阅读理解。 It is matter of common observation that although money incomes keep going up over years, we never seem to become much better off! Prices are rising continuously. This condition is named one of inflation(通货膨胀);the money supply is becoming inflated so that each unit of it becomes less valuable. We have grown used in recent years to higher and higher rates of inflation. What could be bought ten years ago for one dollar now costs well over two dollars. Present indications (迹象) are that this rate of inflation is tending to rise ra ther than to fall. If in the real word our money incomes go up at the same rate as prices, one might think that inflation does not matter. But it does. When money is losing value it lacks one of the qualities of a good money-stability(坚固性)of value. It is no longer acceptable as a store of value; and it becomes unsuitable standard of deferred(延期的) payments. Nobody wants to hold a wasting asset (财产),so people try to get rid of money as quickly as possible. Inflation therefore stimulates (刺激) consumer spending, and prevents saving.
1.Over the years, our incomes have been increasing, and we _______.
A. seem to be well off at a quicker rateB. are actually no better, if not worse, in our financial conditionC. can afford to buy more of the things that we wantD. have managed to keep prices down
2.Inflation is a situation in which ________.
A. we can watch our money increase in is valueB. employment no longer becomes a problemC. people can always find better paying jobsD. money keeps losing its value
3.If incomes and prices together, people might think that ________.
A. there will be no more market fluctuations(波动)B. money will hold its valueC. inflation will remain to be a problemD. inflation causes no problem
4.In a period of inflation, people are likely to _______.
A. invest heavily on the stock marketB. save money C. hold on to money as a dependable assetD. spend money and not bother to save