in spring, the temperature ischangeable, sometimes with "plum blossom and yellow rain"; in summer, the hotperiod is long, known as "stove"; in autumn, although there are many droughts,the air is crisp; in winter, the cold period is short, occasionally withauspicious snow, indicating a good harvest.

hunan has a long history and the culture of hunan and chu is extensive andprofound. according to archaeological findings, primitive people have beenliving in hunan since 50000-100000 years ago. the excavation of chengtoushansite in lixian county proves that the primitive people in hunan had alreadybegun to live a settled farming life as early as 9000 years ago. in ancienttimes, chiyou fought with yanhuang tribes and fled to hunan after defeat, wherea tribal group called "sanmiao" was formed. during the spring and autumn periodand the warring states period, chu forces crossed the yangtze river and dongtinghunan, and the central plains culture merged with the local culture, forming aunique style of chu culture. at that time, hunan's economic development reacheda fairly advanced level, the manufacture and use of bronze ware became moreextensive, and began to enter the iron age. during the qin and han dynasties,hunan's economy and culture got further development. the silk books, silkpaintings, silk fabrics and other cultural relics unearthed from mawangdui hantomb fully reflected the level of craft and cultural development at that the time of the three kingdoms, there were three pillars in the world. hunanprovince was bounded by the xiangjiang river and belonged to the sphere ofinfluence of shu and wu. in 219 ad, sun wu seized the whole territory of hunanand ruled for 60 years. after the wei, jin and southern and northern dynasties,hunan gradually became rich and prosperous, and its agriculture developed byleaps and bounds, and began to become an important rice producing area andsupply place in china. after the song dynasty, the water conservancy in dongtinglake area and sishui river basin was strengthened day by day, and hunan became awell-known "land of fish and rice", and gradually gained the reputation of"well-known in the world". hunan people who "worry about the world and dare tobe the first" began to show their skills from the end of qing dynasty to thebeginning of the republic of china, so that there is a saying that "the generalof zhongxing, hunan in the 19th century". in the reform movement, hunan was "themost dynamic province". during the outbreak of the 1911 revolution, hunan leaguefirst responded to and supported the uprising with practical actions, which madehunan in the forefront of the revolution. after the may 4th movement, mao zedongrushed from shaoshan to the stage of chinese history and opened a new page ofchinese revolution. the first battle of the red army's long march was on thexiangjiang river. hunan was also an important battlefield in the anti japanesewar. from 1939 to 1942, the chinese and japanese armies fought in changsha forthree times, especially the third battle. it was the first great victory of theallies after the pacific war, which made the chinese fight. "eight years fromlugou, a paper down the book out of zhijiang." on august 21, 1945, the japanesearmy submitted the letter of surrender to the chinese people in zhijiang, hunanprovince. the eight year anti japanese war ended with the victory of the chinesepeople.

"when the river goes to the east, the waves will be washed out, and peopleof all ages will be famous." looking back at the history of hunan, how manytalented people in hunan "hit the water in the middle stream, and the wavesstopped the boats" in the long river of chinese history and culture? ancienthunan was known as the wild land of "nanman", which became the exile place ofthe criminal generals since the warring states period. however, it was thearrival of these guilty ministers that brought hunan precious cultural yuan was demoted to yuanli valley of hunan province for many years, andcreated "sao style". lisao, jiuge and tianwen were published, which created aprecedent in the cultural history. song yu exiled linli for 40 years, inheritedthe literary form of "ci" and carried it forward. jia yi was demoted to changshafor 4 years in the western han dynasty, and wrote "ode to qu yuan" and "ode topengniao", which started the han dynasty. in tang dynasty, liu zongyuan and liuyuxi were demoted to hunan, where they also found the source of creation. liuzongyuan's "on feudalism", "tian shuo" and "eight chapters of yongzhou" cameout; liu yuxi completed the famous political paper "tian lun" and created hisown "zhuzhi ci", which opened a new generation of poetry.

in the tang and song dynasties, li qunyu, the first great poet in china,ouyang xun, ouyang tong and huaisu, the first class calligraphers in china, zhoudunyi, the founder of cheng zhu neo confucianism and wang fuzhi, were born inhunan.

"only chu has talent, and it is prosperous here." this couplet at the headof yuelu academy is the best summary of modern hunan talents. under theinfluence of huxiang culture with the core of "managing the world for practicaluse", the reform pioneers tao shu, wei yuan, zeng guofan, zuo zongtang, anational hero in the qing dynasty, and later tan sitong, huang xing, cai e, chentianhua, mao zedong, liu shaoqi and other sanxiang heroes were created here.

after the founding of new china, among the 52 leaders of the centralgovernment, 18 are from hunan; among the 10 marshals, 3 are from hunan; amongthe 10 generals, 6 are from hunan; among the 57 generals, 19 are from hunan;among the 100 generals, 45 are from hunan. mao zedong, liu shaoqi and hu yaobangsuccessively served as the state presidents, and zhu rongji served as the statecouncil. in addition, a large number of cultural celebrities, such as qi baishi,yang shuda, tian han, shen congwen, ding ling and zhou gucheng, are alsowell-known at home and abroad.

"it's all the past. i'll count the celebrities and look at the present."today's hunan people, adhering to the fine traditions of their predecessors andresponding to the call of the central government to "build a harmonioussociety", are making great strides towards a well-off society.

long history, distinctive culture, talented people, colorful ethnic customsand beautiful natural scenery endow hunan with rich and unique tourismresources. there are dongting lake and yueyang tower with the same color ofwater and sky, nanyue hengshan with the unique beauty of five mountains, themausoleum of emperor yan and emperor shun, the paradise of peach blossomdescribed by tao yuanming, zhangjiajie scenic spot listed in the world naturalheritage list by unesco, and so on; there are the former residences ofcontemporary revolutionary leaders mao zedong and liu shaoqi, as well as worldcultural celebrities qu yuan, cai lun and qi baishi; there are world-famouscultural relics unearthed from mawangdui han tomb and the ancient city site ofchengtoushan in lixian county, which is one of the top ten archaeologicaldiscoveries in china; there are also archaeological discoveries such as zoumaloubamboo slips of dongwu, liye ancient city of warring states and qin bambooslips. of course, the unique ethnic customs such as tujia weeping marriage, miaosilver ornaments and jiangyong women's calligraphy will also make youlinger.

with the rapid development of hunan tourism, hunan provincial governmenthas taken tourism as a pillar industry to support and build. at present, hunantourism has been blooming everywhere, and seven tourism routes have beenlaunched, namely changsha huaminglou shaoshan (famous city celebrity tour),changsha quzici yueyang (xiangchu culture tour), changsha zhangjiajie wangcunjishou fenghuang (landscape and ethnic customs tour), changsha nanyue chenzhou(religious culture and ecological tour), changsha liangshan (geologicalspectacle tour), and changsha liangshan (geological spectacle tour) yanemperor's mausoleum - shun emperor's mausoleum (root seeking and ancestorworship tour), changsha - taojiang - taohuayuan (idyllic scenery tour). at thesame time, some special tourism festivals have been launched: yueyanginternational dragon boat festival, nanyueshou cultural festival and templefair, liuyang international fireworks festival, zhangjiajie international forestprotection festival, taohuayuan garden fair, zhuzhou yan emperor mausoleummemorial ceremony, huaihua dong cultural tourism festival, chenzhou landscapefestival, etc.

hunan is rich in natural resources, and its local products are also richand colorful. the famous handicrafts include xiang embroidery, liling underglazeporcelain, liuyang chrysanthemum stone, yiyang peach stone carving, xiangxitujia brocade, tujia paste painting, miao silver ornaments, etc.; the famousspecialties include junshan silver needle tea, guzhang maojian tea, xianglian,dongting silver fish, liuyang douchi, furongwang tobacco, jiugui liquor, baishatop grade tobacco, etc.

"hot girls are hot, hot girls are not afraid of being hot when they areyoung." when you hear song zuying's "hot girls", you will immediately think ofred peppers. yes, we hunan people are famous for not being spicy. hunan cuisine,as one of the eight major cuisines in china, has a history of more than 3000years. after a long period of development, there are more than 4000 cuisines,including more than 300 famous cuisines. to travel in hunan, it's natural totaste authentic hunan cuisine. we hunan people will certainly receive the guestsall over the world with hot enthusiasm!

there are endless beautiful scenery and amorous feelings in open your heart and follow me carefully!

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