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时间:2024-08-07 13:03:24     小编:zdfb





i´ll go there after i finish my work./ if it rains tomorrow,i won´t go there.3.在以here,there开头的句子里,go,come等少数动词的一般在时表示正在发生的动作。例如:there goes the bell.铃响了。there comes the bus.汽车来了。here she comes.她来了。



2.表示按计划安排即将发生的动作。例如:she is leaving for beijing.她要去北京。

he is working as a teacher tomorrow.从明天起他要做老师。my father is coming to see me this saturday.这个星期六我爸爸要来看我。3.代替一般现在时,描绘更加生动。例如:the changjiang river is flowing into the east.江水滚滚向东流。the sun is rising in the east.太阳从东方冉冉升起。

4.大多数动词可用于进行时,但也有些动词不用于进行时。常见的有:exist,live,understand,mean,owe,belong to ,know,doubt,suppose,remember,forget,believe,trust,want,wish,refuse,like,hate,dislike,prefer,mind,hope等。


1.表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响或结果,或说话时已完成的动作。例如:i have finished the report./ she has cleand the room.2.表示从过去开始,待续到现在的动作或状态,往往和“for„”, “since„”表述的一段时间状语连用。例如:he has learned english for six years./ they have worked here since they left college.3.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:

1)用两种时态来表述发生在过去的某一动作,现在完成时强调这一过去动作对现在产生的影响或结果,而一般过去时只表达过去的动作或状态,和现在关系不大。例如:she has cleaned the ´s very clean now.(此句has cleaned就不能改为cleaned.一是因为cleaned与现状无关,二是因为一般过去时不可突然跳到it´s„这样的一般现在时。)

2)汉语中的“了”、“过”、“曾”等词常用完成表达,如:i have seen that film.(我看过那部电影了。)但是如果是在特定的过去时间“看了”、“做过”,就不可用完成时而必须用一般过去进来表达。例如:when did you see that film? i saw it yesterday.(你什么时候看了那部电影?我昨天看的。)不能说:when have you seen that film?i have seen it yesterday.4.表示“曾经到过某地(人已回来)”用“have/has been to”,表示“到某地去了(还未回来)”用“have/has gone to”.例如:

——where is li hua? -he has gone to the reading-room.——she knows a lot about shanghai.-she has been there.5.短暂动词(即瞬间动词),join, lose, buy, borrow, leave, go, come, arrive, die, marry, finish, complete, begin, start, break out等,在完成时态中,其肯定式不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。例如不能说:he has finished the work for three hours.要翻译“他已完成工作三小时了。”可采用1)“ago法”:he finished the work three hours ago.2)“延续法”:he has been through(with)the work for three hours.3)“since法”:it is/has been three hours since he finished the work.四、现在完成进行时

1.用来表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在(或今后还要继续一去)的动作。例如:he has been doing the maths problems since 8:00./ it has been raining for two days.2.凡是不能用于现在进行时的动词均不能用于现成完成进行时。五、一般过去时



1.表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作(这一过去时间须用时间状语表示)。例如:he was preparing his lecture all day yesterday.2.表示动作在另一过去动作发生时进行。例如:they were still working when i left.3.用在两个过去进行时动作同时发生。例如:i was writing while he was watching tv.4.表示过去将来动作。例如:he said she was arriving the next day.七、过去完成时

1.表示在过去某一时间以前已经完成的动作。例如:he had shut the door before the dog came up./ everything had been all right up till this morning.2.表示动作或状态从过去某个时刻开始一直延续到另一个过去时刻才完成,甚至还要继续下去。例如:at the age of ten,he had learned 500 english had been ill for a week when we learned about it.3.常用hope,expect,think,intend,want,suppose等动词的过去完成时来表示未实现的希望、打算或意图。例如:we had expected that you would be able to win the match.八、一般将来时

一般将来时表示将来要发生的动作和存在的状况。有下列一些形式: /shall do(侧重将来行为,不突出计划安排去做某事) going to do(主观上打算或客观上可能发生)

doing(按计划将要发生,常和表示最近的将来时间连用) about to do(按计划即将发生)


用来表示在将来某个时刻(前)将完成的动作。常和by短语,when,before引起的时间状语连用。例如:we will have finished senior book 2 by the end of this term.时态考点分析

1.——can i join your club,dad?

——you can when you______a bit older.(nmet)

get getting have got 析:“you can”是将来意,when引导的时间状语从句要用一般现在时表将来所以此题答案为a.2.——oh,it’s you!i______you.——i’ve just had my hair cut and i’m wearing new ’t recognize ’t recognized ’t recognized n’t recongnize

析:从“oh,it’s you!”可知说话时已认出对方。“没有认出”是在此之前为过去情况,所以应选a.3.i don’t think jim saw me;he______into space.(nmet) stared just staring just stared just stared

析:在空白处应选一个与“saw”相配,能解释jim didn’t see me 这一原因的选项,只有着眼于a、b。若选a不能体观他“当时正在做”某事,故排除a而选b。这样因为“他正在望宇宙天空”所以“未看到我”。4.——______my glasses?

——yes,i saw them on your bed a minute ago.(nmet)

you see you seen you see you seen 析:现在完成时可表过去发生的事情对现在产生的影响或结果,问话人以这样的时态发问可作现焦急的心情。故答案为d。

don’t need to describe her.i______her several times.(nmet) met met 析:答案b。道理同4。

6.——do you know our town at all?

——no,this is the first time been going 析:根据this/it is the first/second/„time s done sth.句型,可定答案为b。又如:this is the second time he has visited the great wall.7.i don’t really work here.i______until the new secretary arrives.(nmet) help out just helped out just helping out just help out 析:根据i don´t really work here.以及„until the new secretary arrives,可知说话人所要做的事是计划安排行为,c、d两个选项都表将来动作,但d非计划安排,c则体现按计划去做,所以此题答案为c。8.——is this raincoat yours?

——no, mine______ there behind the door.(nmet) hanging hung





例如:he was scolded by the english teacher.2.主语+get+过去分词+其它成分 例如:the boy got drowned last summer./ she got fired because of her faults.注意:使用这种结构不能带有“by+施动者”

3.带有双宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)的主动句变为动句,其主语可以是直接宾语,也可以是间接宾语。例如:she lent me a bike.被动:1)i was lent a bike(by her).2)a bike was lent to me(by her).4.情态动词+be+过去分词

例如:this problem must be worked out in half an hour.5.双重被动式:主语+被动式谓语+不定式的被动式+其它成分

例如;these magazines are not allowed to be taken out of the reading-room./the murderer was ordered to be shot.二、主动表示被动的几种情况

1.不及物动词与状语连用,用以表示主语的品质和状态。常见动词是:cut,sell,read,write,fill,cook,lock,wash,drive,keep等。例如:this knife cuts well.这把刀好切。these books sell well.这些书好卖。the pen writes smoothly.这支笔写起来流畅。meat won´t keep long in such hot weather.肉在这样热的天气里放不长久。the cloth washes well.这种布好洗。

2.一些连系动词的主动式+形容词。常见动look,smell,taste,sound,feel,prove,turn out等。例如:the apples taste good./the flower smells wonderful./the news proved/turned out true./cotton feels soft.注:prove也可用于被动式,如:his answer(was)proved right.3.不定式在某些形容词之后,且与主语有动宾关系。常见形容词有:hard,defficult,easy,heavy,fit,good,comfortable,convenient,impossible等。例如:the problem is easy to do./the question is difficult to answer./the box is heavy to carry./the project is impossible to complete in a year.比较:the problem is to be done./the question is to be answered.没有形容词时,虽然不定式与主语是动宾关系,但必须用被动式。


1.i teach myself french.不可变为myself is taught french.因为反身代词不可作主语。

help each other/one another.不可变为each other/one another is helped by us.因为相互代词不可作主语。

lost heart.不可变为heart was lost by him.因为象lose heart,make a face,keep silence,lose in thought这类动宾结构的固定短语只能用于主动式,不能用被动式。

took part in the sports meet.不能变为the sports meet was taken part in by her.因为象take part in,belong to ,own,have,hate,fail,contain等表状态动词没有被动语态。


1.i need one more stamp before my collection______.(nmet)

completed tes been completed completed


2.——do you like the material?

——yes,it______very soft.(nmet)

feeling felt


3.great changes______ in the city, and a lot of factories______.(nmet) been taken place„have been set up taken place„have been set up taken place„have set up taken place„were set up

析:take place(发生)是不及物动词,不可用于被动语态,于是可排除a、d,又因set up(建造)是及物动词,在此题中应该用被动式,故排除c,答案为b。 of the artists______to the party were from south africa.(nmet)d invite invited been invited 析:首先可排除b。因为它不表示“被邀请”。又因d项少引导词who,也应排除。a项=who were invited,c项=who were being invited,由象invite这类短暂动词的现在分词被动式不可作后置定语,故也应排除。因而可定答案为a。5.i don´t know the restaurant,but it´s______to be quite a good one.(nmet)

析:根据“某人/某物据说„”英文句式为“sb/ said„”可定答案为a。又如:he is said to be a clever boy.据说他是一个聪明的男孩。 police found that the house______and a lot of things______.(nmet) broken into„has been stolen broken into„had been stolen been broken into„stolen been broken into„stolen 析:“房屋被人闯入”,“东西被偷”都是被动语态,故可排除a、b。因c项中的has been broken into不能置于found之后,则答案只能是d。7.i promise that the matter will______.(nmet)

taden care taken care of care care of 析:take care of„是固定短语,若无of则不可带宾语,只能跟that从句。所以此题答案为b。

city noises______from increasing,people____shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.(nmet)

not kept„will have to not kept„have to not keep„will have to not keep„have to


olympic games,____in 776 bc,did not include women players until 1912.(nmet)

playing be first played played be first playing

析;要表达“被举行”,只能在b、c中选。b意“将要首次举行”。显然不合in 776 bc这一过去时间,只有c,first played(=which was first played)才合用。故答案为c。

sentence needs______.a.a improvement e ing ed 析:初看此题似手a、c皆可,但improvement是元音开头词,其前要用an,故排除。need作实义动词,和require,want一样,后面可跟doing或to be done 表“需要被„”意。如:the door needs/wants/requires painting/to be painted.(这扇门需要漆一下。)11.i should very much like to have gone to the party,but not ´t been not not be

析:should/would like to have done sth.意“本想做某事”,例如:i should like to have seen the film,but it wasn´t possible.由于这种句式表示“过去想”,所以but后的句子也应该是过去时态与之相配合,故此题答案是c。12.——______the note______to mr smith?

——no,it is still in my „being given „given „been given ´t„been given 析:根据问句与答句,问话人显然是注重结果,故要用现在完成时。似乎d作为反诘句“难道条还没给史密斯先生吗?”也成立,但若是这种口气发问,答话人就应答“ is still in my pocket.”,所以此题答案应为c。 heard it______that he had gone to new say said

析:it was said that„可以改为we heard it said that„(都表示“据说„”之意)。前一种说法中it 是形式主语,后一种说法中it是形式宾语。故此题答案为b。


maths problem can worked out to be worked out worked out to work out

possible means______,but none proves successful. been tried being tried tried girl is to______a rich with married to married to received a telegram that______“mother sick”.

can you imagine______to his wedding party?

ng ing invited invited be invited

6.i______ten minutes to decide whether i should reject the offer.(nmet) given giving given 7.——will somebody go and get ?

——he´s already been______.(nmet)

for for for for

8.a conductor______to keep us in time in the singing needing needed been needed and where to build the new not decided not decided not decided not decided

______to stop pollution by find be found found been found 11.i don´t want anything______about it. say said 12.——______that the sports meet might be put off.——yes,it all depends on the weather.a.i´ve been told b.i´ve told c.i´m told d.i told

13.a library with five thousand books______to the nation as a gift.(nmet) offered offered offered offered has never been heard _______ill of n speak said

______to have delivered the speech in their theatre room. said said 16.——what do you think of the book?

——oh,´s worth______a second time.(nmet) read be read g ing read

jim should love______to the theatre this evening.(nmet) be taken take taken .18.______more attention,the trees could have grown better.(nmet) give given 19.——where______the book?i can’t see it anywhere.——i______it right here but now it’s you put;have put you put;put

you put;was putting you putting;have put would not fail so long as he______hard the next d study studied s long______the english party______?

;been lasted ;last ;lasted ;be lasted ______you______this time next friday?

;do ;been doing ;doing ;be doing ______the bell______when the teacher came ;ring ;ring ;rung ;rung ______and the streets were still wet. been raining been rained rain book____on the ground for ten minutes but no noe has picked it lying lain been lying ______there when it______to getting;would begin about to get;began got;had begun get;began

teacher said we______ten lessons by the end of this have studied going to study studied study

28.——she told me she had met you in london last year.——______you______her since?

;met ;see ;meet ;seen 29.——when______again?

——when he______,i’ll let you he come;will come he come;come comes;comes he come;comes ______for more than a left gone away away been away 31.——what happened to her teeth?

——she______the apple more than she could bitten been bitting

peare was said______37 famous plays in his ing writing finish writing written have written

33.——you’ve agreed to why aren’t you getting ready?

——but i______that you______me to start at once.’t realize;want ’t realize;wanted ’t realized;want ’t realize;wanted 34.——i missed the lecture last night.——oh,what a pity!i heared it had heard it

never heard it hadn’t heard it

35.i’ll return the book to the library as soon as ed going to finish finish finished 36.——your phone number again?i______quite catch it.——it’s 9586442.(nmet)

’t ’t ’t ’t 37.——i’m sorry to keep you waiting.——oh,not at all.i______here only a few minutes. been been be

i was at college.i______three foreign languages,but i______all except a few words of ;had forgotten ;have forgotten

spoedn;had forgotten spoken;have forgotten

new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as arrive s going to arrive arriving(nmet)

40.——who is jerry cooper?

——______?i saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.(nmet)’t you meet him yet ’t you met him yet ’t you meet him yet n’t you met him yet 41.——we could have walked to the was so near.——yes,a taxi______at all necessary.(nmet)

’t ’t been n’t be ’t be

4 haven’t heard from jane for a long do you suppose______to her?(nemt)

happening happen haqqend happened saturday afternoon,mrs green went to the market,______some bananas and visited her cousin.(nmet)


she______the newspaper,granny______asleep.(nmet);was falling reading;fell reading;was falling ;fell

45.i______the bad cold for a week,still i can’t get rid of caught had 46.i______the time______so ’t realize;had passed ’t realize;passed

’t realized;passed ’t realized;had passed

47.——my watch______twelve o’’s so late.——let’s hurry said told

______her key in the office so she had to wait her husband_____home.(nmet)

left;comes ;had come left;came left;would come pen i______i______is on my desk,right under my nose.(nmet)

;lost t;had lost ;had lost t;have lost 50.——jane has just arrived.——i didn’t know coming coming been coming come


1-5 c a d d c 6-10 b b c a d 11-15 b a a c c 16-20 c a a b a

21-25 b d d a d 26-30 b a d d d 31-35 b d d b d 36-40 a a b b d

41-45 a c a b d 46-50 a b c b b




_____ the first man-made satellite _______(send)up into space ?

year vegetables ______(grow)in the garden by tom and he ______(sell)

them ______(help)him with his homework tomorrow many magazines ______(can borrow)in your library every week ?

______(hear)to go upstairs two hours ago.6.-who ______(save)her father ?

-he ______(save)by that doctor ______(send for)because his grandpa was kes ______(make)by his mother every year.______ your mother _____(make)mooncakes for you every year ?

toys ______(buy)as a presents for these children last monday.10._____ paper ______(make)of wood ?

11.i began ___________(educate)when i was six.12.i don’t imagine you’ll refuse ___________(promote), will you?

allowed him __________(admit). car engine sounds ought to have it ___________.(look at)

days, even the most remote place area on earth ___________(visit)by e tours ___________(can arrange)for almost anywhere, from the himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉)and the amazonian jungle(亚马逊雨林).二、把下列句子改成被动语态they owe a lot of money to the bank.______________________________________________________________ 2 the scientists have proved that there is no life on the moon.______________________________________________________________ 3 you can buy videos like this one anywhere.______________________________________________________________ 4 someone has to write the history of the european community one day.______________________________________________________________ 5 someone may have already written the history of the european community.______________________________________________________________when we arrived home, we found that someone had broken one of our windows.1

______________________________________________________________ 7 the greens have sold their car to pay their debts.______________________________________________________________ 8 they hold a meeting in the village hall once a week.______________________________________________________________ 9 the investors are building a new supermarket near the cinema.______________________________________________________________ 10 they are taking the refugees to a camp outside the village



a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment damaged.2.i can’t see any coffee in this it all patients had been treated in hospital this year than last first use of atomic weapons was in 1945,and their power is increased enormously ever ing to the art dealer, the painting expected to go for at least a million news reporters hurried to the airport, only to tell the film stars had comparing with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at flu is believed being caused by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and first being introduced to the market, these products enjoyed great ds of jobs will lose if the factory closes.11.a new cinema is built hope to finish it next rests had been cut and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in near story was happened in london.四、汉译英。


this style of dress _________ ________ ________ everywhere.2.窗子已经关了。

the windows _________ _________ __________.3.我认为青少年应该多做运动。

i think teenagers _________ _________ __________ ________


you ________ ________ _____ yesterday because you failed the exam.5.运动会将在下周召开。

the sports meeting _________ _________ _______ next week.这座宫殿建于1875年。

the palace ___________ _________ __________ 1875.足球将比赛什么时候举行?

when __________ the football game __________ __________?你应该自己做家庭作业。

your homework _________ _________ _________ by _________.9这本书肯定是韩寒写的the book _________ ________ __________ ________ han han.说汉语的人最多。

chinese _________ _________ _________ most people in the world.据说,她能说几种外国语。

_________________________________________________________________ 12 这个问题明天上午讨论吗?

_________________________________________________________________ 13 必须指出台湾问题是中国的内政(internal affairs)



how the other half lives

lord manners was a rich and famous he 1__________(die)recently, he 2__________(give)a magnificent funeral which 3__________(attend)by hundreds of famous funeral was going to 4__________(hold)in westminster ordinary people 5__________(line)the streets to watch the wonderful black and gold carriage 6__________(draw)by six black mourners 7__________(follow)in manners8___________(given)a royal tramps were among the 9__________(watch)the procession with solemn music 10_________(could hear)in the distance, one of them 11_________(turn)to the other and 12_________(whisper)

3admiration,’now that’s what i call really living!’


fishy tales

mermaids(美人鱼)1_____by sailors for basis of all mermaid myths 2_____ to be a creature called a manatee: a kind of walrus!mermaids used 3_____ in funfairs until all began in 1817 when a ‘mermaid’ 4_____ for $6,000 by a sailor in the south was eventually sold to the great circus owner 5_____in 1842 as ‘the feejee mermaid’.it 6_____that she earned barnum $ 1,000 a week!the thousands who saw this mermaid must 8_____ by a japanese fisherman.a monkey’s head had been delicately(精美地)sewn(缝)to the tail(燕尾服)of a large job 9_____ that the join between the fish and the monkey was imagination must 10_____ to see this revolting creature as a beautiful mermaid combing her golden been

been saw


been supposed

be show



been bought

been exhibited

been ted

been said

been ointed

been disappointed

cleverly been cleverly made

cleverly being cleverly made

being so skillful been so skillful done

so skillful been so skillful done

been required





主动语态表示主语是谓语动词动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是谓语动词动作的承受者。在被动结构的句子中,动作的执行者可以由介词by引起的短语表示。everyone respects is respected by everyone.被动语态的构成:助动词be +done(时态通过be表现出来)


1.一般现在时(am/is/are + done)如:you are wanted on the phone.有电话找你。【例】:in some parts of the world, tea _____ with milk and serving


the number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ______ to eat more fruit and de



persuaded 2.一般过去时(was/were+ done)如:the city was liberated in 1949.这座城市是1949年解放的。

【例】:i _____ ten minutes to decide whether i should reject the



given 3.一般将来时(will be done)如:they will be invited to your party.他们将被邀请参加你的晚会。

【例】:hundreds of jobs _____ if the factory

be lost

lose 4.现在进行时(am/is/are+ being done)如:the car is being repaired.车在修理当中。【例】:a new cinema _____ hope to finish it next be built


been built

being built

–what’s that noise?

–oh, i forgot to tell new machine tested

be tested being tested

been tested 5.现在完成时(have/has been done)如:this book has been translated into many languages.这本书已被译成多种语言。【例】:his sister left home in 1998, and not been heard of not been heard of not heard of not heard of 6.过去将来时(would be done)如:the worker said that the tree would be planted.工人说要把树种上。

【例】:in a room above the store, where a party ______, some workers were busily setting the to be held

been held

be held

being held 7.过去进行时(was/were being done)如:the door was being painted then.那道门正在被刷漆。

8.过去完成时(had been done)如:the work had been finished before dark.天黑前工作就完成了。【例】:by the end of last year, another new gymnasium _____ in be completed

being completed

been completed

been completed 二.被动语态的基本用法

1.当强调动作的承受着,将承受者作为谈话的中心时用被动语态。如:how long has the machine been used? 2.当没有必要说出动作的执行者或根本不知道动作的执行者是谁时常用被动语态。如:all the work has been finished by now.到现在为止所有的工作都已经做完了。3.当动作的执行者不是人而是无生命的事物时常用被动语态。the window glass was broken by a stone.窗户玻璃是被石头打碎的。

4.有时出于礼貌,不便提到动作的执行者,用被动语态。动作的执行者有可能是别人也可能是自己。如:enough has been done for you, but you’ve made little progress.为你做了很多,然而你却进步很少。【课后疑难拓展】

【疑难点一:较为特殊的被动语态结构】 1.感官动词和使役动词的被动语态

(be+ seen/heard/noticed/found/watched/observed/let/had/made + to do…)。如:he was seen to enter the room.有人看见他进了房子。

2.带复合宾语的动词在改为被动语态时,常把主动结构中的宾语改为主语,而宾语补足语保留不动。如:’s daughter was warned never to drive after drinking.史密斯太太的女儿受警告酒后千万别驾驶。3.短语动词变为被动语态时,把主要动词变为被动形式。如:the old houses are going to be pulled down.这些旧房子将会被拆毁。4.汉语有一类句子不出现主语,在英语中可用被动结构表示,如:it is said that…据说…;it is reported that…据报道…;it is supposed that…据推测…;it is hoped that…希望…;it is well known that…众所周知…;【疑难点二:主动形式表示被动意义】

1.“表示事物状态特征的连系动词look, sound, feel, smell, taste, appear, seem, go, prove, turn, stay, become, fall, get, grow, keep+形容词”构成系表结构。如:the flowers smell sweet.这些花闻起来很香。

【例】:–do you like the material?--yes, it ____ very feeling

felt books of this kind ____


sold 2.表示主语的某种属性特征的动词,如read, write, act, cut, sell, wash, clean, eat, drink等。这类动词一般不单独使用,常常带一个修饰语。如:the machine runs well.机器运转良好。

3.表示开始、结束、运动的动词,如begin, finish, start, open, stop, close, end, shut, run, move等。如:work began at 8 o’ clock this morning.工作在今天早上8点开始。

4.某些动词在以物为主语的句子中,其进行时也可以表示被动意义。如:the dinner is cooking.正在烧饭。

5.“介词in, on, under等+名词”构成介词短语表被动意义,名词前一般不用冠词。如:under control, under repair, under discussion, for sale, in print等。如:the bike is under repair.自行车在修理中。

6.有些形容词后的动词不定式由被动的含义。这些形容词构成的句型为:主语+be+形容词(easy/ hard/ difficult/ heavy/ comfortable/ dangerous)+不定式。不定式用主动形式表示被动的含义。如:the work is hard to do.这项工作很难做。

7.在too….to…和enough to do结构中,不定式用主动形式表示被动的意义。如:the story was not interesting enough to publish.这个故事趣味性不够,不能发表。

8.在“主语+have+名词+to do”句型中的不定式一般用主动形式(该动作由主语发出);如果不是主语发出,不定式则用被动形式。如:do you have much work to do today? 你今天有很多工作要做吗?

及表示“需要”意义的need, want, require之后的动名词用主动形式表示被动意义。如:the newspaper is worth reading.这份报纸值得读。【疑难点三:被动语态与系表结构的区别】

被动语态表示动作,主语是动作的承受着;而系表结构则表示主语的特征或所处的状态。1.大多数用by短语的句子是被动语态;若用其他固定搭配的介词,往往是系表结构。如:i was frightened by his ghost story.我被她的鬼故事吓着了。(被动语态)

i was frightened of snakes.我怕蛇。(系表结构)


the bank is usually closed at six.银行通常在6点关门。(被动语态)the bank is now closed.银行现在没开门。(系表结构)【疑难点四:“get+过去分词”结构的用法】

get型被动语态由起助动词作用的get +及物动词的过去分词构成。这种结构一般只适用于动态动词,常用来表示某些未曾预料到的突发事件,强调动作的结果 hurt get married get burnt get caught get lost get broken got lost in the might get burnt and you might drop the pan of burning oil.【例】:ng women in big cities usually get ____ by the

pay we joined the big crowd , i got ____ from my ted

careful when you cross this very busy not, you may _____ run over by a

4.– how are the team playing?

--they’re playing well, but one of them _____


, hurry up.i'm afraid you can’t have time to ______ before the changed



to change





i’ll go there after i finish my work./ if it rains tomorrow,i won’t go there.3.在以here,there开头的句子里,go,come等少数动词的一般在时表示正在发生的动作。例如:there goes the bell.铃响了。there comes the bus.汽车来了。here she comes.她来了。



2.表示按计划安排即将发生的动作。例如:she is leaving for beijing.她要去北京。

he is working as a teacher tomorrow.从明天起他要做老师。my father is coming to see me this saturday.这个星期六我爸爸要来看我。

3.代替一般现在时,描绘更加生动。例如:the changjiang river is flowing into the east.江水滚滚向东流。the sun is rising in the east.太阳从东方冉冉升起。

4.大多数动词可用于进行时,但也有些动词不用于进行时。常见的有:exist,live,understand,mean,owe,belong to ,know,doubt,suppose,remember,forget, believe,trust,want,wish,refuse,like,hate,dislike,prefer,mind,hope等。


1.表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响或结果,或说话时已完成的动作。例如:i have finished the report./ she has cleand the room.2.表示从过去开始,待续到现在的动作或状态,往往和“for…”, “since…”表述的一段时间状语连用。例如:he has learned english for six years./ they have worked here since they left college.3.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别: 1)用两种时态来表述发生在过去的某一动作,现在完成时强调这一过去动作对现在产生的影响或结果,而一般过去时只表达过去的动作或状态,和现在关系不 大。例如:she has cleaned the ’s very clean now.(此句has cleaned就不能改为cleaned.一是因为cleaned与现状无关,二是因为一般过去时不可突然跳到it’s…这样的一般现在时。)2)汉语中的“了”、“过”、“曾”等词常用完成表达,如:i have seen that film.(我看过那部电影了。)但是如果是在特定的过去时间“看了”、“做过”,就不可用完成时而必须用一般过去进来表达。例如:when did you see that film? i saw it yesterday.(你什么时候看了那部电影?我昨天看的。)不能说:when have you seen that film?i have seen it yesterday.4.表示“曾经到过某地(人已回来)”用“have/has been to”,表示“到某地去了(还未回来)”用“have/has gone to”.例如:

——where is li hua? -he has gone to the reading-room.——she knows a lot about shanghai.-she has been there.5.短暂动词(即瞬间动词),join,lose,buy,borrow,leave,go,come,arrive,die,marry,finish,complete,begin,start,break out等,在完成时态中,其肯定式不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。例如不能说:he has finished the work for three hours.要翻译“他已完成工作三小时了。”可采用1)“ago法”:he finished the work three hours ago.2)“延续法”:he has been through(with)the work for three hours.3)“since法”:it is/has been three hours since he finished the work.四、现在完成进行时

1.用来表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在(或今后还要继续一去)的动作。例如:he has been doing the maths problems since 8:00./ it has been raining for two days.2.凡是不能用于现在进行时的动词均不能用于现成完成进行时。五、一般过去时



1.表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作(这一过去时间须用时间状语表示)。例如:he was preparing his lecture all day yesterday.2.表示动作在另一过去动作发生时进行。例如:they were still working when i left.3.用在两个过去进行时动作同时发生。例如:i was writing while he was watching tv.4.表示过去将来动作。例如:he said she was arriving the next day.七、过去完成时

1.表示在过去某一时间以前已经完成的动作。例如:he had shut the door before the dog came up./ everything had been all right up till this morning.2.表示动作或状态从过去某个时刻开始一直延续到另一个过去时刻才完成,甚至还要继续下去。例如:at the age of ten,he had learned 500 english had been ill for a week when we learned about it.3.常用hope,expect,think,intend,want,suppose等动词的过去完成时来表示未实现的希望、打算或意图。例如:we had expected that you would be able to win the match.八、一般将来时


/shall do(侧重将来行为,不突出计划安排去做某事)

going to do(主观上打算或客观上可能发生)


about to do(按计划即将发生)


用来表示在将来某个时刻(前)将完成的动作。常和by短语,when,before引起的时间状语连用。例如:we will have finished senior book 2 by the end of this term.时态考点分析

1.——can i join your club,dad?

——you can when you______a bit get getting have got 析:“you can”是将来意,when引导的时间状语从句要用一般现在时表将来所以此题答案为a.2.——oh,it’s you!i______you.——i’ve just had my hair cut and i’m wearing new ’t recognize

’t recognized

’t recognized n’t recongnize

析:从“oh,it’s you!”可知说话时已认出对方。“没有认出”是在此之前为过去情况,所以应选a.3.i don’t think jim saw me;he______into stared just staring just stared just stared 析:在空白处应选一个与“saw”相配,能解释jim didn’t see me 这一原因的选项,只有着眼于a、b。若选a不能体观他“当时正在做”某事,故排除a而选b。这样因为“他正在望宇宙天空”所以“未看到我”。4.——______my glasses? ——yes,i saw them on your bed a minute you see you seen you see you seen 析:现在完成时可表过去发生的事情对现在产生的影响或结果,问话人以这样的时态发问可作现焦急的心情。故答案为d。

don’t need to describe her.i______her several times. met met 析:答案b。道理同4。

6.——do you know our town at all? ——no,this is the first time been going 析:根据this/it is the first/second/…time s done sth.句型,可定答案为b。又如:this is the second time he has visited the great wall.7.i don’t really work here.i______until the new secretary help out

just helped out

just helping out just help out

析:根据i don’t really work here.以及…until the new secretary arrives,可知说话人所要做的事是计划安排行为,c、d两个选项都表将来动作,但d非计划安排,c则体现按计划去做,所以此题答案为c。

8.——is this raincoat yours? ——no,mine______there behind the hanging hung 析:此题的“悬挂”是指现状而言,故表过去“挂”的b、d项可排除。c项虽指“现在挂”,但侧重在常规,习惯。为了突出“你所指的那件雨衣不是我的,我的正挂在门后”这一意思,选a是极为合情理的。




例如:he was scolded by the english teacher.2.主语+get+过去分词+其它成分

例如:the boy got drowned last summer./ she got fired because of her faults.注意:使用这种结构不能带有“by+施动者”

被动:1)i was lent a bike(by her).

3.带有双宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)的主动句变为动句,其主语可以是直接宾语,也可以是间接宾语。例如:she lent me a bike.2)a bike was lent to me(by her).4.情态动词+be+过去分词

例如:this problem must be worked out in half an hour.5.双重被动式:主语+被动式谓语+不定式的被动式+其它成分

例如;these magazines are not allowed to be taken out of the reading-room./the murderer was ordered to be shot.二、主动表示被动的几种情况

1.不及物动词与状语连用,用以表示主语的品质和状态。常见动词 是:cut,sell,read,write,fill,cook,lock,wash,drive,keep等。例如:this knife cuts well.这把刀好切。these books sell well.这些书好卖。the pen writes smoothly.这支笔写起来流畅。meat won’t keep long in such hot weather.肉在这样热的天气里放不长久。the cloth washes well.这种布好洗。

2.一些连系动词的主动式+形容词。常见动look,smell,taste,sound,feel,prove,turn out等。例如:the apples taste good./the flower smells wonderful./the news proved/turned out true./cotton feels soft.注:prove也可用于被动式,如:his answer(was)proved right.3.不定式在某些形容词之后,且与主语有动宾关系。常见形容词 有:hard,defficult,easy,heavy,fit,good,comfortable,convenient,impossible等。例如:the problem is easy to do./the question is difficult to answer./the box is heavy to carry./the project is impossible to complete in a year.比较:the problem is to be done./the question is to be answered.没有形容词时,虽然不定式与主语是动宾关系,但必须用被动式。


1.i teach myself french.不可变为myself is taught french.因为反身代词不可作主语。

help each other/one another.不可变为each other/one another is helped by us.因为相互代词不可作主语。

lost heart.不可变为heart was lost by him.因为象lose heart,make a face,keep silence,lose in thought这类动宾结构的固定短语只能用于主动式,不能用被动式。

took part in the sports meet.不能变为the sports meet was taken part in by her.因为象take part in,belong to ,own,have,hate,fail,contain等表状态动词没有被动语态。


1.i need one more stamp before my collection______. completed tes been completed completed 析:complete是及物动词,“邮集”是被人完成的,须从表被动意的c、d中选择。又因before等引导的时间状语从句中谓语要用一般现在时表将来,所以此题答案为d。2.——do you like the material?

——yes,it______very feeling felt 析:观察题干,空白线后无宾语,可知feel是不及物动词,表“(某物)摸起来…”意思,是连系动词,不能用于被动式,也不用进行时。根据此题对话情景,是指某种材料的常规特性,要用一般现在时,不能用过去时,故答案为c。feel作“感觉”、“认为”、“摸”等意时是及物动词,可带宾语,有时态,语态等 变化。

3.great changes______in the city,and a lot of been taken place…have been set up

taken place…have been set up

taken place…have set up

taken place…were set up

析:take place(发生)是不及物动词,不可用于被动语态,于是可排除a、d,又因set up(建造)是及物动词,在此题中应该用被动式,故排除c,答案为b。 of the artists______to the party were from south d invite invited been invited 析:首先可排除b。因为它不表示“被邀请”。又因d项少引导词who,也应排除。a项=who were invited,c项=who were being invited,由象invite这类短暂动词的现在分词被动式不可作后置定语,故也应排除。因而可定答案为a。

5.i don’t know the restaurant,but it’s______to be quite a good 析:根据“某人/某物据说…”英文句式为“sb/ said…”可定答案为a。又如:he is said to be a clever boy.据说他是一个聪明的男孩。

police found that the house______and a lot of broken into…has been stolen broken into…had been stolen

been broken into…stolen

been broken into…stolen 析:“房屋被人闯入”,“东西被偷”都是被动语态,故可排除a、b。因c项中的has been broken into不能置于found之后,则答案只能是d。7.i promise that the matter taden care taken care of care care of 析:take care of…是固定短语,若无of则不可带宾语,只能跟that从句。所以此题答案为b。 city noises______from increasing,people____shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from not kept…will have to

not kept…have to

not keep…will have to

not keep…have to


olympic games,____in 776 bc,did not include women players until playing be first played played be first playing 析;要表达“被举行”,只能在b、c中选。b意“将要首次举行”。显然不合in 776 bc这一过去时间,只有c,first played(=which was first played)才合用。故答案为c。 sentence needs______.a.a improvement e ing ed 析:初看此题似手a、c皆可,但improvement是元音开头词,其前要用an,故排除。need作实义动词,和require,want一样,后面 可跟doing或to be done 表“需要被…”意。如:the door needs/wants/requires painting/to be painted.(这扇门需要漆一下。)11.i should very much like to have gone to the party,but not ’t been

not not be 析:should/would like to have done sth.意“本想做某事”,例如:i should like to have seen the film,but it wasn’t possible.由于这种句式表示“过去想”,所以but后的句子也应该是过去时态与之相配合,故此题答案是c。

12.——______the note______to mr smith?

——no,it is still in my …being given …given …been given ’t…been given

析:根据问句与答句,问话人显然是注重结果,故要用现在完成时。似乎d作为反诘句“难道条还没给史密斯先生吗?”也成立,但若是这种口气发问,答话人就应答“ is still in my pocket.”,所以此题答案应为c。

heard it______that he had gone to newsay said 析:it was said that…可以改为we heard it said that…(都表示“据说…”之意)。前一种说法中it 是形式主语,后一种说法中it是形式宾语。故此题答案为b。


maths problem can worked out to be worked out worked out to work out possible means______,but none proves successful. been tried being tried tried girl is to______a rich with married to married to received a telegram that______“mother sick”. can you imagine______to his wedding party? ng ing invited invited be invited 6.i______ten minutes to decide whether i should reject the given giving given 7.——will somebody go and get ? ——he’s already for for for for 8.a conductor______to keep us in time in the singing needing needed been needed and where to build the new not decided not decided not decided not decided ______to stop pollution by find be found found been found 11.i don’t want anything______about say said 12.——______that the sports meet might be put off.——yes,it all depends on the weather.a.i’ve been told

b.i’ve told

c.i’m told

d.i told 13.a library with five thousand books______to the nation as a offered offered offered offered has never been heard _______ill of n speak said ______to have delivered the speech in their theatresaid said 16.——what do you think of the book?

——oh,’s worth______a second read be read g ing read jim should love______to the theatre this be taken take taken .18.______more attention,the trees could have grown give given

19.——where______the book?i can’t see it anywhere.——i______it right here but now it’s you put;have put

you put;put you put;was putting you putting;have put would not fail so long as he______hard the next d study studied s long______the english party______? ;been lasted ;last ;lasted ;be lasted ______you______this time next friday? ;do ;been doing ;doing ;be doing ______the bell______when the teacher came ;ring ;ring ;rung ;rung ______and the streets were still wet. been raining been rained rain book______on the ground for ten minutes but no noe has picked it lying lain been lying ______there when it______to getting;would begin about to get;began got;had begun

get;began teacher said we______ten lessons by the end of this have studied going to study studied

study 28.——she told me she had met you in london last year.——______you______her since? ;met ;see ;meet ;seen 29.——when______again?

——when he______,i’ll let you he come;will come he come;come comes;comes

he come;comes ______for more than a left gone away away been away 31.——what happened to her teeth?

——she______the apple more than she could bitten been bitting peare was said______37 famous plays in his ing writing finish writing


have written 33.——you’ve agreed to why aren’t you getting ready?

——but i______that you______me to start at ’t realize;want

’t realize;wanted

’t realized;want

’t realize;wanted 34.——i missed the lecture last night.——oh,what a pity!i heared it

had heard it

never heard it

hadn’t heard it

35.i’ll return the book to the library as soon as ed going to finish finish finished 36.——your phone number again?i______quite catch it.——it’s ’t



’t 37.——i’m sorry to keep you waiting.——oh,not at all.i______here only a few been been be i was at college.i______three foreign languages,but i______all except a few words of ;had forgotten

;have forgotten

spoedn;had forgotten spoken;have forgotten new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as arrive s going to arrive arriving 40.——who is jerry cooper?

——______?i saw you shaking hands with him at the ’t you meet him yet

’t you met him yet

’t you meet him yet n’t you met him yet 41.——we could have walked to the was so near.——yes,a taxi______at all ’t

’t been

n’t be

’t be

4 haven’t heard from jane for a long do you suppose______to her? happening happen haqqend happened saturday afternoon,mrs green went to the market,______some bananas and visited herbuy she______the newspaper,;was falling


reading;was falling ;fell 45.i______the bad cold for a week,still i can’t get rid of caught had 46.i______the time______so ’t realize;had passed

’t realize;passed

’t realized;passed

’t realized;had passed

47.——my watch______twelve o’’s so late.——let’s hurry said told ______her key in the office so she had to wait her left;comes ;had come left;came left;would come pen i______i______is on my desk,right under my ;lost t;had lost ;had lost t;have lost 50.——jane has just arrived.——i didn’t know coming coming been coming come


1-5 c a d d c 6-10 b b c a d 21-25 b d d a d 26-30 b a d d d 41-45 a c a b d 46-50 a b c b b

-15 b a a c c 16-20 c a a b a 31-35 b d d b d 36-40 a a b b d 11


unit 11 被动语态的翻译



教学重点:英语被动句的翻译技巧。教学难点:英语被动句转化为汉语主动句 教学内容:



gerald ford was voted out of office after two years, and now jimmy carter, after 在任才两年便落选下台; 而carter也仅有四年的任期。

his pride must be pinched.他的傲气必须打下去。

the result of the invention of the stream engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.蒸汽机发明的结果是,机械力代替了人力。

even when the pressure stays the same, great changes in air density are caused by changes in temperature.即使压力不变,气温的变化也能引起空气密度的巨大变化。

there are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and ability to be magnetized.某些金属不但能导电,而且能磁化。


【例22】 what is little understood by the outside world is that this is a failure legislated is a failure which has been carefully designed.外界很少有人知道,这种无法做到的情况是立法造成的,是经过精心策划的。

【例23】 american prisoners are permitted to receive red cross food parcels.允许美国俘虏领取红十字会的食品包裹。

【例24】 when(it is)seen through a telescope, the sun appears darker near the edge.用望远镜看,太阳接近边缘的部分显得略暗。

【例25】 one must admit that a good deal of discontent is reflected in those statistics.必须承认,这些统计数字反映了许多不满情绪。

【例26】 a surprising amount of one's time as a student or professional is spent reporting the results of one's research projects for presentation to teachers, managers, and clients.学生或职业人士花费大量时间撰写报告,以向老师、经理或客户讲述研究项目的成果。


【例27】 the old woman's body was found at the end of the alley.老妇人的尸体在小巷尽头发现了。

【例28】 in the move most of the furniture was left to the neighbors or distributed among friends.搬家时大部分家具要么留给了邻居,要么分给了朋友。rather than evaluating programs in terms of how happy they make people, how satisfied those people become, programs must be evaluated in terms of the quality of the discontent they engender.对于各项计划的评估,不要看其令人们高兴的程度,使人们满意的程度,而要看其引起的不满情绪属于什么性质。4.转换成其他表达方式,将英语被动语态译作汉语主动语态

【例30】 the economic freedom was provided by breaking up large concentration of power.由于打破了权力的高度集中,经济获得了自由。

【例31】 these brokers are paid commissions by the buyers and the sellers for executing the orders.这些经纪人按买家和卖家的嘱咐进行交易,从中收取佣金。【例32】 some are deceived into thinking that people like to store up energy, to rest and save themselves as much as possible.有些人误认为人们喜欢积蓄精力,喜欢休息,喜欢尽可能褒扬自己。


【例33】 when the ideas of a scientist are expressed in simple mathematical form, new relationships and new channels of investigation often suggest themselves.科学家在用简单的数学形式表达概念时,研究工作常常会表现出新的关系和新的途径。【例34】 a ten percent reduction in auto accidents has been realized by exercising a tighter control on the highwayspeed limit.由于加强了公路车速限制,车祸事故减少了一成。

【例35】 the behavior of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by a number of factors.在管道中流动的液体,其性能受到多种因素的影响。


on practice has been translated into many foreign languages.《实践论》已译成许多国家的文字。

the whole country was armed in a few days.几天以内,全国就武装起来了。


another middle school has been set up in our district.


1,200 people had been saved soldiers in the earthquake.在地震中,战士们已救出1200人。3.译成带表语的主动句。

the decision to attack was not taken lightly.进攻的决定不是轻易作出的。

in the old society,women were looked down upon.在旧社会,妇女们是受歧视的。



it is reported that the enemy has been breeding new strains of killer viruses.


it is suggested that meeting be put off till next monday。


it is well known that natural light is actually made up of many colors.



it is said that...it is supposed that...it must be pointed out that...it is asserted that...it is generally considered that...二、译成汉语被动句

为了强调被动动作或突出施动者时,可以将英语被动句译为汉语被动句。the company was enjoined from using false advertising.这家商号被禁止使用虚假广告。

up to now, sulfur dioxide has been regarded as one of the most serious of these pollutants.到目前为止,二氧化硫一直被看作是这些污染物中最严重的一种。

its use is therefore restricted to articles in which lightness is a prime essential.因此,它的用途限于制造重量能确保很轻的物件。

accompanying the visible light, a great deal of invisible radiation, or radiant heat, is emitted.大量的不可见的辐射热,伴随着可见光释放出来。

nicholas was seen to date a young girl about twenty at as在fox 电影院与一位20岁的姑娘约会,让别人看见了。


north china was hit by an unexpected heavy rain,which caused severe flooding。


the window pane was broken by the child.窗上玻璃被这小孩打碎了。

his passport was confiscated by the police.他的护照被警方没收了。

【例37】 any minute we would surely be spotted by enemy planes flying in and out of the airfield.我们随时都会被出入机场的敌机发现。

【例38】 black people were first brought to america from africa as slaves.黑人最初是被当作奴隶从非洲贩运到美国的。

【例39】 the dishes were all removed before i had finished eating.我还没有吃完盘子就都给收掉了。

【例40】 the teacher was sacked for slapping a schoolboy.那位教师因为打了一名男生耳光给解雇了。

【例41】 the spaceship will be totally controlled by an on-board electronic computer.这艘宇宙飞船将完全由机载电子计算机控制。

【例42】 our future is built, bit by bit, minute by minute, by the actions of human beings.我们的未来世界是由人类一点一滴地、一分一秒地创造出来的。

【例43】 members of congress, the president, state officials, and those who govern counties and cities, are elected by popular of federal departments are named by the president, and judges are either elected directly by the people or are appointed by elected officials.国会议员、总统、州政府官员以及县长、市长均由民众投票选举。联邦政府各部部长由总统任命,法官由人民直接选举,或由当选官员任命。


granny wang was forced by family circum-stances to enter a knitting mill in shanghai as a child laborer at the age of twelve.王大妈为家境所迫,十二岁就到上海一家针织厂作童工。

i was so impressed by these words that i used them later for a christmas card.我为这些话所深深感动,后来我就把它们写在圣诞卡上了。

the late 1960's was a period of revolt against traditional s' ideas were scorned by their children, who accused them of being too concerned with money.20世纪60年代后期是对传统观念造反的年代。父母的想法为孩子们所不齿;孩子们指责他们过于看重金钱。

【例45】 these very elements and compounds are needed to continue life, and nature is fairly efficient in recycling them.这些元素和化合物正是生命延续所需要的,而大自然能够相当有效地将其循环利用。

【例46】 each transaction is carried out in public, and the information sent electronically to every brokerage office of the nation.每笔交易都是公开进行的,并通过电子设备把交易资料发往全国各地的每一家经纪人事务所。


the famous hotel had been practically destroyed by the big fire.大火使这家著名的旅馆几乎全部毁坏。

the plan is going to be examined first by the research group。


by evening the occupation was complete,and the people were chased off the streets by an eight o'clock curfew.5 至傍晚,占领已告完成,八点钟开始的宵禁把人们从街上赶回家。

this phenomenon can only be explained by assuming that the earth's surface is curved.只有假设地球表明呈曲线状,这一现象才能得到解释。

【例48】 people are also troubled because of the participative mood that exists participative phenomenon can be seen in every part of contemporary life.人们受到困扰的另一个原因是当今存在的参与情绪。这种积极参与现象在现代生活中到处可见。

【例49】 the area will have to be protected from too frequent, or too intense, or too careless visiting.这一地区一定要加以保护,不允许过于频繁、过于集中或过于随便地参观访问。


some measures must be taken to control the water pollution.必须采取某些措施来控制水污染。

methods are found to take these materials out of the rubbish and use them again.现在已经找到了从垃圾中提取这些材料并加以利用的方法。



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