If you think that the illness might be serious, you should not ______ going to the doctor.
A.put offB.set aboutC.hold backD.give away
If you think that the illness might be serious, you should not ______ going to the doctor.
A.put offB.set aboutC.hold backD.give away
如:The small boy insisted on going with his parents. 那男孩坚持要跟父母一起去。
Do you often listen to broadcasts in English? 你常听英语广播吗?
Look at the children. Aren't they lovely? 看着这些孩子们。他们多么可爱呀!
We stand for self-reliance. 我们是主张自力更生的。
这一类的短语动词还有很多,如depend on(upon)(依靠),wait on(服侍),look for(寻找),deal with(对待),look after(照料),wait for(等待)等。
如:I always get up as soon as the bell rings. 我总是一打铃就起床。(不及物)
Look out, there's a car coming! 当心,来汽车了!(不及物)
Have you handed in your exercises already? 你已经交练习了吗?(及物)
Please don't forget to put on your coat, it's cold outside. 请不要忘记穿外衣,外面很冷。(及物)
这一类的短语动词还有很多,及物如put out(扑灭),eat up(吃光),put down(放下);不及物如set off(出发),come up(走近),go on(继续)。
如:Please wake me up at five tomorrow. 请在明天早上五点唤醒我。
If you have done your exercises, please hand them in. 如果你们练习做完了请交来。
She doesn't normally behave like that, she's putting it on. 她通常并不如此表现,她是装出来的。
如:He took off his hat when he entered the office. 他进办公室后脱下帽子。(及物)
The plane took off at seven sharp. 飞机在七点整起飞。(不及物)
Charlie rang up Neil to ask about the time of the meeting. 查理打电话给尼尔问开会的时间。(及物)
If you can't come, please ring up and let us know. 你如来不了,请来电话告诉我们一声。(不及物)
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